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Tired of Contemplating, ready to finish! TESC BA Social Science
DISCLAIMER: Part of me wants a degree just to say I did finish. I'm a SAHM with most of my children in school all day but due to having special needs children, my options for work schedules are severely limited. So I'm not necessarily looking to do this to get a job, etc. That said, many of the jobs I've come across only require "A college degree."

That said: When I look over the classes I've taken in the past (because in my family college is expected but not paid for so I struggled through financially...) I have A LOT of social science type classes.

So I looked at TESC and found he BA in Social Sciences:

I. General Education Requirements 60
A. Intellectual and Practical Skills 15
English Composition I (ENC-101)- Done at a previous school: 3 hours
English Composition II (ENC-102)Done at a previous school: 3 hours
College-Level Math Course [COLOR="#FF0000"]College Algebra completed at a previous school
3.35 semester hours [/COLOR]

Electives in Intellectual and Practical Skills

(6) Missing

B. Human Cultures and the Physical and Natural World 18

Humanities [COLOR="#FF0000"]Survey of Biblical Literature taken at a previous school: 3
Social Sciences [COLOR="#FF0000"]Introduction to Anthropology taken at previous school: 3
hours [/COLOR]
Natural Sciences [COLOR="#FF0000"]Environmental Sciences taken at previous school: 4.02 hours
with lab [/COLOR]

Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences or Interdisciplinary 9
[COLOR="#FF0000"]Introduction to Computers
World Literature 3.35 hours
World Civilization 3.35 hours [/COLOR]
Introduction to Theology 3 hours

C. Personal and Social Responsibility 9

Diversity/Global Literacy

(3) Missing

Responsible Ethical Leadership

(3) Missing

Other Ethics or Diversity Course

(3) Missing

D. General Education Electives 18

[COLOR="#FF0000"] Speech Communication 3 hours
Business Communications 3.35 hours
Principles of Accounting I 3.35 hours
Instructional Technology for Online Learning 3 hours
Introduction to Computers 3.35 hours
Health Elective 1.34 hours
Health Elective 1.34 hours

If my math is correct that is 18.73 hours. [/COLOR]

II. Area of Study: Social Sciences 33

[COLOR="#FF0000"]Introduction to Psychology-3 hours
PSYC 210 Developmental Psychology-3 hours
PSYC 305: Psychology of Personality- 3 hours
PSYC 430: Abnormal Psychology- 3 hours
PSYC 205: Overview of Theory and Treatment of Drug Use- 3 hours
Introduction to Sociology-3 hours

Anthro 201: Cultural Anthropology- 3 hour
ECON 214: Principles of Macroeconomics- 3.35 hours
Intro to Philosophy 2 semester hours

GOVT 220 American Government- 3 hours
HIUS 222: Survey of American History II- 3.35 hours

Equals 32.7 if I did my math correctly and I don't have the 300 and 400 levels I need[/COLOR] . banghead

III. Free Electives 27

Total 120

Does this look right? Is there another degree plan that might fit my mishmash of courses better?

Maybe I should just try for an associates, instead.
There are some things that need to be switched around, but before that, are these classes from a university or a community college?
BA, MA, EdS, MMT, etc.
83 hours of ACE-worthy credits
Below is what I think it would look like with your classes populated in the various sections, Blue are things I've shifted, green is what remains, a couple questions, and a few suggestions.

I. General Education Requirements 60
A. Intellectual and Practical Skills 15
English Composition I (ENC-101)- Done at a previous school: 3 hours
English Composition II (ENC-102)Done at a previous school: 3 hours
College-Level Math Course College Algebra completed at a previous school
3.35 semester hours

Electives in Intellectual and Practical Skills

[COLOR="#0000FF"]Speech Communication 3 hours
Business Communications 3.35 hours [/COLOR]

B. Human Cultures and the Physical and Natural World 18

Humanities Survey of Biblical Literature taken at a previous school: 3
Social Sciences Introduction to Anthropology taken at previous school: 3
Natural Sciences Environmental Sciences taken at previous school: 4.02 hours
with lab

Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences or Interdisciplinary 9
World Literature 3.35 hours
World Civilization 3.35 hours
Introduction to Theology 3 hours

C. Personal and Social Responsibility 9

Diversity/Global Literacy

(3) Anthro 201: Cultural Anthropology- 3 hour

Responsible Ethical Leadership
(3) DSST Ethics in America/Business Ethics & Society[/COLOR]

