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must be a current student to get CLEP credit
Ok, this isn't anything to get excited about. Here's why:

CLEP (The College Board) isn't a college, and therefore can't award credit. They provide a test. You can be any age, not a student, and Joe Public can take a test.

ACE (American Council Education) is an evaluator of activities to determine their credit-ability. They are just evaluators. So, schools can choose to ignore ACE, and sometimes they do. BUT, in cases of CLEP, they are very familiar with The College Board (SAT and AP also) and so will follow the ACE suggestion for awarding credit. ACE isn't a college, and they can't award credit. They evaluate activities and make recommendations.

Colleges- they are the only ones by STATE LAW allowed to award credit. So, unless a college says you have 3 credits for your psych CLEP, you don't actually have 3 credits. This is why you'll see different procedures for scores, or acceptance of certain exams. Each college will decide which (if any) ACE evaluations they want to accept, and which (if any) of the provider companies they will accept. (including ALEKS, etc..)

So- technically, even at TESC, you don't have any credit until/unless you enroll.

In the specific instance of a CLEP meeting a course pre-req, your advisor can tell you if the college accepts that as a pre-req, and if they do, the process is for you to contact The College Board and get your official CLEP transcript and then it will be added to your file. Remember it's the college that decides, not ACE or CLEP. Also, not a prior college. If you put an Intro Biology CLEP on a TESC transcript so you can meet a prereq for Anatomy and Physiology at your community college, you'll find that you will go right back through the process of getting an official CLEP transcript. Third party transcripts are never official and never count.

Finally, don't be shocked if a college charges you $ to bring that credit in. Many schools (including the community college I work for) charge $$$$ making you think twice. In fact, we charge $9 per credit transferred in from EVERY source. :puke: Top that with our $20 admin fee for you to sit the exam, and a basic Intro Psych CLEP now costs you $127 to attempt. Like in the case you talked about, we only evaluate prior credit for students who file a form asking for a credit eval and also enroll. Like almost everything, there are ways around it, but anyway.....

Don't get too excited that they want you to enroll. Thank them for their time and just keep taking your tests following your degree plan closely. When the time comes, you'll just request one official transcript $20 from The College Board and you'll be good to go.

EDIT: I forgot to add, your scores are ROCKIN by the way! Nice work!!

Messages In This Thread
must be a current student to get CLEP credit - by cookderosa - 03-07-2011, 07:15 PM

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