05-09-2019, 12:40 PM
(05-07-2019, 11:07 AM)hannah-joy Wrote: Hello!
I have some very specific questions about LU's Interdisciplinary Studies B.S. as well as questions about gen ed requirements for this degree. If anyone knows the answer to these questions I would greatly appreciate the help! If you have received an LU INDS B.S. degree cheaply and quickly I would love to hear what you did.
-For the general education requirements, there is a section called Info Literacy electives. I'm wondering if Study.com's History of the Vietnam War could go there?
-I am currently taking an Intro to New Testament course(@ Campbellsville University). I know Liberty has the requirement for BIBL 104. I am wondering however if I could transfer in Intro to NT and then take Survey of OT at Liberty and those together would fulfill the requirement of BIBL 104?
-If I did have to take BIBL 104(or even if I didn't and instead did the two classes) could BIBL 104 fulfill the requirement AND go under my Area of Study in Religion if I decided to stick with the course code BIBL for that area of study?
-Do you know if the Institutes Ethics course could fulfill a gen-ed requirement or is it just an elective?
-When a course transfers as 1XX (like some courses on the study.com chart) could that course count as part of an Area of Study in the INDS degree?
Thank you!!
Every link that I used to build this match-up is at the end of the page. The table doesn't copy paste well, but this chart covers everything for your 100/200 level requirements. Beyond what you can DIY, their advisors will help too.