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database / SQL course - self paced independent study ?
looking for a course in something like
Database Management Systems
Introduction to Database Concepts
Advanced SQL Programmig
Advanced Concepts in MS Access

(preferably upper level, preferably less than $750 -- just 'cause I'm cheap)

doesn't matter if the course is based on SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, MS Access or generic

these are the only online, self paced ones I've found

UC Berkeley Extension
Concepts of Relational Database Management Systems Course | UC Berkeley Extension

Athabasca University
Introduction to Database Management (about $ 1000)
Computer Science (COMP) 378
Computer Science 378 : Courses : Athabasca University

I do have some some experience with MS SQL Server and lots of experience with MS Access
so I supposed I could take an MS Certification exam, but I'd rather have a course
Let me Bing that for you!

Tutorial: Writing Transact-SQL Statements

SQL Server Virtual Labs | Microsoft SQL Server
63 CLEP Sociology
75 CLEP U.S. History II
63 CLEP College Algebra
70 CLEP Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
68 DSST Technical Writing
72 CLEP U.S. History I
77 CLEP College Mathematics
470 DSST Statistics
53 CLEP College Composition
73 CLEP Biology
54 CLEP Chemistry
77 CLEP Information Systems and Computer Applications
clep3705 Wrote:Let me Bing that for you!

Tutorial: Writing Transact-SQL Statements

SQL Server Virtual Labs | Microsoft SQL Server

How do you make the confused smiley face? Bluebooger is looking for CREDIT.
Graduate of Not VUL or ENEB
MS, MSS and Graduate Cert
AAS, AS, BA, and BS
Intro Psych 70, US His I 64, Intro Soc 63, Intro Edu Psych 70, A&I Lit 64, Bio 68, Prin Man 69, Prin Mar 68
Life Dev Psych 62, Fund Coun 68, Intro Comp 469, Intro Astr 56, Env & Hum 70, HTYH 456, MIS 451, Prin Sup 453, HRM 62, Bus Eth 458
Int Alg, Coll Alg
4 credits
Fed Inc Tax, Sci of Nutr, Micro, Strat Man, Med Term, Pub Relations
Sys Analysis & Design, Programming, Cyber
Intro to Comm, Microbio, Acc I
Macro, Intro to Fin, Man Acc
After rereading the OP, yes, I see that credit is the objective. The last two categories are most commonly found in technical training courses. Microsoft Access in particular is too product specific for an upper level university education, although it might be taught in a College of Technology at a large university.
63 CLEP Sociology
75 CLEP U.S. History II
63 CLEP College Algebra
70 CLEP Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
68 DSST Technical Writing
72 CLEP U.S. History I
77 CLEP College Mathematics
470 DSST Statistics
53 CLEP College Composition
73 CLEP Biology
54 CLEP Chemistry
77 CLEP Information Systems and Computer Applications

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