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BACS update
I am updating on my degree for computer science from tesu. The virus has provided alot of time to focus on courses other than my typical high school classes. 

Degree Plan 
  1. AA in English (finish already from my local community college)
  2. ASNSM in Math (TESU pretty much a freebie with the computer science degree that  I am working on)
  3. BA in Computer Science (TESU aiming to finish before December)

  1. Clep info systems
  2. Sophia IT 
  3. Operating Systems - 
  4. Python -
  5. System Analysis & Design (UL) -
  6. Management information systems (UL) -

In Progress 
  1. Computer Architecture (UL) -
  2. Database Management (UL) -
  3. Data Structures -
  4. Discrete Math -

Courses left to take
  1. Calculus I CLEP
  2. Coopersmith Linear Algebra (UL)
  3. Intro to CS 
  4. Sophia Algebra 
I plan on finishing these courses all before I graduate with my diploma in May. That way I can take a summer break and focus on my full-time retail job as a manager. I will enroll in Tesu as soon as I graduate and probably take the cornerstone and capstone in August/ September and finish before October/November. The goal is to graduate with two associate's degrees and a bachelor's degree before my 19 birthday next march. I already accumulative 100 credits from mostly clep and dsst plus the additioanl 30 or so credits from thanks to the virus. I appreciate all the help from this thread so far and will continue to be a member. The clep were all free thanks to modern states in case anyone was wondering and with financial aid tesu for my degree should cost about $4500. A little bit more than wgu but I will get an additoanl associate degree as well as not having to take any other courses this summer or fall besides the capstone and wgu would requrie like another 6-10 so I rather pay the additonal $1000 than having to go through more courses so please no debate about that. The only thing I might do additionally is double major in history since that is also a BA but idk if I can do that  or it is worth it. I have taken all the clep for history: wesetern civ I and II, us history I and II, and social sciences. I would need dsst in soviet union as well as like 4 or 5 classes. Would that be worth it for a second major in history? That would seem like an impressive resume: aa in eglish, aa in math, ba in history, and ba in computer science. My goal would be to become a software engineer.  
[-] The following 1 user Likes maxxor6868's post:
  • Clepper43
Here are my thoughts:

The thing is with virus if your retail store is closed who knows who much longer they will be closed. I wouldn't count on stores opening up as soon as May. Maybe they will maybe they won't. But if you already have the degree done maybe start on your capstone and cornerstone in the summer if you don't have job.

If you can swing May capstone you are looking at September graduation.
June, July or August capstone is December graduation.
With all the free time (assuming you are unemployed idk your exact situation) why not speed up your degree and take advantage of it.
Also TESU is offering discounts for classes in May, June and July terms so maybe take advantage of it.

Idk your exact situation but just something to consider. But as I said in your previous thread you are young and have plenty of time.

Another thing I would consider skipping the CLEP and maybe consider doing calc somewhere else. ASU has a self-paced course that is only $100. This might be the best option. Also SL, saylor and have Calc which might be good too I have heard mixed reviews about them but I've never taken calc so idk. I guess you could try calc and see how it goes and if you don't like switch to something else. You never know when testing centers will open up.

When have that list of "finish" courses does that mean you are almost finished with them or still have to do them? Again if you haven't I'd switch out the CLEP/DSST for something else.

That is interesting you have associates in English that is an associates degree that the CC's I've been to don't have. How much English did you have beyond comp I and II? I'm just curious. That is good English is better than general studies I have.

You can also add a dual aos for ASNSM in computer science as well it wouldn't do anything but it would be a free. You would still only get one associate's degree and you wouldn't have to list it on a resume if you didn't want. But something extra you can do for free. why not do it.

With what you said I think you would only but be 5 class away from a History BA. Also, I think it counts as History Idk but Sophias Ancient Greek Philosophers is free and easy, you could finish it in day. The BA history requires 5 UL so if you do the dsst you only need 4 sdc courses. Also coopersmith is an option they have 2 UL courses in history as well (get them approved first. Coopersmith is could be good because you won't have the pressure of doing it a month like or having assignments to do.