Other Ethics or Diversity Course
(3) Introduction to Sociology-3 hours [/COLOR]

D. General Education Electives 18

Introduction to Psychology-3 hours
Principles of Accounting I 3.35 hours
Instructional Technology for Online Learning 3 hours
Introduction to Computers 3.35 hours
Health Elective 1.34 hours
Intro to Philosophy 2 semester hours
GOVT 220 American Government- 3 hours

II. Area of Study: Social Sciences 33

PSYC 210 Developmental Psychology-3 hours
PSYC 305: Psychology of Personality- 3 hours (4-yr or CC?)
PSYC 430: Abnormal Psychology- 3 hours (4-yr or CC?)
PSYC 205: Overview of Theory and Treatment of Drug Use- 3 hours
ECON 214: Principles of Macroeconomics- 3.35 hours
HIUS 222: Survey of American History II- 3.35 hours

Missing 12-18 UL & 2.3(call it 3) LL or UL

III. Free Electives 27
Health Elective 1.34 hours

Missing 25.66 (call it 26) Credits[/COLOR]

Free: TEEX (6 Credits)
Free: Kaplan PLA (3 Credits)

Total 120 (~44 remaining, 9 can be done for free)
Pursuing TESC BSBA CIS: ~100/120

CCAF Air & Space Operations Technology: April 2014

CLEP: Humanities, A&I Lit, SocSci & History, Intro Sociology, English Comp, Freshman College Comp, Principles of Management, History of the US I/II, Intro to Computing

DSST: InfoSys & Comp Apps, Intro to the Modern Middle East, Management Information Systems, Fundamentals of Cybersecurity, Human Resource Management, Principles of Supervision, Western Europe since 1945

AMU: Public Speaking, History of Explosive Ordnance Disposal, College Algebra

ALS (CCAF): Leadership/Management I, Managerial Communication I, Military Studies I

Sophia: Microeconomics

Straighterline: Accounting I/II

TECEP: English Comp I/II, Computer Concepts & Applications, Applied Liberal Arts Mathematics, Strategic Management (March 2017 Semester)

TESU OL: Python Programming (March 2017 Semester), Systems Analysis & Design I (March 2017 Semester)
KayV Wrote:There are some things that need to be switched around, but before that, are these classes from a university or a community college?

So the even 3 hour classes are from a university (semester system).

The classes that have partial numbers are from a 2 year college that was on quarter systems. This is why they were converted into weird numbers by the University.
hightecrebel Wrote:PSYC 210 Developmental Psychology-3 hours
PSYC 305: Psychology of Personality- 3 hours (4-yr or CC?)
PSYC 430: Abnormal Psychology- 3 hours (4-yr or CC?)
PSYC 205: Overview of Theory and Treatment of Drug Use- 3 hours
ECON 214: Principles of Macroeconomics- 3.35 hours
HIUS 222: Survey of American History II- 3.35 hours

Here's one way you could complete a BA Social Science (all you need to finish an AA in General Studies is an Ethics course/ exam, by the way).

A few of the classes you have would count as duplicate credits (Computers, Anthropology), so I didn't use those twice; it will just be a happy free-elective surprise if TESC decides to give you credit for them.

TESC will only accept six hours of freshman-level classes in a major, so I moved those to fill up the gen ed requirements. I ran your psych courses through the PLA database to get their course equivalencies, and yay, you have some upper-level courses already. TESC accepts a maximum of 18 hours in any one topic in the social science major, hence SOS-305 Substance Abuse DSST instead of using the Organizational Behavior DSST.

The course prefixes I used are the TESC equivalencies.

