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Failed Natural Science Clep today - All I could do is cry!
After studying hard for a month I failed my natural science clep with a score of 44. I used the new REA book for natural sciences and I used the petersons exams to help study for the clep and I also used videos from
neok12 website and lectures from website.

I woke up this morning at 4 and took 4 practice test. 3 Rea practice exams and the 1 peterson practice exam and I scored between a 72-78 on the rea exams and the peterson exam I scored a 64. I just don't know how I failed that test. I studied my @ss off for it and worst of all that was all I needed to get my B.S. conferred in Business Systems Analysis. I am so devastated.

The test was hardly anything like the study guides some the answers I know I answered correctly was stuff that I observed from watching the science videos. I did the best that I could do. I just don't know what went wrong?
scorpyoice24 Wrote:After studying hard for a month I failed my natural science clep with a score of 44. I used the new REA book for natural sciences and I used the petersons exams to help study for the clep and I also used videos from
neok12 website and lectures from website.

I woke up this morning at 4 and took 4 practice test. 3 Rea practice exams and the 1 peterson practice exam and I scored between a 72-78 on the rea exams and the peterson exam I scored a 64. I just don't know how I failed that test. I studied my @ss off for it and worst of all that was all I needed to get my B.S. conferred in Business Systems Analysis. I am so devastated.

The test was hardly anything like the study guides some the answers I know I answered correctly was stuff that I observed from watching the science videos. I did the best that I could do. I just don't know what went wrong?

Chins up....there are other options/ways to complete Natural Science requirements
Started 5/09
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scorpyoice24 Wrote:After studying hard for a month I failed my natural science clep with a score of 44. I used the new REA book for natural sciences and I used the petersons exams to help study for the clep and I also used videos from
neok12 website and lectures from website.

I woke up this morning at 4 and took 4 practice test. 3 Rea practice exams and the 1 peterson practice exam and I scored between a 72-78 on the rea exams and the peterson exam I scored a 64. I just don't know how I failed that test. I studied my @ss off for it and worst of all that was all I needed to get my B.S. conferred in Business Systems Analysis. I am so devastated.

The test was hardly anything like the study guides some the answers I know I answered correctly was stuff that I observed from watching the science videos. I did the best that I could do. I just don't know what went wrong?

Firstly, I'm sorry you didn't pass. Lots of things can happen on test day. Sounds like you were under the gun and tense. Its clear you put considerable effort into preparing. My humble advice is to have a cry, then let it go and regroup. All is not lost!

Is Biology an option? If so, the good news is that there is a bit of cross over from the Natural Science exam. If Bio is workable and you decide to go that route, I strongly suggest using the Standard Deviants series. Dorky but very good. REA was also quite a good resource.

Hang in there and reflect on what you have already accomplished. If this was easy, everyone would do it and it would have little value. I know today is discouraging, but keep in mind its just a bump on the journey.

[SIZE="1"][SIZE="3"][B][SIZE="2"]How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time![/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/B]

AS and BS completed
MBA - In Progress[/SIZE]
Thanks guys. I cried and no biology is not an option at my school the only ones I can take for science is chemistry and psychology to fulfill those last 6 credits. I was hoping to get my degree conferred on Aug 12. but now I have to wait until december which makes me just want to go on and take the 2 classes.
Hey...sounds familiar to some things that have happened to me in the past! Don't worry, though, for it always seems like something breaks through when you least expect it that makes it be alright in the end - even though it seems like everyone else has it easy. But keep trying and don't give up! Your hard work will (and has already) paid off! Haven't taken either Chemistry or Pyschology but you could also look around for some online/distance learning options depending upon how the brick and mortar classes are set up. Whatever you decide, go for it!!

"I am a firm believer in luck. The harder I work, the more I have of it" ~Thomas Jefferson

"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun rises; not because I see it, but because by it, I see everything else." ~C.S. Lewis

"The greatest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it." ~John Ruskin

"A man is like a fraction whose numerator is what he is and whose denominator is what he thinks of himself. The larger the denominator, the smaller the fraction" ~Tolstoy
I'm so sorry to hear about your experience. IMO, the Natural Science CLEP was one of those tests that was poorly gauged by the practice exams. When I prepped for it I was scoring in the 60s in both REA and Peterson's practice tests, but just barely got a passing score on the real thing.

Others have already given some good advice, and it sounds like you know what options are open to you at your school. Good luck with whatever you decide!
[SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkBlue"]B.S., Biology, Excelsior College
Aw I failed Natural Sciences too with a 49! But I only studied for 4 days.
It was the most difficult test ever. Science is definitely not my thing.
I'm so so sorry about it!
I recently had my first failure and it is a difficult pill to swallow. It sounds like you did everything you could to prepare. That was a tricky test and I was very surprised when I passed it.

One other option I wondered if you can use is an Excelsior exam, they have a couple that might fit your need.

Keep your head up and don't let this keep you down. Shake it off and finish your degree.

Start by doing what is necessary: then do the possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible  St Francis of Assisi

Now a retired substitute Teacher in NY, & SC

AA Liberal Studies TESC '08
BA in Natural Science/Mathematics TESC Sept '10
AAS Environmental safety and Security Technology TESC  Dec '12
Sunshine Wrote:I'm so sorry to hear about your experience. IMO, the Natural Science CLEP was one of those tests that was poorly gauged by the practice exams. When I prepped for it I was scoring in the 60s in both REA and Peterson's practice tests, but just barely got a passing score on the real thing.

Others have already given some good advice, and it sounds like you know what options are open to you at your school. Good luck with whatever you decide!

I found NS to be a funky one also...I've done pretty good with Anatomy & Physiology and also taken Chem...I scored 56 but thought I should have done better in a score. The test also had some questions that were totally unrelated to what I had studied for (via instantcert, dummys' Chem and my old A&P book).

To the writer; if you need 6 credits, CHem would be the best way, although I've heard its tough. Psych would be a easier one, but that's only 3. Check into DSST exams, see if maybe Educational Psych and CLEP psych, together, would make up the difference.
scorpyoice24 Wrote:After studying hard for a month I failed my natural science clep with a score of 44. I used the new REA book for natural sciences and I used the petersons exams to help study for the clep and I also used videos from
neok12 website and lectures from website.

I woke up this morning at 4 and took 4 practice test. 3 Rea practice exams and the 1 peterson practice exam and I scored between a 72-78 on the rea exams and the peterson exam I scored a 64. I just don't know how I failed that test. I studied my @ss off for it and worst of all that was all I needed to get my B.S. conferred in Business Systems Analysis. I am so devastated.

The test was hardly anything like the study guides some the answers I know I answered correctly was stuff that I observed from watching the science videos. I did the best that I could do. I just don't know what went wrong?

Bummer. I failed a test once too, not fun. Messes with your mind too!

I have no idea exactly why you failed, but after a few years and my own testing, I might be able to think of some reasons someone might fail.

- Taking the same practice test more than once, false inflation. Never do it.
- Not understanding the answers/why a choice is/is not correct.
- Studying too broad. General knowledge is less helpful than specific.
- Not matching the topic % with the CLEP's. (for instance, if CLEP tells you that 50% of the test is bio, you need to know your bio COLD)
- Not reading slowly or carefully enough.
- Not understanding what the question is asking. *especially if they throw in a chart/graph.

Hopefully some of that might help you for future tests.

Just thinking out loud- but psychology is counted as natural science at your school? Are you sure? You said bio is a no, but psychology is a yes...that has me really really confused as to the requirement you are meeting. There may be other ways to hit that requirement, but I hesitate to offer suggestions since I don't really understand what your school is requiring.

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