05-02-2008, 07:15 PM
loredia Wrote:Hooray!! I passed the Dantes Technical Writing with a 64 and 1hr to spare. (technically speaking, the previous sentence is structured incorrectly...lol) This was my first exam and I was SUPER nervous. It didn't help that the test center was a bit noisy and VERY hot.
I still haven't taken Civil War because I'm chicken. But me rocrastination the Civial War exam backfired on me. I'm not as fresh with knowledge as I was 2 weeks ago when I just finished watching the Ken Burns Series. BIG MISTAKE. I should have bit teh bullet and taken it within a few days. Now I'm going to have to study a little more...
To end on a positive note: YAY, I passed my first exam. hilarious
Congratulations are in order-passing the first exam! Question? What is your study plan to pass the remaining tests by May 10th?