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Any UoPhoenix students here?
Hi all im a UOP student, I went back to school november 2005. With clep and transferring in my computer certifications and previous schooling, and the 6 or so classes i have taken im currently at 75 total credits.

If i would have known in October of last year what i have learned from this forum I would have saved sooo much money and probably be done with my undergrad degree by now.
My main concern is getting my undergrad out of the way so i can go get my MBA. I thought at the time and was told by counselors that the flexibility of going to the ground campus at JC, NJ would be my best bet.
Well it has been an awesome experience so far and my professors are all top notch.
However the price is crazyyyyyyyyy.
Im paying about 1425 a 3 credit class!
I have crap loads of APA papers i have to do, and crap loads of power point presentations!! Had I known I could get a liberal arts or business degree from execlsior by doing tests I would have gone that route.

Excelsior was actually my first choice since they are linked through the Microsoft certified professional web site as a microsoft partner benefit for MCPs.

My question is are there any students here from UoP that have any advice?
Any way to test out of UoPs upper level classes?
Im basically missing 12 upper level classes and will be stuck in school untill as late as May of 2007 and im DOUBLING UP!!!!

Would it be better to just transfer to Excelsior?
Do they have an IT major?
Basically I have almot 9 months of school left and 18,000 of loans that will accumalate if i stay here and im wondering if its really even worth it to stay here when my main goal is grad school?
Any advice or help will be appreciated guys sorry for the long ramble.
If I were you, I would get my butt over to Excelsiors website and start looking around right now!!!!
I beleive for $60 dollars they will do an assessment of your credit and tell you what it takes to graduate with the degree you want. I would suggest talking to them before deciding a program of study (since only you know what credits you have) but many of us are in or planning to be in the BS Liberal Studies program with a focus in something (CIS in my case).

In the BS LS you need only 10 upper level classes and most can be taken with ECE exams
(185 each) or classes (750 each) or you can go to someplace cheaper (LSU or BYU for example)

Really, you need to go to this website

And start reading about the Big 3.
Plus, go talk to the people at Excelsior and get your credit evaluated. You may be even closer than you think.


I am a UOP student. I did about 3/4 of my UL as a ground student and then switched to online. Personally, I liked the ground classes much better but couldn't work them into my schedule any longer. I know UOP will allow you to use CLEP/Dantes to fulfill up to 30 units of LL, I believe though that all UL has to be through classes (not sure about that though). UOP is VERY expensive, I wished I had found out about Excelsior or some of the other options out before now too! I am down to just CLEP tests now so I am staying put.

Good Luck!
I agree with pavlc that you should start looking into a transfer. Your choices at Excelsior would be BS IT, BS MIS, and BSL with a CIS focus. The BS Liberal Studies with a focus on CIS would be the most flexible, and quickest, option. Since you've already decided that you want to go into an MBA program after your BS make sure that your BS covers any pre-req courses of the MBA. You have to look at what you're going to gain for the $18,000 and the 9 months vs maybe a couple thousands and some more time with us fine folks while you test out of the rest of your degree Wink
BLS CIS & Psychology Excelsior, MS IT & MS IM Aspen University, Pursuing MBA Columbia Southern.
I have a number of military friends who went the UoP route initially, but then shifted gears and transferred into other non-trad schools. All of them loved the school, but the price is what killed it for them... capped out their military tuition assistance and then were left with the choice of either loans or waiting.
Yea thats my predictament I start a new job on Monday making alot more money but not tuition reimbursement benefits untill AFTER im already done.
Meaning i have to come out of my pockets with the 18gs i have remaining or get more loans!!!
I have a sit down meeting with my academic counselor in an hr so i will know more of my direction later on tonight thanks for the feedback guys.

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