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" Other Courses" section for TESU / Comp Sci degree plan
Hey guys!

Just got back my husband's eval for BA in Comp Sci. A bunch of his courses from DeVry (circa 1989) fell into the "Other Courses" section, at the bottom of the eval. 

What is this and do these count at all? Should I ignore them as I build his plan?


Big Grin
BALS (Social Sciences) + ASNSM in CS - Sept 2022 TESU graduate
Other courses are stuff that didn't fit into the degree plan. If you think they should have, then you'd want to bring it up with TESU advising. Sometimes, they get equivalencies wrong and will reconsider if supplied with the catalog entry or a syllabus. Other times, if courses are moved around in your eval, it might make room for some of the other courses.

Otherwise, yes, you'd ignore them.
NanoDegree: Intro to Self-Driving Cars (2019)
Coursera: Stanford Machine Learning (2019)
TESU: BA in Comp Sci (2016)
TECEP:Env Ethics (2015); TESU PLA:Software Eng, Computer Arch, C++, Advanced C++, Data Struct (2015); TESU Courses:Capstone, Database Mngmnt Sys, Op Sys, Artificial Intel, Discrete Math, Intro to Portfolio Dev, Intro PLA (2014-16); DSST:Anthro, Pers Fin, Astronomy (2014); CLEP:Intro to Soc (2014); to Computers (2014); CC: 69 units (1980-88)

PLA Tips Thread - TESU: What is in a Portfolio?
I agree - most if not all the "other courses" won't apply to the degree. Having said that... I would list the entire evaluation in this thread, minus the personal info. We can then see what can be placed where if possible to save your hubby from taking anything that may not be needed... and lastly make recommendations on the cheap/easy/fast courses that may "hit" the course requirements that are remaining in his degree plan. Offer
In Progress: UMPI BAS & MAOL | TESU BA Biology & Computer Science
Graduate Certificate: ASU Global Management & Entrepreneurship

Completed: TESU ASNSM Biology, BSBA (ACBSP Accredited 2017)
Universidad Isabel I: ENEB MBA, Big Data & BI, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
Certs: 6Sigma/Lean/Scrum, ITIL | Cisco/CompTIA/MTA | Coursera/Edx/Udacity

The Basic Approach | Plans | DegreeForum Community Supported Wiki
~Note~ Read/Review forum posts & Wiki Links to Sample Degree Plans
Degree Planning Advice | New To DegreeForum? How This Area Works

[Image: e7P9EJ4.jpeg]
Hey, thanks guys! 

You are awesome! I've also attached the plan in a spreadsheet.


Program Requirements:
1: BA General Education (60 SH) (In progress)
SH Earned: 21 Complete all 5 subrequirements:

A: IntellctSkills 15 SH (In progress)
For TESU course options, go to Intellectual and Practical Skills Course s 

SH Earned: 6

ENC-101 3 SH *must earn grade of C/CR or better (Complete)
English Composition I 
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
1 ENGL101 Comm Skills 05/01/90 --- 3.00 ENC-101
ENC-102 3 SH *must earn grade of C/CR or better (Not started)
English Composition II 
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
Oral Communication 3 SH (Not started)
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
Quantitative Literacy 3 SH (Complete)
1 MATH105 Tech Math I 08/01/89 A 3.00 MAT-101
SOS-110 3 SH (Not started)
Living in the Information Age OR Critical Information Literacy (Information Literacy) 
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
B: Civic Learning 9 SH (Not started)
For TESU course options, go to Civic and Global Leadership Courses< /a> 

SH Earned: 0

Diversity 3 SH (Not started)
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
Ethics 3 SH (Not started)
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
Civic Engagement 3 SH (Not started)
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
C: Human Cultures 12 SH (In progress)
For TESU course options, go to Knowledge of Human Cultures Courses 
Humanities and/or Social Sciences 
SH Earned: 6
Required: 12
Remaining: 6
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
1 CARD209 Career Develop 12/01/90 --- 3.00 SOS-150
1 ENGL207 Tech Comm 12/01/90 --- 3.00 ENG-201
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
D: Natural World 4 SH (Complete)
For TESU course options, go to Understanding the Physical and Natural Wo rld Courses 
Natural Sciences 4 SH 
SH Earned: 6
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
1 ET103 Electron Fund 08/01/89 B 3.00 ELE-212
1 ET103 Electron Fund 08/01/89 B 3.00 ELE-211
E: GE Electives 20 SH (In progress)
For TESU course options, go to General Education Elective Cours es 
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
1 MATH120 Tech Math II 12/01/89 --- 3.00 MAT-115
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
2 credits needed

2: Computer Science (36SH: 15SH must be upper level) (Not started)
SH Earned: 0 GPA Achieved/Needed: none / 2.000 Complete all 7 subrequirements:

