bmills072200 Wrote:Well...being that the Op Management class at CSU-Pueblo is now $411, this seems like the new "best" option for those looking to meet the "Operations Management requirement at EC.
I have to say--I really appreciate LSU's website. It has, by far, the quickest and easiest access to all important course information that I've seen. I've pasted in more info below for reference. In terms of cost--it looks like they're the clear winner. However, you're going to lose in three areas:
1. It appears that you can submit no more than three (3) lessons per week. In that sense, it's not truly self-paced. The CSU course has no pace restrictions.
2. It's only available via US Mail??? I'm not sure how all that works--but the CSU course was conducted via email when I took and I heard that it's now on Blackboard.
3. There are two PROCTORED exams. No proctored exams at CSU.
Still--this may work best for folks who are on a tight budget and have a proctor set up for other tests anyway. Here's the info I found on their website:
ISDS 3115 - Introduction to Operations Management
Version: J
Course Format
This Course is available only through the postal system.
Course Delivery
This course is completed by Independent and Distance Learning. Students work at their own pace by submitting a series of assignments and taking one or more examinations.
Course Credit
3 hours. (Credit for this course is awarded from LSU - Baton Rouge.)
Open enrollment. Students may enroll at any time. The enrollment period is nine months. However, courses can be completed in much less time. Many courses can be completed in a few weeks. The length of time depends on the pace of the student and the number of lesson assignments in the course.
Course Description
Information Systems and Descision Sciences 3115, Introduction to Operations Management. Principles and methodologies concerning productivity and quality of manufacturing and service organizations; production and service systems design; process and capacity design; total quality management; systems for just-in-time and purchasing management; inventory and materials management. Version J; 3 hours of college credit
Course Version: J
The information in this factsheet is correct for the version of this course indicated above. Our courses are periodically reviewed and updated, so a new version of a course may be published at any time. When you enroll, you are assigned to the currently open version of this course. The version letter identifies all of the required elements for your course enrollment: textbooks, assignments, exams, and grading policies. On your course materials, the version letter is printed below the course number on the first page of the course guide. It is the last letter in the course code for online courses. To find textbook or other information about a previous version of this course, you will need to contact the IDL office.
ISDS 2001
Course Instructor
Peter Kelle
Course Content
POM, Productivity, Competitiveness, Strategy
Process Selection and Capacity Planning
Facilities Layout
Design of Work Systems
Quality Management
Quality Control
Inventory Management
Aggregate Planning
Material Requirements Planning
Supply Chain Management
Project Management
Stevenson, William J. Production/Operations Management. 6th edition. Boston: Irwin McGraw Hill, 1999. ISBN: 0-07-366112-0 ISBN-13: 978-0-073661-12-4
Additional Supplies
A nonprogrammable calculator is recommended.
Number of Lesson Assignments
15 Lesson Assignments
Lesson Assignment Requirements
No more than three (3) lessons may be submitted in a seven day period. There are NO exceptions to this requirement. All lessons must be complete.
Format of Lesson Assignments
Lesson assignments generally contain 4 to 6 definition/discussion questions 5 problems.
Grading Scale
The 10-point University grading scale.
Number of Exams
2 Exams
Cost of course [textbook(s) not included]
Material covered in Exams
The mid-course exam covers lessons 1-7
the final covers lessons 8-15.
Exam Format(s)
Each exam will contain multiple-choice questions, discussion questions, and problems.
Special Instructions for the Exams
Students are allowed to use a nonprogrammable calculator.
Exam Proctor
All exams must be taken with a proctor. LSU students will test in the Independent and Distance Learning Testing Office. All other Louisiana students should test at approved Louisiana testing sites. Out of state students must arrange for an approved proctor. An approved proctor, generally, is a university testing facility or administrator, military education office, or other such facility.
How the final grade is assessed
You must pass the final exam in order to pass the course. Lesson assignments = 20% of the final course grade
mid-course exam = 30%
final exam = 50%. Grades will be determined using the 10 point university grading scale.