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Maniac Craniac Wrote:As if you can make up your mind without injuring uncertainty.

Hahaha....wait, what am I even laughing about. I don't quite comprehend that. banghead hilarious
Maniac if you are intent on getting both, I'd strongly consider knocking off the BSBA first. The BA is extremely forgiving and requires only a 33 credit core area of study and 27 free electives.

The BSBA on the other hand has a 27 credit core, an 18 hour concentration, and 9 business electives, which leaves only 6 free 4 prerequisites.

Now the new TESC rule for a second degree requires only 24 new credits after the first degree is conferred. Because these degrees are apples and oranges, you can complete the BA first but then when you turn to do the BSBA you might realize you need another 30-40 credits to fill out the requirements. On the other hand, since the BA only requires a 33 credit core and allows 27 free electives (which could be filled with business courses) could concentrate on taking business courses that apply to both...i.e. advanced economics and labor studies and you would then only need to fill out the 24 credits from the BA core to finish that degree.

You may already have this all figured out doing the BA first and doing the business courses along the way as free electives and if that's the case, excuse my long winded post....I'm just saying think this one through and chart out the BSBA in advance.

Good luck with your new plan!!!
Excelsior - BS Business 2008
Son #1 TESC BSBA Computer Information Systems completed June 2010
Son #2 TESC BA Computer Science completed November 2010 Currently in Florida State (FSU) Masters CS program and loving it
I wanted two bachelors degrees but realized that with the slow pace of TESC I would have to sit on my hands for months waiting to start testing out of courses and also would have to sign up for their 6 credit save the planet science course.
In the time it would have taken me to wait for degree conferral for degree 1, start testing out and taking their online class I could have finished half of my MBA.

So what I am saying is that if your goal is an MBA then take some business core courses like macro, micro, accounting, and business law and finish up with a social sciences degree filled out with some business stuff. These business courses will help you in the MBA ahead.

In fact, I am flying through NCU's MBA because of my studies in undergrad business. If not for that, I would be in much worse shape.

Whatever you do, commit to something and complete it. I am just recommending that you throw some business courses in there for the sake of learning something useful.
BSBA CIS from TESC, BA Natural Science/Math from TESC
MBA Applied Computer Science from NCU
Enrolled at NCU in the PhD Applied Computer Science
Geezer Wrote:Maniac if you are intent on getting both, I'd strongly consider knocking off the BSBA first. The BA is extremely forgiving and requires only a 33 credit core area of study and 27 free electives.

The BSBA on the other hand has a 27 credit core, an 18 hour concentration, and 9 business electives, which leaves only 6 free 4 prerequisites.

Now the new TESC rule for a second degree requires only 24 new credits after the first degree is conferred. Because these degrees are apples and oranges, you can complete the BA first but then when you turn to do the BSBA you might realize you need another 30-40 credits to fill out the requirements. On the other hand, since the BA only requires a 33 credit core and allows 27 free electives (which could be filled with business courses) could concentrate on taking business courses that apply to both...i.e. advanced economics and labor studies and you would then only need to fill out the 24 credits from the BA core to finish that degree.

You may already have this all figured out doing the BA first and doing the business courses along the way as free electives and if that's the case, excuse my long winded post....I'm just saying think this one through and chart out the BSBA in advance.

Good luck with your new plan!!!

Geezer, et al.

The rope is tightening. The policy for 2nd degree is changing. I almost got caught in the new regs (that are not published anywhere other than my eval yet). It will likely show up with the release of the new catalog. If like me you are currently working on your second (eff catalog 2010-2011 or prior) and you lose credit placement, appeal.

For the second degree the area of study including its electives MUST be all NEW credits (18cr). The current published language states 24 new credits in the area of study/core which implies shared. So be careful if trying to pre-fill business courses while working on BA. If like me, you need more than 24 credits, do most core and business electives only. The 18cr upper level area of study required/electives + 6cr in core is the NEW not yet published policy.

So as Geezer said, plan proactively! I did but was almost screwed because I had my half of my area of study courses completed prior to first degree conferral date. Also for those enrolling now, you are not able to reuse UL credits within major/concentration area as NEW. For example, I had PSY361 in my concentration for BA; under new policy I CANNOT reuse it again for my concentration in the BSBA.

Now, for those who need a visual interpretation:
If the BSBA is your second degree DO NOT start these until after your conferral (graduation) date!

____________ 3cr (ex business policy)
____________ 3cr (ex business in society or business law)

BSBA concentration:
____________ 3cr
____________ 3cr
____________ 3cr
____________ 3cr
____________ 3cr
____________ 3cr

If you do the BSBA first, although I don't know what the new policy will be in that regard, if they are consistent it would mean leaving 18cr? in area of concentration open to complete BA or BS. I would make sure to confirm the requirements with advising or the registrars first and get it in writing.

Geezer, my post was longer than yours! I wanted to make this as clear as possible. Of course, there will be those who don't understand no matter what I do. I sometimes feel as if I'm speaking chinese.Rolleyes

Edit to add the exact language :
"The second degree policy indicates 24 new credits must be completed in the area of study/core. For a BSBA, the specialization must be all new credit earned after the time of graduation of the prior bachelor degree."

"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan." -Tom Landry

AAS, Admin Studies. 2010
BA, Social Sciences. 2010. Arnold Fletcher Award.
AAS, Environmental, Safety & Security Technologies. 2011
BSBA, General Management. 2011. Arnold Fletcher Award. Sigma Beta Delta (ΣΒΔWink!

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