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Realistic goal to graduate in March? TESC BSBA eval provided...
I really want to graduate in March (instead of June) but don't know if this is a realistic goal. I've provided my eval and have edited it to downsize it. What do you think?
(sorry its so long)

A: Intellectual Skills (Complete)
> Complete 15 semester hours (SH) of Intellecutal and Practical Skills coursework, to include:
> *English Composition I: Completed
> *English Composition II: Completed
> *College Algebra: Completed
> *Business/Managerial Communications: Currently working on through Saylor
> *Intellectual and Practical Skills Electives: Completed
B: Responsibility (In Progress)
> Complete 9 semester hours (SH) in Personal and Social
> Responsibility coursework to include:
> *Diversity or Global Literacy: Completed
> *Responsible Ethical Leadership: Incomplete
> *Personal and Social Responsibility Elective: Completed
C: Human Cultures (In Progress)
> Complete 18 semester hours (SH) in Human Cultures and the
> Physical and Natural World to include:
> *Macroeconomics: Complete
> *Microeconomics: Incomplete
> *Statistics: Complete
> *Interdiciplary (combination of Humanities, Social
> Sciences, Natural Sciences and Interdisciplinary 9SH: Incomplete
Interdisciplinary (Completed)
D: General Ed Electives (Completed)
Core (27sh)
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
Complete all 8 subrequirements:
A: Intr Finl/Mgrl Acctg (Not Started)
ACC-101: Incomplete
ACC-102: Incomplete
B: Business Law (Not Started)
> Complete 3 semester hours of Business Law: Incomplete
C: Compu Lit/Intr CIS (Completed)
D: Princ of Finance (Not Started)
> Complete 3 semester hours of Principles of Finance: Incomplete
E: Prins of Management (Completed)
F: Intro to Marketing (Not Started)
> Complete 3 semester hours of Introduction to Marketing: Incomplete
G: Bus in Soc/Int'l Mgt (Not Started)
> Complete 3 semester hours of business in society, introduction to international business, international management or international marketing: Incomplete
H: Strategic Management (Not Started)
> Complete 3 semester hours in Strategic Management or Business Policy: Incomplete
Specialization (12sh Must Be At the 300/400 Level
A: GMS Required Areas (Not Started)
> Complete one three semester hour course in three of the following four areas: Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing: Incomplete
B: GMS Elective Area (Not Started)
> Complete 9 more semester hours from any
> assortment of the four areas above: Incomplete
Business Electives (9sh)
> Complete 9 sh from accounting, banking, business, computer applications, computer information systems, finance, management, hotel/motel/restaurant management, insurance, operations management, public administration, real estate, law, marketing, and retailing management,fundraising.
3 Complete, 6 Incomplete
To graduate in March you must have all requirements met by the end of the year to send in the form by 1/1/15 to graduate. It's possible as long as you aren't taking any normal courses at the school in which case grades would need to be done by that date. If you are bringing the credits over and complete them before the end of the year then you can submit the form ( and list the courses which are not yet on your evaluation. You can do it but it looks like you are still working on many different requirements so it's all up to your choice of the pace. Good luck to you either way.

Baf Wrote:Hi,
I really want to graduate in March (instead of June) but don't know if this is a realistic goal. I've provided my eval and have edited it to downsize it. What do you think?
(sorry its so long)

