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Disappointed (That's Putting it Mildly) and Ready to Quit
Hi Linda,

Lindagerr Wrote:From your first post you mentioned your age and talked about diminishing returns. It does not matter these days what age you are if you can get your foot in the door and prove your knowledge and experience during the interview. I started my journey when I was 52 but I took my time and goofed off for months at a time. I was 56 when I finally earned my BA. I know my degree has helped me in the market place (I don't have a job yet my I moved to another state and have not been looking very hard). My point is keep going and don't look back I had done a year of Nursing school that was not RA accredited so I lost those credits, I had over 30 years experience in a lab so I thought I could do PLA's but that turned out to be more trouble then it was worth. I did Many test and 2 TESC courses. I bought very few textbooks I used IC flashcards practice test and study guides some people were nice enough to give me for free. One of the resources I found most helpful was the specific exam feedback from this forum, it can really help focus your study.

Don't let the frustrations discourage you keep your eye on the finish line and take one step at a time.

I get what you've said about age. I really do. It's just that personally, thinking about the finish line as mentioned below, for me, the finish line is a job--not another contract, but a job. I know this probably won't sit well with most of you, but let me just clarify this point: I personally could care less about a degree--my last position was a senior one in my field for the first time ever, and I didn't need a degree for that. I want a job. Potential employers want employees with degrees. That is why I want a degree. Just to be clear. I know that there are some 95-year-olds out there having just gotten their degrees. That's not the point. Since I want a degree so I can get a job, and I sincerely hope to be retired by the time I'm 62, it's now or never, do or die. I hope you see my point.

I also have a question I can't find information on anywhere. For some reason when I first joined (nine days ago) I was listed as a Minor Noble (below my avatar). Now there seems to be another graphic next to my avatar and it says I am a Squire. How did that happen, and what is the hierarchy, and what does it mean? I looked for a list but couldn't find one anywhere. Any help you could provide would be most gratefully appreciated.

Exams I have taken to date and scores:
College Mathematics CLEP - 60
Natural Sciences CLEP - 50
Social Sciences and History CLEP - 63
Introduction to Educational Psychology CLEP - 59
Lemurian_Spirit Wrote:I also have a question I can't find information on anywhere. For some reason when I first joined (nine days ago) I was listed as a Minor Noble (below my avatar). Now there seems to be another graphic next to my avatar and it says I am a Squire. How did that happen, and what is the hierarchy, and what does it mean? I looked for a list but couldn't find one anywhere. Any help you could provide would be most gratefully appreciated.
As you make more posts in the forums, you go up in rank. This post explains it well.
BA History 2014 - TESC

The Lord is my shepherd. Psalm 23

"I'm going on an adventure!' ~AUJ
"It is our fight." ~DoS
"I am not alone." ~BotFA
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that's given to us." ~FotR
"There is still hope." ~TTT
"Courage..." "This day, we fight!" ~RotK

CLEP: A&I Lit 74 ~ Am Lit 73 ~ Eng Lit 72 ~ Humanities 75 ~ College Math 77 ~ Western Civ I 63 ~ Western Civ II 69 ~ Natural Sci 64 ~ US History I 76 ~ US History II 69 ~ Sociology 68 ~ Am Gov 69 ~ Social Sci & Hist 71 ~ College Comp 61 ~ Marketing 70 ~ Management 66 ~ Psychology 67

DSST: Supervision 453 ~ Tech Writing 61 ~ Computing 427 ~ Middle East 65 ~ Soviet Union 65 ~ Vietnam War 74 ~[COLOR="#0099cc"] Civil War 68

[/COLOR]Other: College+ Biblical Social Justice B ~ ECE World Conflicts Since 1900 A

TESC courses: Capstone A ~ Leaders in History A ~ Photography 101 A- ~ Games People Play A ~ International Relations A- ~ Mass Communications I A

$5 off IC - 59690
My hair jewelry business
Thanks bunches Westerner,

I knew that had to be somewhere--I just couldn't find it!

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