Another option which I strongly suggest especially if you aren't considering starting the capstone and cornerstone until later is taking the Network Technology TECEP. This will lock in your catalog. TESU changes catalogs every July and you don't want to get screwed over. So I would just enroll in this and then it would count as an UL comp science elective. The Network Technology TECEP consists of 70 multiple choice and three essay questions you need a 70% to pass and you can take from your own home. Cost is $225 and you have 3 months to take it.
Or you don't want to do Network Technology if you are set on not enrolling in TESU before July I highly recommend taking a TECEP (any TECEP) to lock in the catalog for this year. But Network Technology makes the most sense because it counts towards your aos.

whatever you do I would enroll at TESU before the July term (either via TECEP or capstone or cornerstone) you may or may not be screwing yourself over if you don't and it could be risky.

If you need any more electives too I'd recommend doing Sophia while they are free.

Idk how you got the degree that cheap that is really good. You do know the spell grant will not cover all your tuition for those 6 credits only about half. My rougth calculations are that your total degree costs would exceed $4500 once you factor in memberships and more. Not a whole lot more but IDK how you are doing it that cheap unless you got other aid or schoarships besides the pell grant. But you are doing it that cheap then that is incredible good job!
My calculations are the residency wavier, 6 credits w/ max pell would be at least $4k total so idk how you would get all that and everything for only $500 on top of that.

You are going places. I wish I worked that hard at 18. Keep it up.
> Clep info systems
> Sophia IT

surprised those don't duplicate

what courses are you using to get the Mathematics Electives for the ASNSM in Mathematics ?

> that would seem like an impressive resume: aa in eglish, aa in math, ba in history, and ba in computer science.

not to me it wouldn't
to me it looks like someone who has no idea what they want to do in life
how would your BA in history or English apply to a job in CS ?
ditch the History degree and build portfilio on github
[-] The following 1 user Likes bluebooger's post:
  • natshar
(03-30-2020, 03:21 PM)bluebooger Wrote: > Clep info systems
> Sophia IT

surprised those don't duplicate

what courses are you using to get the Mathematics Electives for the ASNSM in Mathematics ?

> that would seem like an impressive resume: aa in eglish, aa in math, ba in history, and ba in computer science.

not to me it wouldn't        
to me it looks like someone who has no idea what they want to do in life                  
how would your BA in history or English apply to a job in CS ?          
ditch the History degree and build portfilio on github

Good points but if someone has a bunch of degrees they could leave them off their resume if they aren't relevant. I have 3 associates degree and I don't usually put them all on my resume. Now I'll probably leave them all off my resume and just my put bachelors. Unless it was relevant say I was applying for a job at a community college or something. For a CS job probably just keep the BA computer science on the resume and maybe the as math. There is no rule saying you have to list all your degrees on your resume, Linkedin, portfolio, etc.

If doing another area of study doesn't cost much extra, you have the time (especially now with the virus) and it doesn't slow down your graduation then why not.
(03-30-2020, 03:12 PM)natshar Wrote: Here are my thoughts:

The thing is with virus if your retail store is closed who knows who much longer they will be closed. I wouldn't count on stores opening up as soon as May. Maybe they will maybe they won't. But if you already have the degree done maybe start on your capstone and cornerstone in the summer if you don't have job.

If you can swing May capstone you are looking at September graduation.
June, July or August capstone is December graduation.
With all the free time (assuming you are unemployed idk your exact situation) why not speed up your degree and take advantage of it.
Also TESU is offering discounts for classes in May, June and July terms so maybe take advantage of it.

Idk your exact situation but just something to consider. But as I said in your previous thread you are young and have plenty of time.