A: Intellectual Skills (Complete)
> Complete 15 semester hours (SH) of Intellecutal and Practical Skills coursework, to include:
> *English Composition I: Completed
> *English Composition II: Completed
> *College Algebra: Completed
> *Business/Managerial Communications: Currently working on through Saylor
> *Intellectual and Practical Skills Electives: Completed
B: Responsibility (In Progress)
> Complete 9 semester hours (SH) in Personal and Social
> Responsibility coursework to include:
> *Diversity or Global Literacy: Completed
> *Responsible Ethical Leadership: Incomplete
> *Personal and Social Responsibility Elective: Completed
C: Human Cultures (In Progress)
> Complete 18 semester hours (SH) in Human Cultures and the
> Physical and Natural World to include:
> *Macroeconomics: Complete
> *Microeconomics: Incomplete
> *Statistics: Complete
> *Interdiciplary (combination of Humanities, Social
> Sciences, Natural Sciences and Interdisciplinary 9SH: Incomplete
Interdisciplinary (Completed)
D: General Ed Electives (Completed)
Core (27sh)
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
Complete all 8 subrequirements:
A: Intr Finl/Mgrl Acctg (Not Started)
ACC-101: Incomplete
ACC-102: Incomplete
B: Business Law (Not Started)
> Complete 3 semester hours of Business Law: Incomplete
C: Compu Lit/Intr CIS (Completed)
D: Princ of Finance (Not Started)
> Complete 3 semester hours of Principles of Finance: Incomplete
E: Prins of Management (Completed)
F: Intro to Marketing (Not Started)
> Complete 3 semester hours of Introduction to Marketing: Incomplete
G: Bus in Soc/Int'l Mgt (Not Started)
> Complete 3 semester hours of business in society, introduction to international business, international management or international marketing: Incomplete
H: Strategic Management (Not Started)
> Complete 3 semester hours in Strategic Management or Business Policy: Incomplete
Specialization (12sh Must Be At the 300/400 Level
A: GMS Required Areas (Not Started)
> Complete one three semester hour course in three of the following four areas: Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing: Incomplete
B: GMS Elective Area (Not Started)
> Complete 9 more semester hours from any
> assortment of the four areas above: Incomplete
Business Electives (9sh)
> Complete 9 sh from accounting, banking, business, computer applications, computer information systems, finance, management, hotel/motel/restaurant management, insurance, operations management, public administration, real estate, law, marketing, and retailing management,fundraising.
3 Complete, 6 Incomplete
My completed "non-traditional" credits include 27 credits from CLEP, 30 credits from DSST, 6 credits from ALEKS, 19 credits from FEMA courses including PDS, 3 credits from NFA courses, 10 credits from ACE Workplace Training, 3 credits from a TESC TECEP exam, and 3 credits from a TESC PLA course.
Nothing is impossible. As cooperalex said, though, you need to have all courses complete, with transcripts on the way no later than 12/31/14 to have the form submitted by 1/1/15. (One minor correction - if you were taking a TESC course, the course just needs to finished by or on 12/31/14, but there is a place on the form to indicate that not all transcripts are in or courses are graded.)

At a quick glance, I see 17 courses (51 credits) that you would need to knock out in the next 2.5 months. Others have done it, but you need to be studying for a number of tests at a time, and have a couple other non-traditional courses moving all at once, all in addition to whatever your normal daily life looks like; taking an actual course (and the papers and other time-sink requirements that tend to go with it) would be nearly - not totally, but nearly - a schedule-killer with that volume. There are plenty of non-traditional credit options to satisfy the requirements I saw still remaining, but it's still a whole lot to juggle. Many people would have a hard time even completing that many courses and credits by the June graduation deadline (March). If you were to take one at a time, it's 1-1/2 completed courses every week for the next 11 weeks. Not impossible to maintain, but not easy.

Basically, not knowing you personally - your typical schedule, whether you're a go-getter type A, what other daily obligations require your time, etc. - no one here can answer that for you. Personally, I would say...go ahead and shoot for it. Why not? But, don't be upset with yourself if you cannot keep up that pace. Not many can, have, or would want to.
BSBA, HR / Organizational Mgmt - Thomas Edison State College, December 2012
- TESC Chapter of Sigma Beta Delta International Honor Society for Business, Management and Administration
- Arnold Fletcher Award

AAS, Environmental, Safety, & Security Technologies - Thomas Edison State College, December 2012
AS, Business Administration - Thomas Edison State College, March 2012
Thanks guys!

Is there anything I can take per Aleks besides College Alg. and Intro to Stats for a BSBA degree? I searched the forum and it looked like you could at one point take Business statistics and it would transfer as an operations management class but doesn't anymore.
Baf Wrote:Thanks guys!

Is there anything I can take per Aleks besides College Alg. and Intro to Stats for a BSBA degree? I searched the forum and it looked like you could at one point take Business statistics and it would transfer as an operations management class but doesn't anymore.

