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english comp w/ essay
... anyone remember their English comp with essay question, and if there was a spell check feature? Lets just say I am not hooked on phonics and i dont like going into these test under prepared. thanks
AAT, Electromechanics, Excelsior College 2007
BS, Political Science, Excelsior College 2008
MSSL, Strategic Leadership, Mountain State (currently enrolled) 2009
originalbigjim Wrote:... anyone remember their English comp with essay question, and if there was a spell check feature? Lets just say I am not hooked on phonics and i dont like going into these test under prepared. thanks

The word processor didn't have spell check :eek: so you'll have to play the little game of "I want to write immediate but I can only spell quick or [I]now[/I]" game that I play too!hilarious

I won't give my exact question- but it was like these:

Do you agree or disagree with the statement "into each life a little rain must fall" and why?

Do you agree or disagree with the statement "the road of a thousand miles begins with one step" and why?

Do you agree or disagree that it is "lonely at the top" and why?

etc. I had 2 choices- both similar. They don't really want you to know anything- that's why you get that type of quote. It is more about if you know how to put your thoughts on paper using a proper format (5 paragraph essay). Good Luck!!
how did you do on it?
AAT, Electromechanics, Excelsior College 2007
BS, Political Science, Excelsior College 2008
MSSL, Strategic Leadership, Mountain State (currently enrolled) 2009
I see that you are enrolled in Excelsior. I did not think that Excelsior accepted Clep English Comp w/essay. What are you taking this test for? Is ECE giving credit for this class?

Just being nosey! :confused: hilarious
(To get a degree)

Enrolled-ECE BS-General Business

Current study:
CSU-Ops Management
STRLN-Business Communication

55 Credits Earned (so far) 22 tests to go:
Financial Acct, A&I Lit, Info Systems, Prin of Management, Intro to Sociology
College Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, Intro to Statistics
Prin of MacroEconomics

ECE Info Literacy

B&M Classes
Managerial Acct, Freshman Comp, Nutrition, Human Cultural Geo, Philosophy, Business Math, Elem Algebra, Speech
I am thinking about getting another degree with tesc, i have been battling with this idea for a while, and since EC is messing me around I think I am going to do it. I already took English comp 1 at embry riddle a year or so ago but they want English comp 2 and i dont fell like taking lower level classes any more, so I think Ill try my luck with this test and see what happens.
AAT, Electromechanics, Excelsior College 2007
BS, Political Science, Excelsior College 2008
MSSL, Strategic Leadership, Mountain State (currently enrolled) 2009
never2late Wrote:I see that you are enrolled in Excelsior. I did not think that Excelsior accepted Clep English Comp w/essay. What are you taking this test for? Is ECE giving credit for this class?

Just being nosey! :confused: hilarious

Also, Excelsior WILL grant 3 credits of Humanities elective credit for the CLEP English Comp (or CLEP Freshman College Comp).

Their rule is that you can only earn a maximum of SIX credits worth of basic English. Since three credits of English Comp (other than CLEP) are required to fulfill their Written English Requirement (WER), this often leaves three more English credits available to students.

In many cases, these extra three credits are extracted from either CLEP English Comp (with or without essay), or CLEP Freshman English College Composition (with or without essay).

Hope that makes sense,
My name is Rob
Exams/Courses Passed (43):
- Courses (4): 1 Excelsior, 1 CSU-Pueblo, 2 Penn Foster.
- Exams (39): 24 DSST, 15 CLEP.

Total Credits: 142 (12 not used).
[SIZE=1]GPA: 4.0
Wow! Thanks for the information. I can use this for additional credits that I was struggling with coming up with.
(To get a degree)

Enrolled-ECE BS-General Business

Current study:
CSU-Ops Management
STRLN-Business Communication

55 Credits Earned (so far) 22 tests to go:
Financial Acct, A&I Lit, Info Systems, Prin of Management, Intro to Sociology
College Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, Intro to Statistics
Prin of MacroEconomics

ECE Info Literacy

B&M Classes
Managerial Acct, Freshman Comp, Nutrition, Human Cultural Geo, Philosophy, Business Math, Elem Algebra, Speech
originalbigjim Wrote:how did you do on it?

I earned a 63.
Of course they don't tell you the breakdown of how you did (50/50 essay/questions) but I base that on the CLEP practice and the Peterson's practice tests. I can say with a good deal of certainty that I missed all (most) of the questions where they have you do the weird editing thing- changing it around - reword this sentence and start it with a different word and then it should end with a different word- or something like that. I think I missed 100% of those on 100% of my practice tests. :confused: I like to rearrange sentences, but my answers would never appear among the choices! :eek:

My husband did not pass this test, he got a 46. I have read about plenty of others who didn't pass by 1 or 2 points. I think sometimes we look back through rose colored glasses after an exam and make tests out to be SO EASY that others misunderstand the preparation they need to put in. So..... that said, I will tell you from the other side. I generally score high on reading comprehension, very low on editing. (which I hate by the sometimes I play...eanie meanie miney C, catch a tiger by the B, if he hollers give him an A....) I found the test heavy in editing. I generally score high on essay writing. Given how I expected to do, I think it was just about right.
originalbigjim Wrote:I am thinking about getting another degree with tesc, i have been battling with this idea for a while, and since EC is messing me around I think I am going to do it. I already took English comp 1 at embry riddle a year or so ago but they want English comp 2 and i don't fell like taking lower level classes any more, so I think Ill try my luck with this test and see what happens.

Ok, with TESC, your political science degree would be a BA not a BS. I don't know if that would hurt you or help you. TESC takes economics and poli sci as social sciences. If you wanted to keep poli sci major you would need 33 poli sci credits (max 2 classes at 100 level) and everything else 200 and above meets the requirement.
TESC does take CLEP English comp with essay for credit, you would probably get 3 since you have 101. If your 101 grade was an A, take it, if it was lower, you might consider burying it and taking the exam 6 instead. Just an idea.
I enrolled at TESC when I had done everything except what would amount to 4 semesters (I wanted to take classes :eek: and use financial aid). You don't get to speak to an adviser without enrolling, but you should be able to apply and get an unofficial evaluation. With 150 credits, avoid the "comprehensive" plan like the plague. Also, don't buy the "go for liberal arts, it's faster" thing. While it can be faster, if you have at least 33 credits in social sciences (any 3 areas combined- not just poli sci) you can choose that option.
My social science major is made up of: 12 psych credits, 9 sociology credits, and 12 social sciences credits. I also have 6 add'l social science credits (CLEP soc/his exam) , and 6 US history credits being used for my gen ed.
It was an easy way without needing EVERYTHING with the specific field.
thanks for the info! If do actually end up going to tesc (seriously considering at this point) I would go for the social science major mainly because 48 of credits are in social science. I am not a big fan of general studies or liberal arts degrees, I am not saying there is anything wrong with them but I personally would rather have a major. is the unofficial evaluation free? according to my estimation all i would need is algebra and English comp 2 or the cleps, if would be nice if they could confirm that. then on my free time i could study for these two exams. by the way how much do transferring in a complete degree cost at tesc? and do you know if there is a payment plan or something because if it is like excelsior, i dont have that kind of cash just laying around.
AAT, Electromechanics, Excelsior College 2007
BS, Political Science, Excelsior College 2008
MSSL, Strategic Leadership, Mountain State (currently enrolled) 2009

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