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I have read previous posts and appreciate everyones willingness to help "the newbies" when it comes to taking a CLEP exam. I AM asking for help with finding trustworthy resources to study for the following CLEP exams:

Introductory Sociology
College Math
Introduction to Educational Psychology

please do not debate about instant cert Smile - I know from previous posts that it can be more helpful on some exams while failing to contribute much to others

I HAVE to pass all 3 of these exams to gain entry to University in Norway ( where I have moved from the US ) I am not afraid of studying and have 2 months to attain awesomeness Smile

What I know so far so please feel free to expand on this Smile

INTRODUCTORY SOCIOLOGY: Free-Clep Prep for an overview of topics to learn
start with looking at Petersons to get an idea of test format and topics covered
REA has all information necessary to passing exam
take clep practice exam in last week before exam

COLLEGE MATH: free clep prep for list of topics
Look at Petersons for list of topics
Use Khan academy or Patrick JMT for what to study


Im really open to feedback and appreciate everyones time and responses
I don't think there is anything new to add that searching won't turn up.

But in case you missed it, do NOT use Peterson's practice tests for College Math because they aren't even close to the actual tests. Do use the College Math practice test in the CLEP Official Study Guide. The exams in the 2010 edition are reportedly the same as those in the 2012 edition. The 2010 edition costs much less.
63 CLEP Sociology
75 CLEP U.S. History II
63 CLEP College Algebra
70 CLEP Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
68 DSST Technical Writing
72 CLEP U.S. History I
77 CLEP College Mathematics
470 DSST Statistics
53 CLEP College Composition
73 CLEP Biology
54 CLEP Chemistry
77 CLEP Information Systems and Computer Applications
Thank you CLEP 3705 !
I DID miss that the Peterson test for College Math was not appropriate - it's easy to loose track of info when threading.
Yes, I second that. Peterson's tests are waaaay off.
AA Liberal Studies, Thomas Edison State College-Dec. 2012
BA Liberal Studies, Thomas Edison State College-Sept. 2013
16 CLEPs, 6 DSSTs, 12 FEMAs, and a handful of B&M lab science courses
120/120 credits DONE :hurray:

“He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.”
As for sociology, I found Cliffsnotes helpful. Sociology
AA Liberal Studies, Thomas Edison State College-Dec. 2012
BA Liberal Studies, Thomas Edison State College-Sept. 2013
16 CLEPs, 6 DSSTs, 12 FEMAs, and a handful of B&M lab science courses
120/120 credits DONE :hurray:

“He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.”
Snickerdoodle Wrote:Yes, I second that. Peterson's tests are waaaay off.
As in, too hard or too easy?
BA History 2014 - TESC

The Lord is my shepherd. Psalm 23

"I'm going on an adventure!' ~AUJ
"It is our fight." ~DoS
"I am not alone." ~BotFA
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that's given to us." ~FotR
"There is still hope." ~TTT
"Courage..." "This day, we fight!" ~RotK

CLEP: A&I Lit 74 ~ Am Lit 73 ~ Eng Lit 72 ~ Humanities 75 ~ College Math 77 ~ Western Civ I 63 ~ Western Civ II 69 ~ Natural Sci 64 ~ US History I 76 ~ US History II 69 ~ Sociology 68 ~ Am Gov 69 ~ Social Sci & Hist 71 ~ College Comp 61 ~ Marketing 70 ~ Management 66 ~ Psychology 67

DSST: Supervision 453 ~ Tech Writing 61 ~ Computing 427 ~ Middle East 65 ~ Soviet Union 65 ~ Vietnam War 74 ~[COLOR="#0099cc"] Civil War 68

[/COLOR]Other: College+ Biblical Social Justice B ~ ECE World Conflicts Since 1900 A

TESC courses: Capstone A ~ Leaders in History A ~ Photography 101 A- ~ Games People Play A ~ International Relations A- ~ Mass Communications I A

$5 off IC - 59690
My hair jewelry business
Westerner Wrote:As in, too hard or too easy?

As in waaaay too hard! But the challenge may actually prepare you better. Big Grin
AA Liberal Studies, Thomas Edison State College-Dec. 2012
BA Liberal Studies, Thomas Edison State College-Sept. 2013
16 CLEPs, 6 DSSTs, 12 FEMAs, and a handful of B&M lab science courses
120/120 credits DONE :hurray:

“He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.”
Westerner Wrote:As in, too hard or too easy?

As in the Peterson's practice tests for CLEP College Mathematics are not similar at all. They will make you think you need to know things you do not need to know. Using them is harmful.
63 CLEP Sociology
75 CLEP U.S. History II
63 CLEP College Algebra
70 CLEP Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
68 DSST Technical Writing
72 CLEP U.S. History I
77 CLEP College Mathematics
470 DSST Statistics
53 CLEP College Composition
73 CLEP Biology
54 CLEP Chemistry
77 CLEP Information Systems and Computer Applications
If you're taking more than one CLEP, you can't go wrong with the Official CLEP Guide. For each test, the Guide tells you exactly what the syllabus is and provides around 50 test questions.
Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Excelsior College 2012
Master of Arts in International Relations, Staffordshire University, UK - in progress

All courses taken, 12 credits applied
A&I Literature (74), Intro Sociology (72), Info Systems and Computer Apps (67), Humanities (70), English Literature (65), American Literature (51), Principles of Mangement (65), Principles of Marketing (71)
Management Information Systems (469), Intro to Computing (461)
Excelsior College
Information Literacy, International Terrorism (A), Contemporary Middle East History (A), Discrete Structures (A), Social Science Capstone (A)
GRE Subject Test
Psychology (93rd percentile, 750 scaled score)
English Composition I&II, Economics I&II, Accounting I&II, General Calculus I, Business Communication

Progress history[/SIZE]
I took Soc. last month. I practically memorized the REA book and took the tests, acing them, several times. I read an entire Soc textbook for fun, as I really enjoyed the subject. Studied the McGraw Hill notes here: Understanding Sociology

I only got a 57, which was much lower than I expected and much lower than my practice tests. There was a LOT of material not covered in the REA book.

There were few questions regarding the theories and the people behind them, which I really studied for. Not sure how to help you, but wanted to share my experience.

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