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I'm still working on statistics. I feel pretty confident about 4/5ths of instantcert and have worked through about 3/4ths of the Idiots guide to statistics and feel pretty solid on this. I'm wondering if anyone thinks that is enough. I plan on covering the rest but I'm due to take the exam 3-17 and I have kids and a wife. It's tough to study without interuption. Does the exam cover ANOVA and Chi-square. The idiots guide is great but I'm thinking that some stuff goes way beyond the exam. Any input would be great.
Sammy, sorry, no advice, just lots of good luck wishes. I began studying for it and promptly called my advisor to drop it. Good luck!Big Grin
I have read through the textbook and completed a workbook full of problem sets. I feel about 80% ready for this test. I take it this Tuesday (3/14), so I'll let you know how I did.

One thing I am really concerned about and would like to know if anyone is aware of: If we are only allowed to take in scratch paper, pencils, and a non-programmable calculator, what about Z-tables, T-tables and such? Surely no one has all that information memorized!


Yes, please let me know how the test went. My big cram day will be tuesday and thursday. No kids that day. I got a feeling I'll be ready but with this kind of test, I'm nervous.

My understanding is that there will be excerpts of necessary tables on the exam. Also, I am assuming that a regular TI-55 scientific calculator is not considered a programmable calculator. It is not programmable but it does perform calculations such as permutions, combinations, correlations, slope, y-intercept, factorials, frequency, sum-of, square root, mean and standard deviation. This is my calculator that I used in highschool in 1985 and it still works great. I still have the book for it so I learned how to use the statistics functions. It sure makes the problems way easier and quicker though I will still try to memorize the basic formulas just in case.

Again, let me know how your exam goes and any legitimate pointers you can give.


How'd your test go?:confused:
Sammy Wrote:4/5ths of instantcert and have worked through about 3/4ths of the Idiots guide to statistics and feel pretty solid on this. I'm wondering if anyone thinks that is enough.

Sounds like you'll do fine... I plan on taking this test after Civ. Try to remember how your feeling now and help the rest of us out with some feed back.

I recommend running a search on Stat and see if anyone else has commented on it.

You bet I will give some insites into the exam prep necessary (legitimate of course). I found out the my TI-55 calculator is considered programmable, though I don't know if it is considered that by the Dantes testing facility I'm going to. I will bring it incase I can use it. I found out that the most common non-programmable that colleges recommend is the TI-30Xa. I'm going to buy one tomorrow and learn its statistical functions, which i am sure are about the same as my 1984 model TI-55III. It really is a super time saver with calculations though I will try to memorize all necessary equations. The test site said I can use a scientific calculator that is not programmable. I will bring 3 calculators with me of different levels and use the highest one that they will let me use. I'll bring the calculator regulations requirement sheets, that I printed up from two college sites on the net, along with me incase I need to prove the calculator's non-programmable. Big Grin

BTW. I've looked up every recommendation I can find. People say Instantcert and Idiots guide to stats is more than enough. I found the Idiots guide to be way better than stats for dummies.
I took the test to day and I believe I did really well. I will let you know in about 2 weeks, unless I fail, then I won't tell you!Rolleyes

It did not require a scientific calculator but I would recommend the TI-30Xa because I did some research with other colleges and this is always the non-programmable one they recommended for college exams. It has mean, SD, Sum of, and factorials with square root, which was more than enough. If you use another calculator, learn to use the function keys. It makes things a lot faster, though I still recommend learning the formulas the best you can so you know how to apply them. Here is a link for a list of approved non-programmable calculators.

Make sure you use the DSST Fact sheet for statistics to see what you will need to study and know for the exam. It is very accurate. They have a 10 question sample on the fact sheet that is helpful. I also went to the TESC site and down loaded their TECEP guide which has a 20 question practice exam for free. Here is the link.

The materials that I used are listed here. I bought the Complete IDIOT'S Guide to Statistics (not the Dummies book. that one sucked!). This book covered absolutely everything you will need for the exam and is the perfect compliment to instantcert. I read the whole book. It was interesting and entertaining and rather easy to understand. The author did a great job! Try to learn the majority of things (except ANOVA) and especially grasp probability. Do all the practice questions at the end of each chapter. Instantcert may be enough but I like to go in fully prepared. I generally overstudy. I like to use several materials because one may put a subject in a way that you go ah-ha! Instantcert was very proportional to the exam. The videos (FREE) that I watched on the net were awesome and extremely helpful in grasping concepts and somethings they mentioned were actually on the exam! I highly recommend the videos. I watched some of them several times. Here is the link to two sets of Statistics videos and mind you, they are free and quite entertaining in my opinion. I didn't feel they were boring at all.

I studied this exam for a long time. I probably should have just taken the course though I'm now glad I took the exam. I think I did really well. I feel confident. It takes longer for me to study because I have a busy family life and it is difficult to study with young kids around. I took my own sweet time with the exam also. I'm embarassed to say how long but I was in there a while! I have no time to fail this exam.:p

It is more concept based then math based. But know the math also. College level algebra should be enough.
I passed Dantes statistics with a 75! I'm overjoyed and only 2 exams away from my degree. I would certainly recommend taking this exam if you are fairly mathematically minded. Instantcert, idiots guide and the videos I recommended are more than enough.

Not justBig Grin , but hilarious hilarious

Congrats that's a great score. This exam is on my radar, I will have to take it in the near future. Thanks for the tips, I will refer back to them when it's time for me to face the music. Again congrats on a great score.


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