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analyzing and interpreting literature
I have this exam scheduled to be tested on Monday. I plan on studying all weekend, do you feel that is enough time for me to pass. I work ft so finding time to study can be difficult, I'm considering putting it off for another week so I can really get this exam material down cold.
[SIZE="2"][COLOR="Navy"]Have you checked the other threads?

It's really up to you and your sense of "readiness."

Here is a recent thread:[/COLOR][/SIZE]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
Inteljustice Wrote:I have this exam scheduled to be tested on Monday. I plan on studying all weekend, do you feel that is enough time for me to pass. I work ft so finding time to study can be difficult, I'm considering putting it off for another week so I can really get this exam material down cold.

[SIZE="3"]I basically didn't study for this one at all. I read about what was included in the test (the outline). Knowing poetry terminology would be very helpful though. But I did fine. I was told it wasn't a test you had to study for, and it proved to be true. I suppose it would also depend on your prior knowledge of how to read poetry and literature. You just have to know how to understand it and what passages are saying pretty much.

Good luck!Smile [/SIZE]
The best studying for this one is just to do the practice CLEP and Peterson's tests. Take about 4-6 hours to go through those to familiarize yourself with the format and that wacky style of writing and interpretation and you'll do fine. Oh yeh--and know what alliteration is.
My Excelsior Journey
Bachelor of Science in General Business, cum laude
Excelsior College
I took this exam today and it was akward.

I almost ran out of time. I finished with about 1 minute left and i didnt review any of my answers.

I agree to take 1 or 2 practices test just to get familar with the layout
and know the following terms

Alliteration, disdain, simile, hyperbole, metaphor, sonnet, epic, blank verse, personification.

Other than that this is an exam that you really cant study get it or you dont. And some of the peices of literature on the test i had no clue what it was about even after reading it 4 times.

In the end i scored 61 so nothing to complain about
This test was the first clep test I took, and it is also the one I got the highest score on. If you have a fairly good understanding of most literary terms, and have average reading comprehension, you'll do fine. This is a pretty easy test, and if you feel that you can do it after doing a practice test or two, I'd say go for it. But, also go with your gut feeling. It is usually right, or so it seems
Congratulations that's a great score and thanks for the advice


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