Poll: Who gets your vote?
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Obama/ Biden
25 43.86%
McCain/ Palin
27 47.37%
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3 5.26%
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2 3.51%
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2008 Presidential Election
The fact is Mccain even with his military experiance failed to understand how the middle east work and I having spent time overseas with people sharing some bad views for our country I know that what ever happen in Iraq will not make one difference, because these fanatics have a passionate hatred for us and many of us have become delusional that if we stay in Iraq, that they will somehow not follow us here, my recommendation for those sharing that sentiment is to travel overseas and watch their news programmes.

I do not subscribe to the notion of being a critique of peoples patriotism, the reason we have a bill of rights is to allow people to be critical of their Goverment, so when we get to the point where we start doing that, then it begins to sound to like we live in a totalatarian type of systems. We conservative need to stop doing that, Liberals are Americans too, they pay taxes the same way we do, thus they do have a reason to say whatever they feel like saying with-out retribution .
Biden has been around for 30 years and knows a lot, but everything he thinks he knows is 100 percent wrong. It is a 30 year record of being on the wrong side of issues. Stalin was experienced but he was still wrong and a communist, HUMMMMMMM. Experience does not make you right, it makes you old. What has Obama or Biden ever been in charge of that wasn't corrupt? Atleast Sarah Palin has been in executive government.

If you want to see a true American tax plan go to fairtax.org.
True, as Einstein said " Creativity is more important than knowledge. Mccain idea on the economy will not work and taxing health benefits, are you kidding me? Ron paul understand the Economy much better than any of these big spenders. Read his plans. What I'm not hearing is how we plan on paying for all of this.

I volunteered for Huckabee so, I'm quite familiar with the Fairtax. I do agree that people should not be taxed for being productive, however teddy Rooselvelt whom push for the current tax system settled on the progressive system..ouch! Now you do talk about biden being wronf 100% of the time, I'm sure you don't actually believe that anyone could be that wrong. His ideas may not be what you and I would like, but let's have a honest conversation about both Mccain and Biden, the fact is Mccain was wrong when he talked about Iraq and he is still very naive for someone who is said to have an "understand" of international politics. I have lived in some of these country, I don't need a civic lesson in their ideology, I have imperical evidence.

Both candidates are deeply flawed, so if we are to have an honest discussion lets not do it in a partisan manner. The fact is Palin lacks the intelligence about the basic structure of our Government, Obama is a big spender, Mccain after 26 years in washington has been linked to many disgrace (including the Iran contra scandal) Reagan too, so the fect is we can go on and on with who made what mistakes. remember reagan supported Saddam fight againts Iran, he also signed the first amesty bill in the 80"s, I could go on. What I'm saying is that all of these people in one way or another has been involved in things contrary to American Ideals.

I have said this for many years, that America needs to tend to her own people before we get involved internationally. the borders need to be sealed.

Now, if you have seen the entire speech Obama gave as to why we should not go into Iraq, it was rather prophetic, ever single point made by him was right on. watch the speech. Here's a guy whom is very liberal, but who is always very intelligent and possess a deep comprehension of the issues.
and that is being honest. Mccain said that the war would be easy, I mean anyone living overseas could have told him that his view was skewed.
I supported Huckabee as well. I know McCain is far from perfect, I think I have said that before. As a conservative, he most closely alligns with my beliefs though. Maybe Biden has only been wrong 99pct of the time not 100. I do not say Obama is not smart I just say he is wrong for his vision for America. McCain was the one who pushed for the surge, which has worked. Obama in a recent interview wouldn't admit that he was wrong. all he would say was it has done better than anyone could imagine but he so arrogant he will not admit that he was wrong. They are all flawed but everyone has to vote for wh they think will represent them. I am a conservative, I do not agree with any of Obama's proposals. Yes I mean none!!!!! He is socialist wrapped in a communist and if elected will lead us down a path from which we may never recover.
dc67 Wrote:I supported Huckabee as well. I know McCain is far from perfect, I think I have said that before. As a conservative, he most closely alligns with my beliefs though. Maybe Biden has only been wrong 99pct of the time not 100. I do not say Obama is not smart I just say he is wrong for his vision for America. McCain was the one who pushed for the surge, which has worked. Obama in a recent interview wouldn't admit that he was wrong. all he would say was it has done better than anyone could imagine but he so arrogant he will not admit that he was wrong. They are all flawed but everyone has to vote for wh they think will represent them. I am a conservative, I do not agree with any of Obama's proposals. Yes I mean none!!!!! He is socialist wrapped in a communist and if elected will lead us down a path from which we may never recover.

[SIZE="4"]that is my fear.[/SIZE]

BS (UMUC) in 2010, 30+ years in the making!!

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Exams: ALL DONE!!!!!!!!!!

GRADUATION--UMUC--MAY 15, 2010 (unbelievable)
This country is not a dictatorship, so all our fears are unfounded. The fear should not be whether Obama wins the presidency, it should be geared towards congress, because that's who have the legislative power, the president is has very limited sway and the only power is what ever given by congress. The founders set up the constitution to guard againts excessive powers, so if either congress or the president step out of line, the they will be checked by the courts. Bush has racked up more than 5 trillion dollars in debt, that's what we should be afraid of, because as I have said before at some point we will have to pay for it all. So for those of you that think we sould keep spending more than a trillion dollars overseas maintaining military bases and spending on the Iraqi war, then my question is this again, what do you think will happen if China decided to demand payment now.

We are in trouble with or with-out Obama, so all I have to say is buckle up. i WOULD ALSO LIKE FOR YOU ALL TO KEEP IN MIND THAT MOST OF THIS DEBT WAS RACKED UP BY Republicans. It's time to start supporting country again and leave these 2 parties to die.