Another thing I would consider skipping the CLEP and maybe consider doing calc somewhere else. ASU has a self-paced course that is only $100. This might be the best option. Also SL, saylor and have Calc which might be good too I have heard mixed reviews about them but I've never taken calc so idk. I guess you could try calc and see how it goes and if you don't like switch to something else. You never know when testing centers will open up.

When have that list of "finish" courses does that mean you are almost finished with them or still have to do them? Again if you haven't I'd switch out the CLEP/DSST for something else.

That is interesting you have associates in English that is an associates degree that the CC's I've been to don't have. How much English did you have beyond comp I and II? I'm just curious. That is good English is better than general studies I have.

You can also add a dual aos for ASNSM in computer science as well it wouldn't do anything but it would be a free. You would still only get one associate's degree and you wouldn't have to list it on a resume if you didn't want. But something extra you can do for free. why not do it.

With what you said I think you would only but be 5 class away from a History BA. Also, I think it counts as History Idk but Sophias Ancient Greek Philosophers is free and easy, you could finish it in day. The BA history requires 5 UL so if you do the dsst you only need 4 sdc courses. Also coopersmith is an option they have 2 UL courses in history as well (get them approved first. Coopersmith is could be good because you won't have the pressure of doing it a month like or having assignments to do.

Another option which I strongly suggest especially if you aren't considering starting the capstone and cornerstone until later is taking the Network Technology TECEP. This will lock in your catalog. TESU changes catalogs every July and you don't want to get screwed over. So I would just enroll in this and then it would count as an UL comp science elective. The Network Technology TECEP consists of 70 multiple choice and three essay questions you need a 70% to pass and you can take from your own home. Cost is $225 and you have 3 months to take it.
Or you don't want to do Network Technology if you are set on not enrolling in TESU before July I highly recommend taking a TECEP (any TECEP)  to lock in the catalog for this year. But Network Technology makes the most sense because it counts towards your aos.

whatever you do I would enroll at TESU before the July term (either via TECEP or capstone or cornerstone) you may or may not be screwing yourself over if you don't and it could be risky.

If you need any more electives too I'd recommend doing Sophia while they are free.

Idk how you got the degree that cheap that is really good. You do know the spell grant will not cover all your tuition for those 6 credits only about half. My rougth calculations are that your total degree costs would exceed $4500 once you factor in memberships and more. Not a whole lot more but IDK how you are doing it that cheap unless you got other aid or schoarships besides the pell grant. But you are doing it that cheap then that is incredible good job!
My calculations are the residency wavier, 6 credits w/ max pell would be at least $4k total so idk how you would get all that and everything for only $500 on top of that.

You are going places. I wish I worked that hard at 18. Keep it up. is 70 per test after the first 2 I took 5 CD courses this month.  Finish up top is courses already finish and added to ace. I am considering aganist history as I rather save the money and time send build portfolio. Alot of the degree is clep so it didnt cost me anything. Community college English was comp 1 and 2 plus technical writing plus 2 literature courses again clep so it was easy.  Looks like for a cs job it is best to focus on the portfolio rather than history.
[-] The following 1 user Likes maxxor6868's post:
  • natshar
Yeah that is probably good idea to go against history. But if you really wanted to you can. I guess you just gotta ask how badly you want it doesn't sound like that badly.

Yeah but is 200 plus 70 times 3 is 410. Then you gotta add another month of which will be a minimum of another 200 and then the cost of Coopersmith which is 150 per course I believe and then any other courses. Plus 50 for the application fee and 300 for the graduation fee.

I am trying to take clep right now but everything is closed it so that's why I am saying you might want to change your clep for something else because who knows when they will be open. April 30th minimum.

I still say enroll at TESU before July they are making so many changes lately. Even if you don't plan on taking classes until August I would say sign up for a TECEP soon to lock it in.
(03-30-2020, 03:21 PM)bluebooger Wrote: > Clep info systems
> Sophia IT

surprised those don't duplicate

what courses are you using to get the Mathematics Electives for the ASNSM in Mathematics ?