A: Intro to Programming (Not started)
3 SH

*must earn a grade of C/CR or better

For TESU course options, go to COS-111 Introduction to Programming 
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
B: Data Structures (Not started)
3 SH

*must earn a grade of C/CR or better

For TESU course options, go to COS-241 Data Structures 
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
C: Calculus I (Not started)
3 SH

*must earn a grade of C/CR or better

For TESU course options, go to MAT-231 Calculus I 
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
D: Discrete Math (Not started)
3 SH

*must earn a grade of C/CR or better

For TESU course options, go to MAT-270 Discrete Mathematics. 
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
E: Operating Systems (Not started)
3 SH

*must earn a grade of C/CR or better

For TESU course options, go to COS-240 Operating Systems 
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
F: Comp. Architecture (Not started)
3 SH

*must earn a grade of C/CR or better

For TESU course options, go to COS-330 Computer Architecture 
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
G: AOS Electives (Not started)
18 SH

**At least 15 of the 36 credits required within the entire Area of Study must be at the 300/400 level.**

*m ust earn grades of C/CR or better

For TESU and other course options, please contact an Advisor 

SH Earned: 0

Group 1 (Not started)
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
Group 2 (Not started)
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed

3: Liberal Arts Capstone (3 SH) (Not started)

For TE SU course options, go to LIB-495 Liberal Arts Cap stone Course 
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed

4: Electives (21SH) (Complete)

For TESU course options, go to Elective Courses 
SH Earned: 21
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
1 ET128L Eltrn Devs Lab 12/01/89 A 1.00 ELT-199
1 ET185L Digital I Lab 08/01/89 A 1.00 ELD-199
1 ET267 Analog Comm Sys 08/01/90 --- 3.00 ELC-212
1 ET243 Ind Ctl Sys 05/01/90 --- 3.00 CTR-211
1 ET270 Dig/Dat Com Sys 08/01/90 --- 4.00 ELC-252
1 ET262 Basic Elec Comm 05/01/90 --- 4.00 ELC-201
1 ET285 Intro Micropros 05/01/90 --- 5.00 ELD-211

Other Courses:
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
1 ET103L Electrn Fun Lab 08/01/89 A 2.00 ELE-199 *TE
1 ET114 Electron Apps 12/01/89 D 4.00 ELT-203 *TE
1 ET114L Electrn Aps Lab 12/01/89 D 1.00 ELT-299 *TE
1 ET193L Digital II Lab 05/01/90 1.00 ELD-299 *TE
1 ET285L Int Micropr Lab 05/01/90 1.00 ELD-299 *TE
1 ET262L Bas Ele Com Lab 05/01/90 1.00 ELC-299 *TE
1 ET243L Ind Ctl Sys Lab 05/01/90 1.00 CTR-299 *TE
1 ET291L Micropr Sys Lab 08/01/90 1.00 ELD-299 *TE
1 ET297L Micropr Aps Lab 12/01/90 1.00 ELD-399 *TE
1 ET270L D/D Com Sys Lab 12/01/90 1.00 ELC-299 *TE
1 ET128 Electrn Devices 12/01/89 D 4.00 ELT-201 *TE

Attached Files
.xlsx   TESU-BACompSci.xlsx (Size: 17.97 KB / Downloads: 6)
BALS (Social Sciences) + ASNSM in CS - Sept 2022 TESU graduate
Hmm, can you get him to log into his TESU OSS and get a BS Tech Studies evaluation? I think he is closer to a BS Tech Studies than he would be a BA Comp Sci. You may want to check the BSIT academic evaluation as well... I think the LL courses may fit into the Tech Studies AOS without issues. Offer
In Progress: UMPI BAS & MAOL | TESU BA Biology & Computer Science
Graduate Certificate: ASU Global Management & Entrepreneurship

Completed: TESU ASNSM Biology, BSBA (ACBSP Accredited 2017)
Universidad Isabel I: ENEB MBA, Big Data & BI, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
Certs: 6Sigma/Lean/Scrum, ITIL | Cisco/CompTIA/MTA | Coursera/Edx/Udacity

The Basic Approach | Plans | DegreeForum Community Supported Wiki
~Note~ Read/Review forum posts & Wiki Links to Sample Degree Plans
Degree Planning Advice | New To DegreeForum? How This Area Works

[Image: e7P9EJ4.jpeg]
[-] The following 2 users Like bjcheung77's post:
  • akr680, suzycupcake
(07-01-2019, 03:42 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote: Hmm, can you get him to log into his TESU OSS and get a BS Tech Studies evaluation?  I think he is closer to a BS Tech Studies than he would be a BA Comp Sci.  You may want to check the BSIT academic evaluation as well...  I think the LL courses may fit into the Tech Studies AOS without issues.

Yep, looks like the BS in Tech Studies came back with 60 credits applied! You were right!


