08-20-2010, 11:55 PM
rubbersoul Wrote::nopity: Hello all.
Iâm wondering if there are any Regionally Accredited schools (Other than the Big 3, I know they do not cap the CBE) that have a high cap for Credit by Examination. Now that Excelsior has implemented a capstone course for their Liberal Studies degree, and Penn Foster is making you take a minimum of 3 credits (Can no longer take just the 1 credit ENG 103 course to satisfy ECs Info Lit requirement), I am finding EC less appealing. So I am just trying to see what other options are available. I have 51 credits from CLEP/DSST. Are there any schools out there that will accept at least 50 credits towards a Bachelors degree?
I have a very strong suspicion that the reason why EC has a capstone course is due to program outcomes assessment. The regional accrediting bodies are requiring schools to have program outcomes, along with a method to assess the results. Thus for a degree where you can transfer the "entire degree", EC needs to have documentation that a student can demonstrate program outcomes proficiency; thus the capstone project.
You can use LSU Independent Study for the Info Lit requirement, and complete the EC Capstone. Good luck!