03-26-2020, 04:30 PM
(03-26-2020, 04:06 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote: TwinMom, it depends if the student is working towards a BA or BS in Liberal Arts. There are just slight differences...
For BA Liberal Arts: Review Catalog Page 38, it'll show distribution basics and extra details on page 39.
For BS Liberal Arts: Review Catalog Page 130, it'll show distribution requirements and extra details on Page 131-133.
BA/BS: 12 credits are required in two different arts and sciences distribution areas and 9 credits in the third distribution area
At least 30 of the degree credits must be at the upper level, 21 of which must be in the Arts and Sciences. Degree depths in two different disciplines are required, ensuring exposure to a variety of subject areas and allowing students to explore thematic areas of study that connect disciplines in a meaningful way.
As per below, you will need at least 21 credits Upper Level in any arts & science, and 9 credits in an additional arts & science OR if you prefer, business or some other professional studies subject area - Let's grab this random evaluation and review again but picture it differently by resetting the top portion, this will show you what amount is required and where, i'll reset the depths too: https://www.degreeforum.net/mybb/attachm...p?aid=3043
Arts and Sciences Lower Level 39.0
Arts and Sciences Upper Level 21.0
Any Academic Area Lower Level 51.0
Any Academic Area Upper Level 9.0
Depth Requirement in the Arts and Sciences (Depth 1)*** Needed
Upper Level Depth 1 3.0
Lower Level Depth 1 9.0
Depth 1 Minimum GPA (2.0) Not Met
Depth Requirement in Any Academic Area (Depth 2)*** Needed
Upper Level Depth 2 3.0
Lower Level Depth 2 9.0
Depth 2 Minimum GPA (2.0) Not Met
So, using your example of depth 1 using the TEEX Death Investigation course as the UL requirement for AOJ (yes, it's an arts course), they can take the remaining TEEX courses to round out the first depth. In depth 2, they can take the Study.com History courses to complete that requirement (and yes, I did recommend this to an Excelsior student this month! so it's really recent).
What I highly recommend people to do is to get their General Education requirements done first, then work on the depth, lastly work on the remaining requirements (see screenshot again). They have basically 60 credits in professional studies (business or IT, whatever floats their boat) Just make sure the 21 UL Arts & Science course are done, you're golden.
Last but not least, if your kinds have taken any StraighterLine or Study.com courses, you can apply to Brandman, Excelsior, WGU and a whole slew of other schools for free. Since Excelsior is part of the group that gets discounts, you can just apply and get an evaluation! That is one of the main reasons I tell people to use SL/Study.com/Sophia, because of discounts on fees or tuition!
Thank you so much for the detailed reply!!
It's good to know the TEEX courses will work!
TESU is now out completely for us (since they ended their Sophia partnership) so Excelsior is still very tempting if I could be sure of the transferability of certain courses. Mine have 36 cr currently (39 by next Friday) so we are narrowing in on finishing up all of the gen eds. I'll continue on with what we can with the free Sophia classes and reevaluate from there.
Homeschool College Guidance Counselor Mom to twin 18 yo boys
Study: US History, Pres Skills, Enviro Sci, Ethics America, Intro CJ, Meteorology, Forensic Sci, Criminology
Sophia: Psych, Visual Comms, Sociology, Eff Teams, Mng Conflict, Anc Greek, Art History 1, Intro to IT,
Intro to Bus, Engl Comp 1&2, Religion, Conflict Reso, College Algebra, US History 2
TEEX: Death Invest
Coopersmith: Stress Mgmt, Therapeutic, Drugs & Society, Sport & Exercise, Psych of Motivation, Pos Psych, Career Coun
Community College: Comp Info Syst, A+ Hardware, A+ Op Syst, Linux Op Syst, Networks, Switching & Routing, Networking, IT Security
Computer Certs: Comp Tia A+
Planning for (2) Bachelors: BSLS
Homeschool College Guidance Counselor Mom to twin 18 yo boys
Study: US History, Pres Skills, Enviro Sci, Ethics America, Intro CJ, Meteorology, Forensic Sci, Criminology
Sophia: Psych, Visual Comms, Sociology, Eff Teams, Mng Conflict, Anc Greek, Art History 1, Intro to IT,
Intro to Bus, Engl Comp 1&2, Religion, Conflict Reso, College Algebra, US History 2
TEEX: Death Invest
Coopersmith: Stress Mgmt, Therapeutic, Drugs & Society, Sport & Exercise, Psych of Motivation, Pos Psych, Career Coun
Community College: Comp Info Syst, A+ Hardware, A+ Op Syst, Linux Op Syst, Networks, Switching & Routing, Networking, IT Security
Computer Certs: Comp Tia A+
Planning for (2) Bachelors: BSLS