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Shmoop Equivalencies List
I know these are scattered throughout the forum but I couldn't find a master list. If one exists, I apologize and hope a mod can delete this thread. I searched as much as I could and found a huge 9+ page thread about TESU matchups but I'd like to eventually get all of the big three/shmoop equivalencies listed in the top post, and maybe even moved over to the wiki. Anyway, here's what I found so far:


SHMO0020 Holocaust in Literature - ENG301 The Holocaust
SCHO0027 The Bible as Literature - LIT242 Biblical Literature I
SCHO0022 Literature in the Media - LIT430 Literature and the Media
SHMO0023 Modernist Literature - LIT399 Special Topics
SHMO0019 Drugs in Literature - LIT 299
SHMO0025 Shakespeare's Plays - LIT320 Shakespeare I
SHMO0028 Women's Literature - LIT323 Women in Literature
XXXXXXXX British Literature - LIT208 Literature I
XXXXXXXX Intro to Poetry - ENG246 Poetry I
XXXXXXXX Western Literature - LIT202 Literary Roots of Western Culture
XXXXXXXX American Literature - LIT205 American Literature


Modern European History - HIS221 European History II
U.S. History 1492-1877 - HIS113 U.S. History I
U.S. History 1877-present - HIS114 U.S. History II



If you know of other corresponding courses please comment and I will add them to this post. Thanks!!
Goal: Anything. Just need the paper. 
In Progress: last few 300-400 level, Am Gov
Complete: [Sophia]: CSMLearn, TEEX DI, Art History 2, English Comp 2, Sociology, Ethics, Project Management, Human Bio, US Hist2, Intro to Business, Microeconomics, Accounting, Finance, Greek Phil, Stats, Conflict Res (1CR), Visual Comm, Dev Effective Teams,  [SL]: Bus Law [ALEKS]: Intermediate Algebra [Institutes]: Ethics [CLEP]: Western Civ I [Murrray State University]: 5CR: MAT130 MAT230 4CR: GSC199 ENG105 CHE101 ITD107 PHY130/131 3CR: COM161 MAT117 ART121 HIS221 PSY180 CHN101 RGS200 CSC199 CET284 ECO230 JPN350 RES132 THD104 1CR: IDC199 MSU099

I believe Modernist lit is 399 and Drugs in lit is 299.

There is also American lit which should be Amercian Literature LIT-205
TESU: Capstone completed Big Grin Classroom Management, Differentiated Instruction (6)
Patten: Academic Strategies, Child Growth and Development, Reading, Writing, and Research, Social Psych, Lifespan Development, American Government (18)
Shmoop: Drugs in Lit, Holocaust Lit, Poetry, Lit in the Media, Modernist Lit, Shakespeare's Plays, Western Lit, Women's Lit, British Lit, Euro History (30)
SL: Cultural Anthropology, English Comp I, English Comp II, Biology, Intro Comm, Environmental Science, Philosophy, C++,  Religion (27)
TEEX: Cyber Security for Business Professionals, Cyber Security for Everyone, Cyber Security for IT Professionals (6)
Sophia: Art History, Psychology, Sociology, Visual Comm, Dev Teams  (13)
ALEKS: Beginning Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, Statistics, Trigonometry (15)
NFA: Fire Service Supervision, Community Safety Educators (2)
Kaplan: Documenting Experiences (3)
ACTFL: Reading Proficiency Test (6)
CPCU: Ethics (2)
socsci Wrote:I believe Modernist lit is 399 and Drugs in lit is 299.

There is also American lit which should be Amercian Literature LIT-205

Got it! Thanks!
Goal: Anything. Just need the paper. 
In Progress: last few 300-400 level, Am Gov
Complete: [Sophia]: CSMLearn, TEEX DI, Art History 2, English Comp 2, Sociology, Ethics, Project Management, Human Bio, US Hist2, Intro to Business, Microeconomics, Accounting, Finance, Greek Phil, Stats, Conflict Res (1CR), Visual Comm, Dev Effective Teams,  [SL]: Bus Law [ALEKS]: Intermediate Algebra [Institutes]: Ethics [CLEP]: Western Civ I [Murrray State University]: 5CR: MAT130 MAT230 4CR: GSC199 ENG105 CHE101 ITD107 PHY130/131 3CR: COM161 MAT117 ART121 HIS221 PSY180 CHN101 RGS200 CSC199 CET284 ECO230 JPN350 RES132 THD104 1CR: IDC199 MSU099


Does anyone know how the Shmoop courses transfer in at COSC?? I would love to know. I've started some of them but haven't completed any yet. (They are a little more difficult that I was expecting lol). Thanks!
lstrickland27 Wrote:Hi,

Does anyone know how the Shmoop courses transfer in at COSC?? I would love to know. I've started some of them but haven't completed any yet. (They are a little more difficult that I was expecting lol). Thanks!

Have you had any success searching the forum for this? If you find any, post here and I'll add them to the top!
Goal: Anything. Just need the paper. 
In Progress: last few 300-400 level, Am Gov
Complete: [Sophia]: CSMLearn, TEEX DI, Art History 2, English Comp 2, Sociology, Ethics, Project Management, Human Bio, US Hist2, Intro to Business, Microeconomics, Accounting, Finance, Greek Phil, Stats, Conflict Res (1CR), Visual Comm, Dev Effective Teams,  [SL]: Bus Law [ALEKS]: Intermediate Algebra [Institutes]: Ethics [CLEP]: Western Civ I [Murrray State University]: 5CR: MAT130 MAT230 4CR: GSC199 ENG105 CHE101 ITD107 PHY130/131 3CR: COM161 MAT117 ART121 HIS221 PSY180 CHN101 RGS200 CSC199 CET284 ECO230 JPN350 RES132 THD104 1CR: IDC199 MSU099

Cool list, also interested in COSC equi.
We are all on the same side here, trying to better our let's get along and help each other out. 

Learn a trade. Gain technical skills. Make money, then use this money to get a degree...if you have the desire. 


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