10-25-2014, 10:52 AM
laughter Wrote:I've done the World Conflicts ECE. It's tough and deep... focuses a lot on international relations. It's more of like the political aspects behind world conflicts. While studying for it, I thought I'd landed myself in more than I'd asked for. :p I passed with an A though, and looking back, am glad I took the test. It helped me better understand the underlying currents and background conflicts of current international political strivings.
Sounds like you gained a tremendous amount of insight and global knowledge from World Conflicts...However, at this point I'm 4 years into an almost 30 year on again/off again journey toward finally completing my BA degree, so I need easy and shallow, not tough and deep

Congrats on conquering an extremely challenging exam!

"I dwell in Possibility." Emily Dickinson
2011-12 CLEP Int Psych - 75 / H G & D - 69 / Ed Psych - 72 / Am Lit - 80 / A & I Lit - 75 / Eng Lit - 73 2012-13 SL Eng Comp I - 95.3% P / Eng Comp II - 97.5% P 2014 EC/UEXCEL Ab Psych - A / Soc Psych - A / Psych A & A - A / Gerontology - A / Info Lit - P 2015 BYU Sport Psych - A / DSST Sub Abuse - 470 / Int World Rel - 481 / H T Y H - 465 / Tor College HIS 301 - 81% P 2016 EC LA498 Capstone - A
1991 AA Liberal Arts USNY Regents College
2016 BSLA Magna Cum Laude Excelsior College - A 5 year journey COMPLETED!
2017-2019 Study.com Certs. - Am Lit/Brit Lit/Shakespeare/Poetry Review Shmoop - Shakespeare's Plays/Shakespeare in Context/Women's Lit
2011-12 CLEP Int Psych - 75 / H G & D - 69 / Ed Psych - 72 / Am Lit - 80 / A & I Lit - 75 / Eng Lit - 73 2012-13 SL Eng Comp I - 95.3% P / Eng Comp II - 97.5% P 2014 EC/UEXCEL Ab Psych - A / Soc Psych - A / Psych A & A - A / Gerontology - A / Info Lit - P 2015 BYU Sport Psych - A / DSST Sub Abuse - 470 / Int World Rel - 481 / H T Y H - 465 / Tor College HIS 301 - 81% P 2016 EC LA498 Capstone - A
1991 AA Liberal Arts USNY Regents College
2016 BSLA Magna Cum Laude Excelsior College - A 5 year journey COMPLETED!
2017-2019 Study.com Certs. - Am Lit/Brit Lit/Shakespeare/Poetry Review Shmoop - Shakespeare's Plays/Shakespeare in Context/Women's Lit