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A Clep Hater
Hello All,

I stumbled into another forum. Someone really really hates any testing out. (Except AP, for whatever reason that is fine. :confused: )

She stated that we are cheating because we do not take 16week course. That instacert is cheating because we just take a couple of hours before our tests and memorize the flash cards, (I wish). Then she spoke of how her degree is worth so much more, yadayadayada. And no, she has never taken a CLEP or DSST.

Overall it was a pretty heated thread. I'm not giving her words to much thought, and I will not stop my testing.

I'm still wondering why this person even cares. If she doesn't like it, then do not do it. The passion of her opposition was entertaining at least.
1A – Eng 101 & 102 SL – Business Communications SL – College Algebra ALEKS 73% - Intermediate Algebra ALEKS 74%
1B – Macro SL – Micro SL – Business Stats 80% ALEKS – Substance Abuse DSST 450 – Environment and Humanity DSST 55 – Intro to Psychology CLEP 56
1C – Intro to Religion DSST 445 – Ethics in America DSST 443 – Sociology CLEP 58
1D – Pre-Cal ALEKS 76% - Tech Writing DSST – I need to choose 4 more
2A – Business Law CLEP 57 – Intro to Comp DSST 443 – Principles of Financial Accounting SL – Managerial Accounting SL – Marketing CLEP – Principles of Finance DSST – Business Ethics and Society DSST – Strategic Management Capstone – Management CLEP 50
2B – Money and Banking DSST - Marketing need to choose one – MIS DSST 415 – Organizational Behavior DSST – Human Resource Management DSST
2C – Principles of Supervision DSST – Intro to Business CLEP – Business Law 2 DSST 49
2D – Personal Finance DSST 446 – HTYH DSST 435
Just laugh. Your degree is fully accredited and besides, she's probably just aggravated that Sallie Mae called her again this morning looking for their 65,000. Big Grin I have met a few individuals that raise an eyebrow, but here's a little secret: Employers don't care how you got your degree!

Challenge her to take the Principles of Financial Accounting DSST cold and come back with the same remarks.
MS in Administration - Public Administration (Central Michigan University) - 2012
BS in Health Care Management (Southern Illinois University Carbondale) - 2011
I have found that there are CLEP haters out there. Most of them don't understand what we're really doing, but I think that there are other reasons for disliking tests.

First of all, if you took a CLEP and failed it, and then never tried to do it again, you would probably be really upset about it. You might even hate it and others that were successful at something that you failed.

Secondly, and more likely, if you paid tons of money for a B&M degree, and saw that someone else was getting the same degree without having to invest tens of thousands of dollars and years of their life, it could also make you upset. AP is a little less threatening because so many people come out of high school with a few AP credits.

While there are some CLEP/DSST's that I've walked away from thinking that they were so easy, I practically stole the credits, the vast majority have been a lot of work, with a couple being insanely difficult. I'm in a Capstone class right now and it's challenging, but no where near as hard as some of the tests I have taken. My brother, a COSC graduate, got his masters and is now working on his doctorate. His opinion is that classwork at the undergrad level is a lot of busy work, and if you need the busy work to learn the topic, then that's ok. However, he agrees that testing can be tougher than classes.

Anyhow... you'll never please everyone, and that's ok. Smile and walk away knowing that you'll zip through your degree with little debt if any, while the hater will end up with mountains of debt and at least four years of school (though the average is now closer to five). You could be finished with your graduate degree before they get through their undergrad, so you win Smile
Regis University, ITESO, Global MBA with a focus in Emerging Markets 4.0 GPA, Dual-university degree (Spanish/English) 
ISSA Certified Nutritionist
COSC BS, Business Admin

My BS Credits:
Spanish 80 | Humanities 67 | A & I Lit 72 | Sub Abuse 452 | Bus Ethics 445 | Tech Writ 62 | Math 53 | HTYH 454 | Am. Govt 65 | Env & Humanity 64 | Marketing 65 | Micro 61| Mgmt 63| Org Behavior 65| MIS 446|Computing 432 | BL II 61 | M&B 50 | Finance 411 | Supervision 437| Intro Bus. 439| Law Enforcement 63|  SL: Accounting I B | Accounting II C+| Macro A | ECE: Labor Relations A | Capstone: A| FEMA PDS Cert 
It is funny you both mention the loads of debt. While reading this thread I was imagining the man who was speaking on a Sally Mae video about his slavery to them. It was really sad.

You are right, employers do not care how. Wink

I think it just struck a cord with me because my boyfriend said I was taking the easy way. I can't wait for him to check his e-mail and see the link from his daughters school (CWS) that they will take 30 credit hours of testing Smile
1A – Eng 101 & 102 SL – Business Communications SL – College Algebra ALEKS 73% - Intermediate Algebra ALEKS 74%
1B – Macro SL – Micro SL – Business Stats 80% ALEKS – Substance Abuse DSST 450 – Environment and Humanity DSST 55 – Intro to Psychology CLEP 56
1C – Intro to Religion DSST 445 – Ethics in America DSST 443 – Sociology CLEP 58
1D – Pre-Cal ALEKS 76% - Tech Writing DSST – I need to choose 4 more
2A – Business Law CLEP 57 – Intro to Comp DSST 443 – Principles of Financial Accounting SL – Managerial Accounting SL – Marketing CLEP – Principles of Finance DSST – Business Ethics and Society DSST – Strategic Management Capstone – Management CLEP 50
2B – Money and Banking DSST - Marketing need to choose one – MIS DSST 415 – Organizational Behavior DSST – Human Resource Management DSST
2C – Principles of Supervision DSST – Intro to Business CLEP – Business Law 2 DSST 49
2D – Personal Finance DSST 446 – HTYH DSST 435
jmichelle79 Wrote:I can't wait for him to check his e-mail and see the link from his daughters school (CWS) that they will take 30 credit hours of testing Smile

