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I'll chime in on A&I as I just took it. It can be sort of vague so read each question three times. I know that sounds odd but trust me, it caused me to figure out more than a few as I missed little details the first time reading them.
BA Psychology - TESC
CLEP Biology - 56
CLEP Human Growth and Development - 56
CLEP College Mathematics - 54
CLEP Educational Psychology - 58
CLEP Social Sciences and History - 70
CLEP Analyzing and Interpreting Literature - 59
ECE Psychology of Adulthood and Aging -B
ECE Research Methods in Psychology - B
DSST Substance Abuse - 429
DSST Fundamentals of Counseling - 53
DSST Intro to World Religion - 458
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Like others have said, your practice test scores say you're more than ready, but you also mentioned a concern that stress on exam day caused your last failure. Please know you're definitely not the first person to suffer from test anxiety, and you will not be the last. Quite a few of the members here (me included) have that little ailment, so do not forget to include stress management in your pre-test regimen to calm your nerves a bit so you'll be ready to put all your knowledge on the test screen without interference of a few pesky nerves.
It makes perfect sense to be worried and stressed given your situation, but please try to keep telling yourself that it is just a test. And it's a test that thousands of people pass every year with much less prep time than you've dedicated. The night before you sit the exam, dedicate at least a bit of time to whatever relaxes you. The day of the exam, dedicate a bit more time to relaxing, then get to the test center 30-60 minutes early and do some last minute cram time, but put the material away five minutes or so before going in and just wait and take it easy. That's what works for me, at least. It's extremely corny, but if I start to struggle during the exam and know I've put in ample study time, I close my eyes, take a few deep breaths, and tell myself I'm the one getting in my way. Corny or not, it helps me calm down and get moving again.
BSBA, HR / Organizational Mgmt - Thomas Edison State College, December 2012
- TESC Chapter of Sigma Beta Delta International Honor Society for Business, Management and Administration
- Arnold Fletcher Award
AAS, Environmental, Safety, & Security Technologies - Thomas Edison State College, December 2012
AS, Business Administration - Thomas Edison State College, March 2012
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Any update?
Test anxiety can have you all :willynilly:banghead:ack:

But don't despair...You OBVIOUSLY already have the knowledge necessary to pass your exams. You've got a huge crowd of cheerleaders right here with you waiting to hear the good news. And after this little hiccup in your career, who knows.....perhaps the collective knowledge of your fellow forum members can help you get your own classroom one day!
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I will never figure out how to truly thank each and everyone of you on this board who has helped. Today I passed my first DSST "Here's to Your Health" exam with a score of 428. I was so nervous I was shaking. I have never met a nicer group of people and so supportive. It was because you your positive comments and reassurance that I finally went and took the exam. To simply say Thank You... does not seem enough.. From my heart I thank you. My children are smiling for the first time in weeks, they see some hope coming our way. I still need to pass one more exam. Any suggestions on the quick study and easy pass, would be greatly appreciated. I took the Introduction to Management Clep but failed by two points. I am just hoping to find something that I can do quickly. Maybe someone knows of something that goes hand in hand with either one of these test.
Here's to Your Health- 428
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Does anyone know how difficult the Principle of Supervision exam is? Is it something that can be achieved quickly? I read some post that I found that it was the eaiest exam to pass but then I came upon some tht said it was very difficult and many thought they failed it while taking the exam. The faster I pass another exam the faster I can get back to work. Just 3 more credits.
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mom2arianna Wrote:Does anyone know how difficult the Principle of Supervision exam is? Is it something that can be achieved quickly? I read some post that I found that it was the eaiest exam to pass but then I came upon some tht said it was very difficult and many thought they failed it while taking the exam. The faster I pass another exam the faster I can get back to work. Just 3 more credits.
Some people have failed the Management CLEP but passed the Supervision DSST not long after. Relax, it really is easy. Go over the section for it in the Petersons DSST guide and you'll be golden
BA History 2014 - TESC
The Lord is my shepherd. Psalm 23
"I'm going on an adventure!' ~AUJ
"It is our fight." ~DoS
"I am not alone." ~BotFA
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that's given to us." ~FotR
"There is still hope." ~TTT
"Courage..." "This day, we fight!" ~RotK
CLEP: A&I Lit 74 ~ Am Lit 73 ~ Eng Lit 72 ~ Humanities 75 ~ College Math 77 ~ Western Civ I 63 ~ Western Civ II 69 ~ Natural Sci 64 ~ US History I 76 ~ US History II 69 ~ Sociology 68 ~ Am Gov 69 ~ Social Sci & Hist 71 ~ College Comp 61 ~ Marketing 70 ~ Management 66 ~ Psychology 67
DSST: Supervision 453 ~ Tech Writing 61 ~ Computing 427 ~ Middle East 65 ~ Soviet Union 65 ~ Vietnam War 74 ~[COLOR="#0099cc"] Civil War 68
[/COLOR]Other: College+ Biblical Social Justice B ~ ECE World Conflicts Since 1900 A
TESC courses: Capstone A ~ Leaders in History A ~ Photography 101 A- ~ Games People Play A ~ International Relations A- ~ Mass Communications I A
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It's been said before, but it bears repeating. One person's easy test is another's difficult test. Why? Much of it depends on your background. I found the Supervision test relatively easy, but I've been in the business world for much of my life. It might not be so easy for someone who hadn't had the experiences that I've had.
How are you doing on sample tests? After you've put in the studying for the Supervision test, go take it. Should you fail, don't worry. You have that many hours of studying toward the Management test. Don't let anxiety cause you to stop moving forward. You've got a good start. Build on it.
TESU BSBA - GM, September 2015
"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale, radio personality and motivational speaker
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Good Morning,
I know I ask a lot of questions, sorry! You have all helped me so much- I am reading some feedback and I see some negative stuff about the Supervison exam- so Do I go for the Supervision Exam or Foundations of Education. Of course you know I am trying to find one that I can move through quickly so I can get these dredits. Times is of an essence here. I value all of your opinions, thus why I keep coming back to ask for them.
Again, Thank YOU so much for everything.
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Good Morning,
Test number two- PASSED!!! Thank you to each and everyone of your for your help and guidance. This site became a true blessing for me and I will be forever grateful. I spoke to the director yesterday, I am just waiting for word that I may indeed return to work.
There will never be the right words to truly express how grateful I am to each and everyone of you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything.
Blessings to you all,
Principles of Supervision- 420 PASSED
Friends made- Priceless
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Congratulations on passing the tests. While you only needed six credits, have you thought of continuing down this path? What about getting a degree? Now that the external employment pressure is off of you, it might be something to consider. You never know when an employment opportunity will come your way when having a degree will make all of the difference.
Regardless, I wish you all the best.
TESU BSBA - GM, September 2015
"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale, radio personality and motivational speaker