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Straighterline New Proctor Policy Change
i went to sign up for managerial accounting and it says proctor is required, thought we had til the 1st of Nov?
jemen Wrote:i went to sign up for managerial accounting and it says proctor is required, thought we had til the 1st of Nov?
Email Straighterline. They should send you a reply stating that you're "safe" and won't need it since it was purchased before Nov 1st. I'd also keep that email for your records.
Publius Wrote:Email Straighterline. They should send you a reply stating that you're "safe" and won't need it since it was purchased before Nov 1st. I'd also keep that email for your records.

Whoa, wait. If I sign up for their classes and then email them afterward, I won't need a proctor? Sweet, there's three classes I want to sign up for: Business Communications, Statistics, and Accounting 2. Especially the first and third since there's no equivalent exam elsewhere. Someone please confirm this though.
sam_wendt Wrote:Whoa, wait. If I sign up for their classes and then email them afterward, I won't need a proctor? Sweet, there's three classes I want to sign up for: Business Communications, Statistics, and Accounting 2. Especially the first and third since there's no equivalent exam elsewhere. Someone please confirm this though.
They way they worded it, was courses that are bought on or after Nov 1st will require a proctored final. You could even email them before hand. I believe there was user on here that has already received that confirmation.
Publius Wrote:They way they worded it, was courses that are bought on or after Nov 1st will require a proctored final. You could even email them before hand. I believe there was user on here that has already received that confirmation.

I emailed them twice, over a week ago to confirm this before I signed and paid for anything. I never received a reply.
Dang, I forgot to cancel my subscription. They billed me $99 this very morning. I know it's my fault on that one, but damn! $99 down the drain. I just cancelled the subscription right now. Man, I am so mad, but ugh whatever. $99 more dollars to waste.

Edit: Actually I do remember clicking "cancel" on my subscription two weeks ago. When the proctor announcement was announced. Just never got a confirmation on it or an email, I am going to try to call Straighterline and see if they are willing to work with me to cancel that. Must of been something on Straighterlines end. Such as a network issue. Because I clicked "cancel" and logged out. I highly doubt it they will reverse it, Straighterlines policy is pretty clear. They won't believe me. Lets see what happens.

Edit: Just got confirmation from an adviser they are willing to refund me my $99. Maybe it was a network issue on my end. Hmm, nonetheless, it surprised me because I did not know Straighterline would of offered me a refund. Who woulda thunk? Smile

Certification (ACA) University of Central Florida
B.A. (Social Sciences) Thomas Edison State University
Looks like Straighterline got to the folks at Wikia, or at least one Brandon Rhea, because they've locked the page at Degree Forum Wiki that references their company. What irks me most about this is that they've allowed SL to basically write their own entry on a wiki that was created and maintained by DF members to advise other DL students, especially those thinking about attending one of the Big 3. I personally didn't mind much of what the SL hack's wrote about their services but did object strongly to their deleting my comments because they found them to be unfavorable. That whole wiki, from the front page to each article, is filled with editorial comments by students. By allowing this move by SL this opens the door to all the companies mentioned at that wiki to rewrite their own entries and disguise a sales pitch for their services as being advice from other DF students. I cannot and will not support such an underhanded and deceitful move like this and am withdrawing my entries on DF Wiki as of today. It's a shame because what dcan created was originally great until SL hacks butted their noses in and Wikia caved in to corporate pressure. Now I hold everything at Degree Forum Wiki to be suspect, because whatever there that hasn't been changed like SL's page undoubtedly quietly will be as time goes on. I'd say ignore that wiki and just focus on asking the folks here at this forum.
BA in History, TESC, Graduated September 2010
MA in History, American Public University, currently pursuing
Virginia teaching license, currently pursuing

Check out Degree Forum Wiki for more information on putting together your own degree plan!

My BA History degree plan.
Well, that's certainly beyond disconcerting.

Okay, before the new policy goes into effect, I'm thinking of signing up for a course or two for my TESC BSBM- Gen Mgt. What is the testing policy presently in effect? Proctor? Yes? No? Depends on course? Who proctors? That sort of thing. Thank you.
TESU BSBA - GM, September 2015

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale, radio personality and motivational speaker
Pjbarney Wrote:I emailed them twice, over a week ago to confirm this before I signed and paid for anything. I never received a reply.

Sorry you didn't get a reply, I am happy to confirm that for you here - proctoring is only mandatory for any course purchased on or after November 1, 2012.

You can also call a student advisor during business hours at 877-787-8375 Toll Free
LaterBloomer Wrote:Well, that's certainly beyond disconcerting.

Okay, before the new policy goes into effect, I'm thinking of signing up for a course or two for my TESC BSBM- Gen Mgt. What is the testing policy presently in effect? Proctor? Yes? No? Depends on course? Who proctors? That sort of thing. Thank you.

U Proctor, who proctors for hundreds of other colleges, is the service we currently use optionally for those who want it. We will continue to use their service but proctoring becomes mandatory November 1st, 2012 for any course purchased on or after that date.

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