> that would seem like an impressive resume: aa in eglish, aa in math, ba in history, and ba in computer science.

not to me it wouldn't        
to me it looks like someone who has no idea what they want to do in life                  
how would your BA in history or English apply to a job in CS ?          
ditch the History degree and build portfilio on github
Sounds right. I have these math classes: stats from cc, algebra from Sophia, calc (either clep or depending when test centers will open up again), discrete mathematics, already took college math clep (counts as one and at tesu so I can use one for the requirements and the other as an elective) and will take linear algebra. That should be enough to get me the math associates. The clep info systems and sophia it at the moment do not duplicate as they are cos 101 and cis110 but with sophia being review by tesu that could change at any moment.

(03-30-2020, 04:28 PM)maxxor6868 Wrote:
(03-30-2020, 03:12 PM)natshar Wrote: Here are my thoughts:

The thing is with virus if your retail store is closed who knows who much longer they will be closed. I wouldn't count on stores opening up as soon as May. Maybe they will maybe they won't. But if you already have the degree done maybe start on your capstone and cornerstone in the summer if you don't have job.

If you can swing May capstone you are looking at September graduation.
June, July or August capstone is December graduation.
With all the free time (assuming you are unemployed idk your exact situation) why not speed up your degree and take advantage of it.
Also TESU is offering discounts for classes in May, June and July terms so maybe take advantage of it.

Idk your exact situation but just something to consider. But as I said in your previous thread you are young and have plenty of time.

Another thing I would consider skipping the CLEP and maybe consider doing calc somewhere else. ASU has a self-paced course that is only $100. This might be the best option. Also SL, saylor and have Calc which might be good too I have heard mixed reviews about them but I've never taken calc so idk. I guess you could try calc and see how it goes and if you don't like switch to something else. You never know when testing centers will open up.

When have that list of "finish" courses does that mean you are almost finished with them or still have to do them? Again if you haven't I'd switch out the CLEP/DSST for something else.

That is interesting you have associates in English that is an associates degree that the CC's I've been to don't have. How much English did you have beyond comp I and II? I'm just curious. That is good English is better than general studies I have.

You can also add a dual aos for ASNSM in computer science as well it wouldn't do anything but it would be a free. You would still only get one associate's degree and you wouldn't have to list it on a resume if you didn't want. But something extra you can do for free. why not do it.

With what you said I think you would only but be 5 class away from a History BA. Also, I think it counts as History Idk but Sophias Ancient Greek Philosophers is free and easy, you could finish it in day. The BA history requires 5 UL so if you do the dsst you only need 4 sdc courses. Also coopersmith is an option they have 2 UL courses in history as well (get them approved first. Coopersmith is could be good because you won't have the pressure of doing it a month like or having assignments to do.

Another option which I strongly suggest especially if you aren't considering starting the capstone and cornerstone until later is taking the Network Technology TECEP. This will lock in your catalog. TESU changes catalogs every July and you don't want to get screwed over. So I would just enroll in this and then it would count as an UL comp science elective. The Network Technology TECEP consists of 70 multiple choice and three essay questions you need a 70% to pass and you can take from your own home. Cost is $225 and you have 3 months to take it.
Or you don't want to do Network Technology if you are set on not enrolling in TESU before July I highly recommend taking a TECEP (any TECEP)  to lock in the catalog for this year. But Network Technology makes the most sense because it counts towards your aos.

whatever you do I would enroll at TESU before the July term (either via TECEP or capstone or cornerstone) you may or may not be screwing yourself over if you don't and it could be risky.

If you need any more electives too I'd recommend doing Sophia while they are free.

Idk how you got the degree that cheap that is really good. You do know the spell grant will not cover all your tuition for those 6 credits only about half. My rougth calculations are that your total degree costs would exceed $4500 once you factor in memberships and more. Not a whole lot more but IDK how you are doing it that cheap unless you got other aid or schoarships besides the pell grant. But you are doing it that cheap then that is incredible good job!
My calculations are the residency wavier, 6 credits w/ max pell would be at least $4k total so idk how you would get all that and everything for only $500 on top of that.