"In that case...!" LOL!
MS in Administration - Public Administration (Central Michigan University) - 2012
BS in Health Care Management (Southern Illinois University Carbondale) - 2011
I agree that CLEP is way too easy, but then B&M classes are also too easy AND too expensive. Let's face it, outside of specialized training, college isn't about education, it's about getting a degree. Any way you can get it (legitimately), go for it, but PLEASE, my friends, remember that education is for life. Go to the library, search the internet, read the news. Be informed, practice new skills and get a real education on your own Confusedeeya:

[Image: ccoDZ6X.png]

burbuja0512 Wrote:I'm in a Capstone class right now and it's challenging, but no where near as hard as some of the tests I have taken.
:iagree: I am not testing out for my degree and I feel that testing out is way more difficult than the exams I take at college...Maybe it's because I don't do well teaching myself the material. I can study for months for a CLEP and pass by one point and can study 2 or 3 hours for my college test and ace it... I don't know how you people do it Wink
- [SIZE="2"]STG[/SIZE]
[COLOR="Plum"][SIZE="1"]Intro to Sociology 51|Biology 54|Intro to Psychology 61
College Algebra A[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]124 credits: B.A Social Sciences [B]DONE in 14 months; August 2011[/COLOR][/B]
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty"- [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Winston Churchill[/COLOR]
I don't understand the love affair with AP either.

They say don't teach to the test, but they DO teach to the test. Really expensively too. Have you seen how expensive some of those one day prep classes are?! $150+ specificly teaching to the ACT/SAT/AP. Or an AP course? Some of this are several $100 each and home schoolers fill them up.

And they say well AP is accepted at more colleges. Only about 200 more. And just bc a college states they accept other credits, it does NOT mean they will accept THAT credit. Many colleges that say they accept AP, but only accept a few and the score has to be a 5. Same goes even for a B&M community college credit, many 4 year schools won't accept some CC credits.

Unless a person knows EXACTLY what their school will accept and that they are absolutely going to that school, it doesn't matter whether we are talking CLEP/AP/CC/DSST or any other exam or course - there is a risk it won't transfer.

My boys have learned way more via western civ 1 than I ever did in high school history. And I sure took some really hard college classes that I can't remember a thing about now. How hard or easy a course is has nothing to do with whether the knowledge is retained.

I don't care what method is used, what a person gains from any educational opportunity is up to them.

If they are happy with their education choices and the outcome - then its all good to me. That some people want to think they are superior because they chose a harder (for them) and more expensive path?

Whatever. Their insecurity issues are between them and their therapist. I have other things to do than waste time on the evident lack of logic formation in their education.:p
Mom of 11

Graduated 6, still home educating 5

Credits from CC classes:
eng 1113 freshman comp 1
eng comp 2
pos 1113 american fed gov't (political sci.)
spa 1103 spanish 1
bio 2123 human ecology
his 1493 american history civil war era - present
phi 1113 intro to philosophy
soc 1113 intro to sociology
total credits 24 hours
gpa 3.12

Whatever. Their insecurity issues are between them and their therapist. I have other things to do than waste time on the evident lack of logic formation in their education.:p[/QUOTE]

Love it!!
1A – Eng 101 & 102 SL – Business Communications SL – College Algebra ALEKS 73% - Intermediate Algebra ALEKS 74%
1B – Macro SL – Micro SL – Business Stats 80% ALEKS – Substance Abuse DSST 450 – Environment and Humanity DSST 55 – Intro to Psychology CLEP 56
1C – Intro to Religion DSST 445 – Ethics in America DSST 443 – Sociology CLEP 58
1D – Pre-Cal ALEKS 76% - Tech Writing DSST – I need to choose 4 more
2A – Business Law CLEP 57 – Intro to Comp DSST 443 – Principles of Financial Accounting SL – Managerial Accounting SL – Marketing CLEP – Principles of Finance DSST – Business Ethics and Society DSST – Strategic Management Capstone – Management CLEP 50
2B – Money and Banking DSST - Marketing need to choose one – MIS DSST 415 – Organizational Behavior DSST – Human Resource Management DSST
2C – Principles of Supervision DSST – Intro to Business CLEP – Business Law 2 DSST 49
2D – Personal Finance DSST 446 – HTYH DSST 435
burbuja0512 Wrote:Smile and walk away knowing that you'll zip through your degree with little debt if any, while the hater will end up with mountains of debt and at least four years of school (though the average is now closer to five). You could be finished with your graduate degree before they get through their undergrad, so you win Smile
I agree with the debt (although it doesn't apply to far) part but I disagree with the last part...I'm finishing my bachelors and masters in 4 years total with only testing out 3 CLEPs...all the rest I'm doing with regular college classes
- [SIZE="2"]STG[/SIZE]
[COLOR="Plum"][SIZE="1"]Intro to Sociology 51|Biology 54|Intro to Psychology 61
College Algebra A[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]124 credits: B.A Social Sciences [B]DONE in 14 months; August 2011[/COLOR][/B]
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty"- [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Winston Churchill[/COLOR]

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