Hi, Geezer. Congrats to your son; he's going into a great field.
I'm a CISSP Info Assurance consultant (with a 10+ year software dev background, so ryoder you are not alone, but I agree it is rare to find), who does a big mix of system admin, programming, secure code review, virtualization admin, database admin, and security nowadays.
I agree with ryoder, but just wanted to point out that the government & IA industry is moving in the direction of more security not just from a systems perspective, but also from a software perspective. So in the future more and more developers will need to understand InfoSec, especially in regard to secure coding.
There are a few certifications now targeting that need
- CSSLP (Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional)
- GSSP (GIAC Secure Software Programmer, with separate tests for Java, .NET, and C)
I think, especially if he's looking to work for the government, this is a good way to combine interests in InfoSec/InfoAssurance and programming.
Most IA people I come across are not very technically knowledgable. There are a lot of government and military regulations to keep track of and documentation to write up to show programs are in compliance, and lots of IA people focus on that. I like the technical side personally.
CEH is not too hard to study up for in free time. Neither are Security+, Network+, Linux+. The government actually requires tech folks to have Security+ at a minimum if they do anything security-related, or something more advanced like CISSP.
Check out
http://www.hackthissite.org and MetaSploit if he wants to look into learning more about pen testing. There are other good resources, but those are popular with would-be ethical hacker folks.
Side note: I think pen testers make less than software dev folks, so if he has no strong preference either way, have him go software+InfoAssurance or OracleDBA+InfoAssurance, those pay more than straight systems/network stuff often.
Pursuing TESC B.A. in Natural Sciences/Mathematics
65 credits in 3 weeks from A&I Lit 79; College Comp w/ Essay 63; College Math 75; College Algebra 76; Precalculus 63; Intro Psychology 78; Intro Sociology 62; Intro Computing 473; Personal Finance 451; Health 467; Management Info Sys 466; MCITP Enterprise Admin; MCITP Server Admin; MCITP Virtualization Admin; MCITP Enterprise Messaging Admin; MCITP SQL Server DBA
CLEP Human Growth & Development
TESC Global Environmental Change
TESC Artificial Intelligence