Ace_King Wrote:Dang you're young my friend! Signing a petition online is free and you don't need any sort of identification to sign it. All you do is basically hit "Vote" lol.
I am, and sometimes my inexperience and lack of wisdom speak loudly. I didn't now anyone could sign it so I'll definitely check out it.
What I REALLY don't like is that they're flagging the accounts where the student moved through rather quickly. Having talked with them in past (before even signing up) the average time for someone to complete a course was 40 days. I'd bet very FEW people on here spent that long.
Also what stinks is that you're at risk for being flagged if you speed up and spend double to triple the time in the next few weeks (before 11/1) to finish up some courses. That's if you want to avoid spending an additional $90 like me.
And how about this? What happens if Procter U can't get you in and your month with SL ends by then? No only are you forced to spend the 30 bucks for proctoring, but another 100 bucks for another month of SL.
Just looking at the proctoring side of things, I dislike the fact that they not only have to take a picture of you, but of your I.D.! I'd rather have my local proctor (or librarian, etc.) verify everything and let me take the test. I'd rather sacrifice my my comfort then my identity. The fact that they only have ONE option for proctoring and EVERY possible course will now have it as a requirement.
I hope SL nows that for ever school they think they'll be gaining, they'll be losing a dozen times more students. Just look at the commotion this thread alone has caused. In just over 20 hours, over 38 posts and not
1 is in support of it (I doubt a thread here on IC since it began has had 38+ posts inside of 24 hours).