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How do you know about CLEP?
sgloer Wrote:How did YOU learn about CLEP?
From my mom, LatinTea. Thanks, Mom! Big Grin (By the way, this is a great thread. Why has it been hiding all this time?)

sgloer Wrote:My theory is, if you could mass-communicate the benefits of CLEP, it would revolutionize the college industry, as students spend time in college focusing on courses relevant to their major instead of having to waste time on all of the general ed requirements.
Indeed it would. I tell my friends about CLEP tests often, but they either say "that's nice" or give me some lame excuse like "I wish I could learn like that."

I want to say, "You're homeschooled! You've been learning like that all your life!!! It's not that hard!" But I suppose everyone does have a different level of motivation to complete studies. Perhaps some people need a professor breathing down their necks to get assignments done before they'll actually do them. Alas. Rolleyes
[SIZE="1"]American Government (68) ~ Analyzing & Interpreting Literature (70) ~ Art of the Western World (72) ~ Astronomy (66) ~ ENG407: Chaucer (A) ~ Civil War & Reconstruction (69) ~ College Algebra (62) ~ College Mathematics (73) ~ College Writing (A) ~ English Composition with Essay (59) ~ GRE Literature in English (610/73%tile) ~ Humanities (75) ~ Introduction to Business (62) ~ Introduction to Computing (459) ~ Introduction to Educational Psychology (72) ~ Introduction to World Religions (478) ~ Introductory Psychology (74) ~ Money & Banking (48) ~ Research & Writing (A) ~ Rise & Fall of the Soviet Union (68) ~ ENG 310: Short Stories (A) ~ Introductory Sociology (77) ~ Social Sciences & History (76) ~ Technical Writing (67) ~ US History I (69) ~ US History II (64) ~ Western Civilization I (76) ~ Western Civilization II (65) Western Europe Since 1945 (65) ~ Exam Feedback

Total Credits: 121 ~ DONE: Literature in English BA from Excelsior College[/SIZE]
I first heard about CLEP tests about 4 years ago at a convention. One of the speakers there was Woody Robertson from CollegePlus!, and he was promoting the idea of accelerated distance learning using CLEPs, DSSTs, etc. I am so glad I listened to him, as I am at 75 credits right now, less than a month after I turned 18. Thank you, CollegePlus!
I took a CLEP 24 years ago when I was in college. My college had this research requirement in the library as part of the Engish Comp course that everybody dreaded. When I mentioned that I wasn't looking forward to it my friend started insisting that I HAD to do it. I HAD to! There was no way of getting out of it and I wouldn't graduate until I did it. So I went to the Engish department and asked it there was anything else I could do to meet the English Comp requirement. They said I could take a test called a CLEP. I took it cold because I had no idea study material existed and passed. I was thrilled when I realized they had given me credit for 2 classes not just the Eng Comp since no one told me that beforehand.

So I'm thankful that my friend was so obnoxious because if she hadn't been I wouldn't have learned about Clep and had such a positive experience with it that I was willing to go this route with my children.

Danielle -- I love the story. Guess was an obnoxious person who got me back on track to getting my degree about 2 years ago.

I had heard of CLEPs when I was first in college. It was in the catalog back then, but I was not confident I had enough knowledge to take them. There was no study information 30+ years ago.

Fast forward 28 years, when I returned to college, at this age I did not want to spend any more time or money than necessary and realized at this point in time what I know and know well, and that I don't have to sit in a classroom to learn.... Took Eng Com first, then planned on filling in 3 more courses.

When searching the net to find out what to use as study guides for the other 3 courses I found IC, and IC not only helped me get those credits but the folks here have informed and enabled me to do so much more. Thanks to Marianne and others encouragement, I will be hearing soon from EC on completion of the AS (withouth having to pay over $750 and work for free doing over 450 hours of a clinical that would NOT be for the purpose of me getting a job as I have one already and just want/need the degree-- it would just free labor for someone else), but I am well on my way towards accruing other credits towards a BS -- going beyond my original plans, since it is both doable and affordable.

CLEP and DSST are one thing -- IC and the members of the forum are what makes it all work better and faster!
I came across mentions of CLEP a few times before really looking in to them. I think the first reference I saw was in an article online about homeschoolers earning college credit (I homeschool my kids). Then about 4 years ago I applied and was accepted at Eastern Oregon University through their distance partnership with the local community college. I went digging around the College Board website trying figure out if my old AP scores were still good and came across all of the CLEP information. I needed a West.Civ class so I took the WC 1 CLEP using Instacert and other resources. I ended up not attending EO because the program wasn't really what I wanted. It was close, but to expensive to not be "just right." Now that I am determined to get the degree I want and go to grad school, I have done a few more CLEPs. My oldest son is only 12 but he tested at post-high school on all of the school districts tests a year and a half ago. He is doing ALEKS math for credit and has negotiated with me to allow him to study and take the Freshman Comp CLEP in lieu of the writing program we were using that he despised.
Terry Total Credits = 100/121

*Goal: BA Liberal Arts Excelsior
*60 Credits from previous college
APUS (12)
NFA (2)
CLEP (15)
AP (8)
I first heard about CLEP when I read Brad Voeller's book Accelerated Distance Learning...great book, by the way. Wink
-Andrew T.
Finished: 120 credits! [BSBA Thomas Edison State College] See my degree plan here.
Now Available for Amazon Kindle: How to Test Out of Your First Year of College (And More)
my bro did it... looked good to me Big Grin
me = Cool
cr: 63
P00057870 Wrote:CLEP and DSST are one thing -- IC and the members of the forum are what makes it all work better and faster!

I totally agree!!

I first learned about it when I made a very poor move and signed a contract with The College Network. $8000 :mad: and two failed clep exams later I started looking for a better resource. I stumbled onto IC and was hooked when I passed my first 3 tests first time. This is the route that will get me where I need to be as long as I get my butt into gear. I hesitate to anounce my goal yet, but I hope to be able to do so in the next month or so. I am still testing the waters as to what I am capable of completing in the time frame I am looking at.

Intro to Psychology 53/50
Intro to Management 59/50
Intro to Sociology 62/50
Humanities 54/50

Intro to Computing 56/45
World Religions 405/400


Community College 9 sm hours Gen Elective

I had heard of CLEP before but wasn't really familiar with what it entailed, but while perusing my local college's website and pondering another degree, I came across their testing policies. That led me to look at CLEP books on amazon and a comment there led me here. =)

Currently pursuing AS, working on 35ish CLEP credit hours, 3/7 tests complete!

English Comp w/Essay (3) - 7/09 - 71
Intro to Sociology (3) - 8/09 - 72
Intro to Psychology (3) - 8/09 - 68
Biology (8)
College Mathematics (3)
College Algebra (3)
American Lit (6)
6/33 Community College Credits Complete
15/62 Total Credits Complete

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