05-04-2017, 07:38 AM
Advanced Op Man - OPM 301
Log and Supply Ch - OPM 420
Proj Man - MAN 435
Total Qual Man - OPM 411
And if they are accepted, you could finish out with 2 of these CSU's possibly?:
Project Procurement & Contract Management
Leadership in Ops Management
Managing the Supply Chain
Without the cert. Or do the cert and add a couple of courses and be done. Does this seem right? Are there any other choices?
This is very interesting to me, as this is the route I want to go with my career. I was going to go with a GM, but I would prefer a supply chain or op man degree. I plan to do my business core courses first, then decide. But this doesn't seem any harder than a GM degree.
I work hands-on-hardware in the aerospace field, and want to move to the business side of things. Looking at all of the management/supply chain/op man/proj man jobs (this is how I am deciding my education goals, searching jobs I want and looking at the requirements), they all give a BIG plus to someone with hands-on technical experience, so I should be "unstoppable" with a business degree and knowledge/skills on the technical side of things. I like my company, and want to try to move internally upon gaining my degree.
Advanced Op Man - OPM 301
Log and Supply Ch - OPM 420
Proj Man - MAN 435
Total Qual Man - OPM 411
And if they are accepted, you could finish out with 2 of these CSU's possibly?:
Project Procurement & Contract Management
Leadership in Ops Management
Managing the Supply Chain
Without the cert. Or do the cert and add a couple of courses and be done. Does this seem right? Are there any other choices?
This is very interesting to me, as this is the route I want to go with my career. I was going to go with a GM, but I would prefer a supply chain or op man degree. I plan to do my business core courses first, then decide. But this doesn't seem any harder than a GM degree.
I work hands-on-hardware in the aerospace field, and want to move to the business side of things. Looking at all of the management/supply chain/op man/proj man jobs (this is how I am deciding my education goals, searching jobs I want and looking at the requirements), they all give a BIG plus to someone with hands-on technical experience, so I should be "unstoppable" with a business degree and knowledge/skills on the technical side of things. I like my company, and want to try to move internally upon gaining my degree.
We are all on the same side here, trying to better our lives....so let's get along and help each other out.
Learn a trade. Gain technical skills. Make money, then use this money to get a degree...if you have the desire.
Learn a trade. Gain technical skills. Make money, then use this money to get a degree...if you have the desire.