You are going places. I wish I worked that hard at 18. Keep it up. is 70 per test after the first 2 I took 5 CD courses this month.  Finish up top is courses already finish and added to ace. I am considering aganist history as I rather save the money and time send build portfolio. Alot of the degree is clep so it didnt cost me anything. Community college English was comp 1 and 2 plus technical writing plus 2 literature courses again clep so it was easy.  Looks like for a cs job it is best to focus on the portfolio rather than history.
How fast can I enroll? I would not need the tecep if since I will have 15 aos plus the capstone in the future. If I graduate around May 20 and applied slash send everything in before the end of May can I enroll and lock my catalog year or do I have to take the tecep to lock it in. I also have to take the accuplacer as only 15 credits outta of my 100 are cc credits and the other 85 are from clep/dsst/sophia so I would have to do that as well.
[-] The following 1 user Likes maxxor6868's post:
  • natshar
(03-30-2020, 05:00 PM)maxxor6868 Wrote:
(03-30-2020, 03:21 PM)bluebooger Wrote: > Clep info systems
> Sophia IT

surprised those don't duplicate

what courses are you using to get the Mathematics Electives for the ASNSM in Mathematics ?

> that would seem like an impressive resume: aa in eglish, aa in math, ba in history, and ba in computer science.

not to me it wouldn't        
to me it looks like someone who has no idea what they want to do in life                  
how would your BA in history or English apply to a job in CS ?          
ditch the History degree and build portfilio on github
Sounds right. I have these math classes: stats from cc, algebra from Sophia, calc (either clep or depending when test centers will open up again), discrete mathematics, already took college math clep (counts as one and at tesu so I can use one for the requirements and the other as an elective) and will take linear algebra. That should be enough to get me the math associates. The clep info systems and sophia it at the moment do not duplicate as they are cos 101 and cis110 but with sophia being review by tesu that could change at any moment.

(03-30-2020, 04:28 PM)maxxor6868 Wrote:
(03-30-2020, 03:12 PM)natshar Wrote: Here are my thoughts:

The thing is with virus if your retail store is closed who knows who much longer they will be closed. I wouldn't count on stores opening up as soon as May. Maybe they will maybe they won't. But if you already have the degree done maybe start on your capstone and cornerstone in the summer if you don't have job.

If you can swing May capstone you are looking at September graduation.
June, July or August capstone is December graduation.
With all the free time (assuming you are unemployed idk your exact situation) why not speed up your degree and take advantage of it.
Also TESU is offering discounts for classes in May, June and July terms so maybe take advantage of it.

Idk your exact situation but just something to consider. But as I said in your previous thread you are young and have plenty of time.

Another thing I would consider skipping the CLEP and maybe consider doing calc somewhere else. ASU has a self-paced course that is only $100. This might be the best option. Also SL, saylor and have Calc which might be good too I have heard mixed reviews about them but I've never taken calc so idk. I guess you could try calc and see how it goes and if you don't like switch to something else. You never know when testing centers will open up.

When have that list of "finish" courses does that mean you are almost finished with them or still have to do them? Again if you haven't I'd switch out the CLEP/DSST for something else.

That is interesting you have associates in English that is an associates degree that the CC's I've been to don't have. How much English did you have beyond comp I and II? I'm just curious. That is good English is better than general studies I have.

You can also add a dual aos for ASNSM in computer science as well it wouldn't do anything but it would be a free. You would still only get one associate's degree and you wouldn't have to list it on a resume if you didn't want. But something extra you can do for free. why not do it.

With what you said I think you would only but be 5 class away from a History BA. Also, I think it counts as History Idk but Sophias Ancient Greek Philosophers is free and easy, you could finish it in day. The BA history requires 5 UL so if you do the dsst you only need 4 sdc courses. Also coopersmith is an option they have 2 UL courses in history as well (get them approved first. Coopersmith is could be good because you won't have the pressure of doing it a month like or having assignments to do.