Program Summary: (In Progress)
Semester Hours (SH) Required: 120.00
SH Applied to Degree: 60.00
SH Remaining: 60.00
SH To Be Planned: 60.00
Thomas Edison State University GPA Needed: 2.000
Thomas Edison State University GPA Earned:
Overall Degree GPA Needed: 2.000
Overall Degree GPA Requirement Met: Yes
Community College SH (80 SH Maximum): 0.00

1: BS General Education Distribution (60SH) (In progress)
SH Earned: 15 Complete all 6 subrequirements:

A: IntellecSkills 15 SH (In progress)
For TESU course options, go to Intellectual and Practical Skills Course s 

SH Earned: 3

ENC-101 3 SH *must earn a grade of C/CR or better (Complete)
English Composition I 
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
1 ENGL101 Comm Skills 05/01/90 --- 3.00 ENC-101
ENC-102 3 SH *must earn a grade of C/CR or better (Not started)
English Composition II 
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
Oral Communication 3 SH (Not started)
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
MAT-121 (DEGREE REQUIREMENT) 3 SH (Not started)
College Algebra (or above) 
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
SOS-110 3 SH (Not started)
Living in the Information Age OR Critical Information Literacy (Information Literacy) 
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
B: Civic Learning 9 SH (Not started)
For TESU course options, go to Civic and Global Leadership Courses< /a> 

SH Earned: 0

Diversity 3 SH (Not started)
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
Ethics 3 SH (Not started)
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
Civic Engagement 3 SH (Not started)
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
C: Human Cultures 9 SH (In progress)
For TESU course options, go to Knowledge of Human Cultures Courses 
Humanities and/or Social Sciences 
SH Earned: 6
Required: 9
Remaining: 3
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
1 CARD209 Career Develop 12/01/90 --- 3.00 SOS-150
1 ENGL207 Tech Comm 12/01/90 --- 3.00 ENG-201
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
D: Natural World 8 SH (Not started)
For TESU course options, go to Chemistry and Physics Courses

General Chemistry with Lab and/or General Physics with Lab (DEGREE REQUIRMENT)

Choose two of the following :

CHE-121 4 SH, CHE-122 4 SH, PHY-115 4 SH, PHY-116 4 SH 
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
2 credits needed
E: Mathematics 3 SH (Not started)
For TESU course options, go to Higher Level Math Courses 
Higher Level Mathematics (DEGREE REQUIREMENT) 
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
F: GE Electives 16 SH (In progress)
For TESU course options, go to General Education Elective Courses 

SH Earned: 6

STA-201 (DEGREE REQUIREMENT) 3 SH (Not started)
Principles of Statistics 
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
Computer Concepts (DEGREE REQUIREMENT) 3 SH (Not started)
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
General Education Electives 10 SH (In progress)
SH Earned: 6
Required: 10
Remaining: 4
1 MATH105 Tech Math I 08/01/89 A 3.00 MAT-101
1 MATH120 Tech Math II 12/01/89 --- 3.00 MAT-115
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
1 credit needed

2: Technical Studies (21SH) (Complete)
SH Earned: 21 GPA Achieved/Needed: 3.400 / 2.000 Complete 1 of 11 subrequirements:

B: Electrical 21 SH (Complete)
*must earn grades of C/CR or better
For TESU and other course options, please contact an Advisor

A total of 18 Area of Study credits must be from 300/400 level courses (6 of these cred its are satisfied with the Technical Core requirement). 
SH Earned: 21
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
1 ET103 Electron Fund 08/01/89 B 3.00 ELE-212
1 ET103 Electron Fund 08/01/89 B 3.00 ELE-211
1 ET128L Eltrn Devs Lab 12/01/89 A 1.00 ELT-199
1 ET185L Digital I Lab 08/01/89 A 1.00 ELD-199
1 ET103L Electrn Fun Lab 08/01/89 A 2.00 ELE-199
1 ET267 Analog Comm Sys 08/01/90 --- 3.00 ELC-212
1 ET270 Dig/Dat Com Sys 08/01/90 --- 4.00 ELC-252
1 ET262 Basic Elec Comm 05/01/90 --- 4.00 ELC-201

3: Technical Studies (18SH) (In progress)
! GPA Achieved/Needed: 1.000 / 2.000

*must earn grades of C/CR or better
Topics include any discipline in Applied Science and Technology

