12-15-2010, 01:08 PM
llb022 Wrote:Hi All,
I have taken english comp modular and passed, but Troy university said they would not accept it. After taking it I checked with another university I attended previously and they will accept it. When I checked with the other university I found this test completed my requirements for a minor. Here is the main question. If I send my scores to the other university, get credit as well as my associates degree will Troy accept the credits once I resubmit my transcript?
While I don't disagree with Marianne, but your question does have a specific answer.
First off- you can't launder credit. So, Troy says no to the test. The other university says yes. If you attend the other university and get the test on your transcript and then transfer back to Troy with a DEGREE, then your transfer is subject to the articulation agreement between Troy and your university. If you don't have a degree, you just want to make your CLEP appear on a transcript somewhere else and hope Troy takes it- that's a no. I'd bet my last dollar.
So- if written articulation between Troy and other uni, then follow that policy. If Troy takes whole degrees as "paid in full" for 2 years of gen eds, then you are fine.
If no written policy- you'll have to eat the cost on a wasted test or transfer out.