Another option which I strongly suggest especially if you aren't considering starting the capstone and cornerstone until later is taking the Network Technology TECEP. This will lock in your catalog. TESU changes catalogs every July and you don't want to get screwed over. So I would just enroll in this and then it would count as an UL comp science elective. The Network Technology TECEP consists of 70 multiple choice and three essay questions you need a 70% to pass and you can take from your own home. Cost is $225 and you have 3 months to take it.
Or you don't want to do Network Technology if you are set on not enrolling in TESU before July I highly recommend taking a TECEP (any TECEP)  to lock in the catalog for this year. But Network Technology makes the most sense because it counts towards your aos.

whatever you do I would enroll at TESU before the July term (either via TECEP or capstone or cornerstone) you may or may not be screwing yourself over if you don't and it could be risky.

If you need any more electives too I'd recommend doing Sophia while they are free.

Idk how you got the degree that cheap that is really good. You do know the spell grant will not cover all your tuition for those 6 credits only about half. My rougth calculations are that your total degree costs would exceed $4500 once you factor in memberships and more. Not a whole lot more but IDK how you are doing it that cheap unless you got other aid or schoarships besides the pell grant. But you are doing it that cheap then that is incredible good job!
My calculations are the residency wavier, 6 credits w/ max pell would be at least $4k total so idk how you would get all that and everything for only $500 on top of that.

You are going places. I wish I worked that hard at 18. Keep it up. is 70 per test after the first 2 I took 5 CD courses this month.  Finish up top is courses already finish and added to ace. I am considering aganist history as I rather save the money and time send build portfolio. Alot of the degree is clep so it didnt cost me anything. Community college English was comp 1 and 2 plus technical writing plus 2 literature courses again clep so it was easy.  Looks like for a cs job it is best to focus on the portfolio rather than history.
How fast can I enroll? I would not need the tecep if since I will have 15 aos plus the capstone in the future. If I graduate around May 20 and applied slash send everything in before the end of May can I enroll and lock my catalog year or do I have to take the tecep to lock it in. I also have to take the accuplacer as only 15 credits outta of my 100 are cc credits and the other 85 are from clep/dsst/sophia so I would have to do that as well.

To enroll means you either have to sign up for a class or TECEP. Yes the capstone would work but in previous post you said you might want until fall to do the capstone if this is the case that is why I suggested the TECEP. But if you enroll in the capstone or cornerstone earlier then you are right you don't need a TECEP. It just depends on your plan.

Did you apply yet? It takes a month for them to evaluate everything. So if you get everything done before the end of May it would June before you can enroll. If you enroll in June it would be for classes starting in July. So that would work.

If you are accepted you can enroll right now. The only thing is I have no idea about the accuplacer but once you pass that and they accept you can enroll. But it won't let you enroll in the capstone until you have 100 but you can enroll sos 110 because there are no preqs.

Another option would be to send what you have now and if you have 100 done and accepted by May you could enroll in the classes starting in June. Then just keep sending more as you go. Its free to send to TESU and you can a free score send with cleps so this option makes sense.
(03-30-2020, 05:10 PM)natshar Wrote:
(03-30-2020, 05:00 PM)maxxor6868 Wrote:
(03-30-2020, 03:21 PM)bluebooger Wrote: > Clep info systems
> Sophia IT

surprised those don't duplicate

what courses are you using to get the Mathematics Electives for the ASNSM in Mathematics ?

> that would seem like an impressive resume: aa in eglish, aa in math, ba in history, and ba in computer science.

not to me it wouldn't        
to me it looks like someone who has no idea what they want to do in life                  
how would your BA in history or English apply to a job in CS ?          
ditch the History degree and build portfilio on github
Sounds right. I have these math classes: stats from cc, algebra from Sophia, calc (either clep or depending when test centers will open up again), discrete mathematics, already took college math clep (counts as one and at tesu so I can use one for the requirements and the other as an elective) and will take linear algebra. That should be enough to get me the math associates. The clep info systems and sophia it at the moment do not duplicate as they are cos 101 and cis110 but with sophia being review by tesu that could change at any moment.

