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English Literature CLEP , Any experiences

 I'm looking to take a CLEP Test again this time with English Literature. Has anyone every taken the CLEP and if so is this a CLEP exam that can be done just using the materials from modern states or should I get some extra back up?
(09-20-2018, 09:36 PM)2L8 Wrote: Hello,

 I'm looking to take a CLEP Test again this time with English Literature. Has anyone every taken the CLEP and if so is this a CLEP exam that can be done just using the materials from modern states or should I get some extra back up?

I’m working on this one right now and hope to take it soon. I bought a book that was recommended on the Free Clep Prep site — I can’t remember the name of it at the moment, but it’s on that webpage towards the bottom. It was just $10, so I thought it’d be worth it. I also want to try to go to Quizlet and find some decks to work through. For other Cleps I’ve done, I’ve found that MS wouldn’t have been enough. For this one, while I liked the professor, I felt the material was lacking in places so I personally just felt better with more study alongside it.
BALS-Humanities from TESU - June 2019

CLEP - A&I Lit, US History 1, US History 2, West Civ 1, Intro Sociology, American Lit, Humanities, Soc. Sci & History, English Lit
Sophia - Intro to Info Tech, Art History 1, Visual Communications, Managing Conflict, Building Effective Teams
Study - Personal Finance, Comm 120, Math 97, Bus 121, Lib Sci 101, Eng 104, Nutrition 101, Eng 105, His 108, Pol. Sci 102, Earth Sci 104, His 308, Bus 313, His 102, Eng 305, His 105, His 106, His 306, Geometry 101, Bus 324, Com 102
Institutes - Insurance Ethics
TESU - Cornerstone, Music History 2 TECEP, LIB Capstone

Further Credits - Sophia - Conflict Resolution, Enviro Science, Microecon, Intro to Stats, Into to Ethics, Found. of Stats, Ancient Greek Philosophers, Macroecon, Intro to Business, Project Management, Accounting, Art History 2
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(09-20-2018, 09:58 PM)TexasTink Wrote:
(09-20-2018, 09:36 PM)2L8 Wrote: Hello,

 I'm looking to take a CLEP Test again this time with English Literature. Has anyone every taken the CLEP and if so is this a CLEP exam that can be done just using the materials from modern states or should I get some extra back up?

I’m working on this one right now and hope to take it soon. I bought a book that was recommended on the Free Clep Prep site — I can’t remember the name of it at the moment, but it’s on that webpage towards the bottom. It was just $10, so I thought it’d be worth it. I also want to try to go to Quizlet and find some decks to work through. For other Cleps I’ve done, I’ve found that MS wouldn’t have been enough. For this one, while I liked the professor, I felt the material was lacking in places so I personally just felt better with more study alongside it.
Thanks Smile Heart
I just took it last Thursday and passed with a 62. I did a lot of study, especially on authors, memorizing figurative terms, etc. I found that the biggest help was taking a few practice tests (both official and tests I found online), and that pretty much told me the range of what was on my test. I expected a lot more to be on the test... I was memorizing more recent authors (Victorian and Modern), and as it was, there weren't a lot of questions about authors on the test. However when there were, it was primarily about people like Chaucer and Shakespeare (of course), and a few others like Christopher Marlowe, Ben Johnson, etc., both of whom are Renaissance. If they're going to ask about authors, it's mainly going to be middle ages and renaissance, and romanticism. But don't rule out the others, after all there are only 5 (or 6 if you count the one we're currently in). It would be wise to memorize the literary periods, and their sub-periods (for example Jacobean took place during the Renaissance), and roughly when the authors lived, and at what end of the period.

I barely saw any questions using figurative language that didn't cover the basics, like irony, simile, metaphor, but there were a few others that I was lucky to have studied, like anastrophe, anaphora, etc.

I also expected there to be a lot more meter questions, or at least ones asking iambic, trochaic, spondaic, etc. but as it turns out, they only asked about blank verse, free verse, end rhyme, and other more basic types of rhythm and meter. But it's still good to know, and maybe I was "lucky" and my test happened to not include them, who knows.

Most of the test was interpreting literature, and imo that's pretty easy. Just read the question first, and then read the passage (you may need to do it multiple times). You CAN mark questions on the test and return later, which I found invaluable. I finished with 20 minutes to spare, and went back to the ones I had marked and finally felt confident (or at least more so considering I ONLY got a 62) and submitted it.

I relied on online tests, other people's experiences, shmoop and sparknotes, and making my own flashcards on Quizlet. I didn't buy the prep book and did just fine. But that's up to you. This is just my experience after all.
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