Last I heard any of the stats courses would duplicate. A while back someone posted this list and I saved it as it shows the easiest paths toward math credit and which things overlap. As I said, this is from a while back but I think it still remains accurate. If you wish for something to be accepted for something else and it doesn't happen automatically then you can either pre-arrange for it through a request to an advisor to plan the course in and approve it for a different course number or you can petition for credit after it duplicates. For anyone reading this, those two options are available after you've paid for enrollment and have access to the advisors for things other than an initial evaluation. Others may have an idea whether something is different on the BSBA but in general the following is what I've seen to occur at TESC:

Course options to reach up to 21 credits of math from CLEP/DSST/ALEKS:

3 ALEKS intermediate algebra
6 CLEP college math
3 ALEKS college algebra or ALEKS algebra w/trig or CLEP algebra (choose 1)
3 ALEKS precal or ALEKS trig or CLEP precal (choose 1)
3 ALEKS stats (any one stats class) or DSST stats exam
3 CLEP calculus
My completed "non-traditional" credits include 27 credits from CLEP, 30 credits from DSST, 6 credits from ALEKS, 19 credits from FEMA courses including PDS, 3 credits from NFA courses, 10 credits from ACE Workplace Training, 3 credits from a TESC TECEP exam, and 3 credits from a TESC PLA course.
cooperalex2004 Wrote:Course options to reach up to 21 credits of math from CLEP/DSST/ALEKS:

3 ALEKS intermediate algebra = MATH 115
6 CLEP college math = MATH 102/103
3 ALEKS college algebra or ALEKS algebra w/trig or CLEP algebra or TECEP (choose 1) = MATH 121
3 ALEKS precal or ALEKS trig or CLEP precal (choose 1) = MATH 129
3 ALEKS stats (any one stats class) or DSST stats exam or TECEP = STA-201
3 CLEP calculus = (MATH 231)

I believe the calculus CLEP is worth 4 credits.

There's also TECEP Liberal Arts Math = 3cr MATH 105 which would bring it up to 25 math credits

For someone good at math, that's a lot of college credits for cheap.
Baf Wrote:Thanks guys!

Is there anything I can take per Aleks besides College Alg. and Intro to Stats for a BSBA degree? I searched the forum and it looked like you could at one point take Business statistics and it would transfer as an operations management class but doesn't anymore.

Yes, that is true, I was lucky and got credit for both Beg Algebra and Business Stats. Unfortunately it was about the same time as Straigherline introduced their bus stats course, TESC determined all Aleks stats courses would transfer in as STA201. (At one time a few received credit for al three!)

Currently, it would seem you could possibly earn the UL credit through Saylor. If interested, I would recommend you first contact TESC Advising through the helpdesk ticket system to have the course pre-approved (in writing) for UL credit prior to start. I have not seen feedback from anyone that has taken the course/exam or had it transcribed to TESC as of yet. Better safe than sorry

Here is the information/links:

BUS204: Business Statistics | Saylor Academy

Transfer equivalency
Open Course Option for ASBA | Saylor Academy
scroll to Business Electives (click on show)
OPM-351 Business Statistics - BUS204 Business Statistics

As others have advised, I would also recommend you taking advantage of the overlap and grabbing as much math credit as possible. Combining Aleks and TESC liberal arts math I have a total of 21 math credits. Either after intermediate, or college algebra, you should definitely take the gen math CLEP and the liberal arts math TECEP. You wouldn't need any further study to earn an easy extra 9 credits. The calculus CLEP is 3 credits.

"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan." -Tom Landry

AAS, Admin Studies. 2010
BA, Social Sciences. 2010. Arnold Fletcher Award.
AAS, Environmental, Safety & Security Technologies. 2011
BSBA, General Management. 2011. Arnold Fletcher Award. Sigma Beta Delta (ΣΒΔWink!
Tim Ferris in 4 Hour Work Week often talks about time useage and goal setting. He spends a good deal arguing that whatever you set out to do will fill up, exactly, the time you have allocated; so set much shorter deadlines.

I absolutely, 100%, believe will do it!
bricabrac Wrote:Currently, it would seem you could possibly earn the UL credit through Saylor. If interested, I would recommend you first contact TESC Advising through the helpdesk ticket system to have the course pre-approved (in writing) for UL credit prior to start. I have not seen feedback from anyone that has taken the course/exam or had it transcribed to TESC as of yet. Better safe than sorry

I've gotten the Saylor course of Business Statistics approved and on my TESC degree plan. In the BSBA General Management, it counts as a management course for the Area of Study.

From my Academic Evaluation:

"Group 2 (Pending)
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. OPM-351 Business Statistics...... (3.00) --- OPM-351 *PL *TE"

I agree that it's a good idea to get this approved in advance, since things can change without prior notice.
bricabrac Wrote:The calculus CLEP is 3 credits.

That's interesting because College Board (ACE Credit Recommendations | CLEP) and ACE (ACE CREDIT | The National Guide to College Credit for Workforce Training) both state that as of Oct 2012 the Calculus CLEP is worth 4 credits.

Perhaps someone active with TESC could ask about it?

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