According to the GAO the debt is even higher than 11 trillion dollars, so brace yourself, Obama is the least of our concern.
I am well aware of how the government works. What is scary is Obama may have what Bush never did, a Super majority in Congress and Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Obama will be able to push through their whole socialist agenda. I am in no way defending Bush. He has spent spent spent, but whenever he tried to do anything signifigent(like reform fannie and freddie) the democrats filibustered. Like I was explaining to my wife last night, the next President will be appointing between 2-5 Supreme Court Justices and that will affect policy, such as Roe v Wade and the second ammendment.
I would rather keep my political views to myself, but there is one thing I would like to say. Out of all the mess that is happening right now; I'm so happy and proud that tomorrow I can freely walk to the polls and vote for my candidate. Having no fear of reprisals, and watch our true freedom come to life. Every 4 years.


[SIZE="1"]Intro to Psych[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Educational Psych[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Intro to Sociology[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]American Government[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Western Civ I[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Prin of Management[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Social Sciences+History[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]A+I Lit [/SIZE]

[SIZE="1"]DSST's Passed[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Intro to Public Speaking[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Alc. and Drug Abuse[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Intro to LE[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Criminal Justice[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Prin. of Supervision[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Human Resources Management[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Introduction to Business[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Technical Writing[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Intro to Computing[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Heres to your health[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Human Cultural Geography
[SIZE="1"]Organizational Behavior[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Ethics in America[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Fund. of Counseling[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Lifespan Developmental Psych[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Art of the Western World[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]ALEKS Intermediate Algebra[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Vietnam War[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Civil War & Reconstruction[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Western Europe since 1945[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]FEMA 18 credits[/SIZE]

Here's links to some of the third party candidate's official sites:

Nader/GonzalezTongueeace/IndependentParty:Political Issues that Matter - Ralph Nader's Views on the Issues
Constitution Party:Baldwin/Castle:Baldwin 08 - Let the TRUTH be HEARD!
Libertarian: Barr/Root:Bob Barr 2008 — Liberty for America
Cynthia McKinney & Rosa Clemente:Green Party: Green Party of the United States | Homepage
Socialist:Moore/Alexander:Moore/Alexander 2008!
About 100 others:Politics1 - Guide to American Political Parties

And the two main parties sites:
Democratic Party:Obama/Biden:Barack Obama and Joe Biden: The Change We Need
Republican Party:McCain/Palin:Welcome to McCain Palin 2008 : :

And here's the wilkipedia sites with the two main candidate's positions stated about as non-partisan as I could find:

Political positions of John McCain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Political positions of Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And a nonpartisan comparison of the candidates:
Comparison of United States presidential candidates, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I still plan to vote for Barack, his tax plan will benefit me, I think he has a better grasp of foreign policy (which I think should be a crucial issue after Bush's foreign policy), and I enjoy his youthful idealism, although I know it will be heavily tempered by any Congress we have. I think everyone has already made up their minds here, but I do enjoy hearing everyone else's view points, as is everyone's right. There will never be a presidential candidate that will make everyone happy. I'd like to see our political primary process change from the winner-take-all that we have now to proportional representation. Then these third parties would be taken more seriously, and more people could feel their views are being represented in the legislature. Perhaps there also would not be such a fear that any single president has too much power. It certainly would make Congress more interesting! What do you guys think about proportional representation? Is it too "european" for America? Should we stick to a head-to-head bipartisan competition every time?

The trouble with the two party process is that it leads both parties toward a moderate position on most issues. Too many people then end up casting their vote on one single issue like gun control or abortion or nuclear power without learning about any other issues of a candidate, because those are the only issues where the candidates really differ. I know most people on this board are conservative, but I am more in the middle and to me, most candidates sound exactly the same on every issue. I considered voting for McCain when he chose Palin and Obama didn't choose Hillary. But Palin turrns me off of McCain, which is sad, because I always thought I would vote for him if he ever got the nomination, because I like how he has aggressively fought corruption in the government. I think he's a good man and he has mega street cred from all his years in military and senatorial work. I also worry about his age. What do you guys think?

Please don't attack me, I'm not trying to offend anyone's beliefs or views, I genuinely want to know other people's opinions without all this partisanship. I was surprised to get all the sarcastic comments, I thought an educational forum would give me a more academic and intellectual analysis without personal attacks on either candidate, or any one person's political views. I think all the candidates running just want what they think is best for America. And considering how many people in this country consider themselves independent or moderate, I know I am not the only one. It shocks me every election year when I see the smear ads from both sides. I just ignore all those attacks and sarcastic comments, because they are just so partisan and skewed. I hope someday both sides rise above that mess and focus on getting their message out to the public, because the mean and rude attacks only accomplish one thing: turning me off of your side and more towards the other side. That's part of why so many people are viewing this thread without participating. No one wants to be attacked for their beliefs, that's part of why America is so great! Hooray for free speech!

No matter what your opinion, get out there and vote! They're predicting that this election will have a record turnout, more voters even than when women got the right to vote and when jim crow voting restrictions were done away with in the south in 1968. So get out there and make your voice heard!
[SIZE="6"]~~ Alissa~~[/SIZE]
[size="4"]"Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right." - - Henry Ford[/size]
BS Liberal Studies, Excelsior College May 2009
Current website favorite:
I didn't view any of the remarks as sarcastic. I prefer to think of it as a passionate lively debate. Who doesn't love that?

BS (UMUC) in 2010, 30+ years in the making!!

Intro to Computing 63
Astronomy 63
Technical Writing 62
Principles of Mgt 71
Principles of Marketing 68
Substance Abuse 467
College Math 56
Principles of Finance 425
Principles of Statistics 458

Exams: ALL DONE!!!!!!!!!!

GRADUATION--UMUC--MAY 15, 2010 (unbelievable)

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