TESC BA Social Science

I. General Education Requirements
A. Intellectual and Practical Skills
1. ENC-101 English Composition I 3
2. ENC-102 English Composition II 3
3. MAT-121 College Algebra 3.33
4. COM-108 Speech Communication 3
B. Human Cultures and the Physical World
1. Humanities: REL-242 Survey of Biblical Literature I 3
2. Social Science: HIS-101 World Civilization 3.33
3. Natural Science: ENS-200 Environmental Science with Lab 4
4. LIT-217 World Literature 3.33
5. REL-100 Intro to Theology 3
6. HIST-114 Survey of American History 3.33
C. Personal and Social Responsibility
1. Diversity/Global Literacy: Intro to Sociology 3
2. Ethical Leadership: Need DSST/ SL Ethics 3
3. Other Ethics/Diversity: ANT-101 Cultural Anthropology 3
D. General Education Electives 18.31
1. Overage from above: 2.32
2. Health elective: 1.33
3. ENG-216 Business Communications (from CC) 3.33
4. PSY-101 Intro to Psychology 3
5. PHI-101 Intro to Philosophy 2
6. POS-110 American Government 3
7. ECO-111 Principles of Macroeconomics 3.33
II. Area of Study: Social Science 33, 18UL
A. Psychology 18, 12UL
1. PSY-211 Developmental Psychology 3
2. PSY-352 Psychology of Personality 3UL
3. PSY-350 Abnormal Psychology 3UL
4. PSY-336 Theory and Treatment of Drug Abuse 3UL
5. Need DSST PSY-361 Intro to Counseling 3UL
6. Need TECEP PSY-270 Psychology of Women 3
B. Social Science 9, 3UL
1. Need SOS-305 DSST Substance Abuse 3UL
2. Need SOS-101/102 CLEP Social Sciences and History 6
C. Sociology 3
1. Need TECEP SOC-210 Marriage and the Family 3
D. LIB-495 Need Liberal Arts Capstone 3UL
III. Free electives 27
1. Health elective 1.33
2. Principles of Accounting I 3.33
3. Instructional Technology for Online Learning 3
4. Need any 15 more hours of any TECEPs for Pay Per Credit tuition plan
5. Need 5 more hours of Anything (no-cost Kaplan PLA 3 and 2 NFA classes on ACE transcript)
BA, MA, EdS, MMT, etc.
83 hours of ACE-worthy credits
KayV Wrote:Here's one way you could complete a BA Social Science (all you need to finish an AA in General Studies is an Ethics course/ exam, by the way).

REALLY!? Well I guess I know what I'll do first. Then I'll see if I'm satisfied with an AA or not. LOL

Would "Ethics in America" fulfill this? And then what? I apply to the school and send all my transcripts?
I would apply, send in the transcripts, and enroll using the pay per credit prpgram by registering for your first tecep.

Take the DSST ethics for emerica or SL business ethics, next complete four TECEPs, then apply for graduation for the AA. Difference in price is too high to ignore: approx $544 in exams vs 3k enrolled options tuition, plus the grad fee $299. Once complete, ccontine working of the BA degree plan.

TECEPs I would recommend to start: CIS107 Computer Concepts & Applications, PSY270 Psychologoy of Women, SOC210 Marriage & the Family, and one other ( POS101 Intro to Political Science?), Good luck!

Thomas Edison State College: All TECEPÂ Tests

"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan." -Tom Landry

AAS, Admin Studies. 2010
BA, Social Sciences. 2010. Arnold Fletcher Award.
AAS, Environmental, Safety & Security Technologies. 2011
BSBA, General Management. 2011. Arnold Fletcher Award. Sigma Beta Delta (ΣΒΔWink!
bricabrac Wrote:I would apply, send in the transcripts, and enroll using the pay per credit prpgram by registering for your first tecep.

Take the DSST ethics for emerica or SL business ethics, next complete four TECEPs, then apply for graduation for the AA. Difference in price is too high to ignore: approx $544 in exams vs 3k enrolled options tuition, plus the grad fee $299. Once complete, ccontine working of the BA degree plan.

TECEPs I would recommend to start: CIS107 Computer Concepts & Applications, PSY270 Psychologoy of Women, SOC210 Marriage & the Family, and one other ( POS101 Intro to Political Science?), Good luck!

Thomas Edison State College: All TECEPÂ Tests


One of my classes I've already taken is a Computer Concepts and Applications class and I've already taken Intro to Political Science (it's on my transcript as American Government.)

Maybe a silly question, but do you pay as you go?
GeorgiaPeachie Wrote:Gotcha.

One of my classes I've already taken is a Computer Concepts and Applications class and I've already taken Intro to Political Science (it's on my transcript as American Government.)

Maybe a silly question, but do you pay as you go?

Yes, you pay as you register for the TECEP.
Currently studying for: Still deciding.

2020 - Harvard Extension School - ALM IT Management 
2019 - Harvard Extension School - Graduate Certificate Data Science
2018 - Harvard Extension School - Graduate Certificate Cyber Security
2016 - WGU - MBA Mgmt & Strategy
2015 - Thomas Edison State College - BSBA Marketing & CIS

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