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My 17 year old is done!!!!
Great story, I plan to do the same with my sons...if they'll have it. I just can't justify spending the money colleges want for the same partying and other distractions.

I never did those kind of things...Rolleyes
[SIZE="2"]Associates Degree, Aviation Maintenance Technology, Community College of the Air Force[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]Bachelors of Science, Liberal Studies Degree, Excelsior [/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]MBA Human Resource Management, California Coast University[/SIZE]
Great news. Our family is happy for you.

a4tunatemom Wrote:I can't believe it but my daughter, Briana, has finished all of the requirements for a Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice at TESC. She started taking CLEPs in September and she just took the final for her last class yesterday. Now she just needs to apply for graduation. It's a good thing my second daughter just started earning college credit for high school or I wouldn't know what to do with myself. Smile


Awesome achievement.........CONGRATULATIONS! to your daughter
Started 5/09
[SIZE="1"]Hist I & II, American Gov, Intro to Comp, Prin of Markt, Intro to Bus,
Civil War and Recon, HTYH, A&I Lit, SS & His, Intro Soc, Subs Abuse,
Human G & D , Fund of Coun, Western Civ I, II, Freshman Comp, Vietnam War, Europe Since 1945, Ethics, Technical Writing, Intro to Modern Middle East[SIZE="1"][/SIZE]

FEMA: PD Series
“I think therefore I am” Rene Descartes
"Grant me the strength to change the things I can; the serenity to accept the things I can’t... and the wisdom to know the difference".Smile Smile
[SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"][COLOR="Navy"]For those who believe, no proof is necessary; for those who don't believe, no proof is possible. [I][I][I][I][SIZE="1"]Stuart Chase[/SIZE][/I][/I][/I][/I]
Thanks everyone!! She definitely coudn't have done it without all the advice, support, and encouragement of the people on this forum. Others here paved the way for her to take this route and we are very grateful.

nick94 Wrote:Wow! That is great for her goals!

Nick! Where have you been? Good to see you back on here. Big Grin
-Andrew T.
Finished: 120 credits! [BSBA Thomas Edison State College] See my degree plan here.
Now Available for Amazon Kindle: How to Test Out of Your First Year of College (And More)
that's AWESOME! Way to go guys.

Rhashad Hicks
Liberty University, DBA
starting 02/2023

Western Governors University, MBA
Organization & Strategy 2013
Educational Design 2021

TESC Bachelors (18 Months)
American History 2011

English Comp w/essay | A & I literature | American Government | Prin. of Management | Prin. of Marketing | Intro to computers | Business Law | Intro to Sociology | Psychology | social sciences & history | U.S. History I | U.S. History II | Human Growth & Dev. | Educational Psych | Microeconomics | Macroeconomics

Civil War & Recon. | Technical Writing | Prin. of Supervision | History of Vietnam | Organizational Behavior | Substance abuse | Management Info Systems | Intro to Business | Principles of Counseling | Modern Middle East

Beg. Algebra | Intermediate Algebra | Pre-Calculus | Business Statistics

Accounting I | Accounting II
Rhashad Wrote:that's AWESOME! Way to go guys.



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