(03-30-2020, 04:28 PM)maxxor6868 Wrote:
(03-30-2020, 03:12 PM)natshar Wrote: Here are my thoughts:

The thing is with virus if your retail store is closed who knows who much longer they will be closed. I wouldn't count on stores opening up as soon as May. Maybe they will maybe they won't. But if you already have the degree done maybe start on your capstone and cornerstone in the summer if you don't have job.

If you can swing May capstone you are looking at September graduation.
June, July or August capstone is December graduation.
With all the free time (assuming you are unemployed idk your exact situation) why not speed up your degree and take advantage of it.
Also TESU is offering discounts for classes in May, June and July terms so maybe take advantage of it.

Idk your exact situation but just something to consider. But as I said in your previous thread you are young and have plenty of time.

Another thing I would consider skipping the CLEP and maybe consider doing calc somewhere else. ASU has a self-paced course that is only $100. This might be the best option. Also SL, saylor and have Calc which might be good too I have heard mixed reviews about them but I've never taken calc so idk. I guess you could try calc and see how it goes and if you don't like switch to something else. You never know when testing centers will open up.

When have that list of "finish" courses does that mean you are almost finished with them or still have to do them? Again if you haven't I'd switch out the CLEP/DSST for something else.

That is interesting you have associates in English that is an associates degree that the CC's I've been to don't have. How much English did you have beyond comp I and II? I'm just curious. That is good English is better than general studies I have.

You can also add a dual aos for ASNSM in computer science as well it wouldn't do anything but it would be a free. You would still only get one associate's degree and you wouldn't have to list it on a resume if you didn't want. But something extra you can do for free. why not do it.

With what you said I think you would only but be 5 class away from a History BA. Also, I think it counts as History Idk but Sophias Ancient Greek Philosophers is free and easy, you could finish it in day. The BA history requires 5 UL so if you do the dsst you only need 4 sdc courses. Also coopersmith is an option they have 2 UL courses in history as well (get them approved first. Coopersmith is could be good because you won't have the pressure of doing it a month like or having assignments to do.

Another option which I strongly suggest especially if you aren't considering starting the capstone and cornerstone until later is taking the Network Technology TECEP. This will lock in your catalog. TESU changes catalogs every July and you don't want to get screwed over. So I would just enroll in this and then it would count as an UL comp science elective. The Network Technology TECEP consists of 70 multiple choice and three essay questions you need a 70% to pass and you can take from your own home. Cost is $225 and you have 3 months to take it.
Or you don't want to do Network Technology if you are set on not enrolling in TESU before July I highly recommend taking a TECEP (any TECEP)  to lock in the catalog for this year. But Network Technology makes the most sense because it counts towards your aos.

whatever you do I would enroll at TESU before the July term (either via TECEP or capstone or cornerstone) you may or may not be screwing yourself over if you don't and it could be risky.

If you need any more electives too I'd recommend doing Sophia while they are free.

Idk how you got the degree that cheap that is really good. You do know the spell grant will not cover all your tuition for those 6 credits only about half. My rougth calculations are that your total degree costs would exceed $4500 once you factor in memberships and more. Not a whole lot more but IDK how you are doing it that cheap unless you got other aid or schoarships besides the pell grant. But you are doing it that cheap then that is incredible good job!
My calculations are the residency wavier, 6 credits w/ max pell would be at least $4k total so idk how you would get all that and everything for only $500 on top of that.

