08-04-2023, 01:13 PM
(08-03-2023, 11:27 PM)AlvinG Wrote: Which schools were you able to find in nursing which accepted your ACE credits? Much like the information shared here for Associates and Bachelors degree’s, you’d really help a lot of people by creating a pathway/list of what you did to get accepted into an RN program with ACE credits!
The science courses are usually a big hurdle for most!
Yes I was surprised I found two different schools that accepted my ACE credits! I'm in Virginia and some of the bigger well-known universities do not accept any ACE credits whatsoever. My local community college accepted 75% of my ACE credits. I don't want to say which one so I don't potentially dox myself.
The other is Averett University. Most accelerated BSN programs require a bachelor's degree in another field, however Averett does not. You do need at least 60 credits of classes though. Here: https://absn.averett.edu/admissions/prerequisites/ is the list of prerequisites. My english credits are RA, but they accepted ACE credits for everything else, so I'd imagine ACE english classes would be accepted as well.
Averett is NOT cheap. It was around 65-70 thousand for the full program. There are lots of scholarship opportunities. If the cost doesn't matter to you then it's probably a great option for starting a career in nursing quickly. It's 4 back-to-back semesters. https://absn.averett.edu/absn-program/curriculum/
If you want to go into nursing or another health field definitely check with your local schools/cc to see if they'll take ACE credit. You might be surprised like I was.