12-31-2022, 01:06 PM
(08-11-2022, 08:07 AM)nomaduser Wrote: If I could go back in time, I'll do the following:That's the advice I usually tell younger people and stop short of preaching because everyone has their own path. But gosh.....the gen ed stuff at minimum should be knocked off dirt cheap. Honestly finishing the last 30 or so credits on campus without the the debt of the last 3 years is a good compromise for the "college experience" for a younger person. The cost of college is real but people really don't take the time to figure out there is a way to cut that significantly as this entire forum proves that. Still surprises me most people never heard of CLEP......
1. Take maximum number of CLEP exam credits
2. Take maximum number of AP exam credits
3. Take 1 year worth of online community college credits
4. Transfer those credits to a traditional 4 year college, graduate within 1 year
Seriously, traditional colleges worth only 1 year max
Avoid the debt
If you can test things out by AP and CLEP, do that instead
You don't need to sit through 4 years and suffer from a great amount of debt
The story can be different only if you're from a very very rich family. If you're going to get lots of debt for college, think twice.