You are going places. I wish I worked that hard at 18. Keep it up. is 70 per test after the first 2 I took 5 CD courses this month.  Finish up top is courses already finish and added to ace. I am considering aganist history as I rather save the money and time send build portfolio. Alot of the degree is clep so it didnt cost me anything. Community college English was comp 1 and 2 plus technical writing plus 2 literature courses again clep so it was easy.  Looks like for a cs job it is best to focus on the portfolio rather than history.
How fast can I enroll? I would not need the tecep if since I will have 15 aos plus the capstone in the future. If I graduate around May 20 and applied slash send everything in before the end of May can I enroll and lock my catalog year or do I have to take the tecep to lock it in. I also have to take the accuplacer as only 15 credits outta of my 100 are cc credits and the other 85 are from clep/dsst/sophia so I would have to do that as well.

To enroll means you either have to sign up for a class or TECEP. Yes the capstone would work but in previous post you said you might want until fall to do the capstone if this is the case that is why I suggested the TECEP. But if you enroll in the capstone or cornerstone earlier then you are right you don't need a TECEP. It just depends on your plan.

Did you apply yet? It takes a month for them to evaluate everything. So if you get everything done before the end of May it would June before you can enroll. If you enroll in June it would be for classes starting in July. So that would work.

If you are accepted you can enroll right now. The only thing is I have no idea about the accuplacer but once you pass that and they accept you can enroll. But it won't let you enroll in the capstone until you have 100 but you can enroll sos 110 because there are no preqs.

Another option would be to send what you have now and if you have 100 done and accepted by May you could enroll in the classes starting in June. Then just keep sending more as you go. Its free to send to TESU and you can a free score send with cleps so this option makes sense.

I appreciate the advice. I graduate at the end of may like around the 21 assuming I do not get delay with the virus. With that in mind plus the accuplacer and the month-long evaluation I will not be able to enroll till probably the end of June and so I would have to take the classes earliest it would be is July assuming everything including the accuplacer goes smoothly. Two questions though: would I be able to use pell grant if I started taking classes in July and can I take the capstone and sos 110 at the same time to finish my degree? Assume those are the only two courses left and I do not plan on double majoring in history nor do I plan on taking the tecep. Can I do that and graduate in Septemeber?
(03-30-2020, 07:16 PM)maxxor6868 Wrote: I appreciate the advice. I graduate at the end of may like around the 21 assuming I do not get delay with the virus. With that in mind plus the accuplacer and the month-long evaluation I will not be able to enroll till probably the end of June and so I would have to take the classes earliest it would be is July assuming everything including the accuplacer goes smoothly. Two questions though: would I be able to use pell grant if I started taking classes in July and can I take the capstone and sos 110 at the same time to finish my degree? Assume those are the only two courses left and I do not plan on double majoring in history nor do I plan on taking the tecep. Can I do that and graduate in Septemeber?

I'm pretty sure that as long as you sign up by July you should lock the old catalog so if you sign up for the August capstone you might still get the old catalog. But the thing is the July capstone comes with a tuition discount due to the virus and earlier graduation date. Also, who knows maybe the new catalog won't change anything but you never know, but with the changes, TESU has been making it doesn't seem good.

I don't see why you wouldn't be able to get the Pell grant if you took classes in July. As long as you have a FAFSA filled out and submitted to TESU and take 6 credits. Why do you think you would not be able to? If you didn't fill out FAFSA fill out asap.

Also since you are a high school senior maybe consider applying for a few scholarships in your community. I got a few after I graduated and usually, they just send you a check. Now that you have time with the virus it might a good idea. With the price of your degree being so low even just a few thousand in scholarships might pay for everything at TESU. Idk if the deadlines have passed through. I would look for small local or niche ones because not as many people enter. These might take more work but the odds are greater. For example, there was a local scholarship in my town they award to twenty people but you have to write an essay, but only eighteen people entered so they all won.

You can graduate in September as long as everything is done and submitted to TESU by July 1st. Of course, any courses you be taking at TESU (or even TECEPs) could still be in progress. So I don't see how it is a problem and apparently people on this forum say July 1st isn't hard and fast. And yes it usually does take a month but if you are really close to the date of graduation they can expedite the audit.

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