For TESU and othe r course options, please contact an Advisor

A total of 1 8 Area of Study credits must be from 300/400 level courses (6 of these credits are satisfied with the Technical Core requirement). 
SH Earned: 15
Required: 18
Remaining: 3
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
1 ET243 Ind Ctl Sys 05/01/90 --- 3.00 CTR-211
1 ET285 Intro Micropros 05/01/90 --- 5.00 ELD-211
1 ET128 Electrn Devices 12/01/89 D { 4.00} ELT-201
1 ET114 Electron Apps 12/01/89 D { 4.00} ELT-203
1 ET270L D/D Com Sys Lab 12/01/90 --- 1.00 ELC-299
1 ET297L Micropr Aps Lab 12/01/90 --- 1.00 ELD-399
1 ET291L Micropr Sys Lab 08/01/90 --- 1.00 ELD-299
1 ET243L Ind Ctl Sys Lab 05/01/90 --- 1.00 CTR-299
1 ET262L Bas Ele Com Lab 05/01/90 --- 1.00 ELC-299
1 ET285L Int Micropr Lab 05/01/90 --- 1.00 ELD-299
1 ET193L Digital II Lab 05/01/90 --- 1.00 ELD-299
1 ET114L Electrn Aps Lab 12/01/89 D { 1.00} ELT-299
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed

4: Technical Core (6SH upper level) (Not started)
SH Earned: 0 Complete both subrequirements:

A: Current Trends 3 SH (Not started)
*must earn a grade of C/CR or better
This Capstone course must be taken with Thomas Edison State University or via an approved T homas Edison State University Academic Program Review. Baccalaureate students will not be permitted to register for a capstone cours e unless they have 100 credits applied toward the requirements for the declared degree and a GPA of 2.0 or higher.

For T ESU course options, go to APS-401 Current Trends and Applications 
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
B: Project Mngt 3 SH (Not started)
*must earn a grade of C/CR or better
For TESU course options, go to MAN-435 Project Management 
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed

5: Electives (15SH) (In progress)

For TESU course options, go to Elective Courses 
SH Earned: 9
Required: 15
Remaining: 6
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
1 ET128 Electrn Devices 12/01/89 D 4.00 ELT-201
1 ET114 Electron Apps 12/01/89 D 4.00 ELT-203
1 ET114L Electrn Aps Lab 12/01/89 D 1.00 ELT-299
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
BALS (Social Sciences) + ASNSM in CS - Sept 2022 TESU graduate
[-] The following 1 user Likes CarpeDiem8's post:
  • suzycupcake
Looks like there's 9 credits in the AOS with a "D" grade. I think they won't be allowed to stay there once they do an official evaluation. Happily, the overall GPA is OK though, so he should be able to use 6 of them to finish filling out his Free Electives.

Another issue. If those technical courses date from 1989, it's possible they won't be able to be used in the AOS even though the automated system let them be used.
NanoDegree: Intro to Self-Driving Cars (2019)
Coursera: Stanford Machine Learning (2019)
TESU: BA in Comp Sci (2016)
TECEP:Env Ethics (2015); TESU PLA:Software Eng, Computer Arch, C++, Advanced C++, Data Struct (2015); TESU Courses:Capstone, Database Mngmnt Sys, Op Sys, Artificial Intel, Discrete Math, Intro to Portfolio Dev, Intro PLA (2014-16); DSST:Anthro, Pers Fin, Astronomy (2014); CLEP:Intro to Soc (2014); to Computers (2014); CC: 69 units (1980-88)

PLA Tips Thread - TESU: What is in a Portfolio?
(07-01-2019, 04:10 PM)davewill Wrote: Looks like there's 9 credits in the AOS with a "D" grade. I think they won't be allowed to stay there once they do an official evaluation. Happily, the overall GPA is OK though, so he should be able to use 6 of them to finish filling out his Free Electives.

Another issue. If those technical courses date from 1989, it's possible they won't be able to be used in the AOS even though the automated system let them be used.

Thanks, Dave! I also don't think that it's applicable to his current career either, taking a look at the details for the BA in Tech Studies. He's a senior software engineer / web developer, so he'll probably stick to the current BA in Comp Sci. It's good to know that the BA in Tech Studies is an option, though!!!

Thanks again!
BALS (Social Sciences) + ASNSM in CS - Sept 2022 TESU graduate
I would agree. If he's trying to enhance his resume as a software engineer, he should stick with Computer Science.
NanoDegree: Intro to Self-Driving Cars (2019)
Coursera: Stanford Machine Learning (2019)
TESU: BA in Comp Sci (2016)
TECEP:Env Ethics (2015); TESU PLA:Software Eng, Computer Arch, C++, Advanced C++, Data Struct (2015); TESU Courses:Capstone, Database Mngmnt Sys, Op Sys, Artificial Intel, Discrete Math, Intro to Portfolio Dev, Intro PLA (2014-16); DSST:Anthro, Pers Fin, Astronomy (2014); CLEP:Intro to Soc (2014); to Computers (2014); CC: 69 units (1980-88)

PLA Tips Thread - TESU: What is in a Portfolio?
[-] The following 2 users Like davewill's post:
  • alab21, CarpeDiem8
from 1989 ??

I'm surprised they'd accept any of those courses

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