12-29-2009, 05:55 PM
alissaroot Wrote:I'm going to second this suggestion. My final evaluation ended up with 7 credits of overlap with the GRE Psych, instead of the four credits I had expected, but I had enough credits to make up the difference so I didn't care to argue it.
I had taken CLEP Social Sciences & History as well, but they did not deduct all six credits from my GRE Psych credits for that. I had an Introductory Psych course worth 4 credits. I am not sure where the other three were taken from, but I know it was only three additional credits that were deducted, not six like SS & History is worth. Maybe just three of the six credits for that exam are duplicative?
As for the original question, I do feel the GRE was worth it for me, and it would have been worth it for me at any score above the 60th percentile. I had hoped to get three or six upper level credits out of it to save enough money to stay in my budget, and I was pleasantly surprised to have knocked out 18 upper level so cheap. I think it's worth a shot, but you should have a back up plan. It's a gamble, and I had planned to take ECEs to fulfill my degree requirements. After I got my score, it was SO fun to cross all those exams off my list. I do think malcs idea of pursuing ECEs until the Oct GRE is a good suggestion, then if the GRE doesn't work out you won't feel like you wasted time, and it's a good way to split the difference between $130 for the GRE versus $1300 for all those ECEs.
I've been thinking about this for a while, mainly because I'm concerned about losing 6 credits from the only history test -Social Sciences & History - that I have done ( and was planning on doing for the degree...)
I'm actually suprised they consider this (or at least part of this) duplicate credit for the GRE

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wile E. Coyote, genius. I am not selling anything nor am I working my way through college, so let's get down to basics: you are a rabbit and I am going to eat you for supper. Now don't try to get away, I am more muscular, more cunning, faster and larger than you are, and I am a genius, while you could hardly pass the entrance examinations to kindergarten, so I'll give you the customary two minutes to say your prayers.
Bachelor of Science in PsychoRabbitology degree
Master of Education with a specialty in Rabbit-specific destructive munitions (or eLearning & Technology, I forget which)
Doctor of Philosophy in Wile E. Leadership with an area of specialty in Acme Mind Expansion - 2017 Hopefully
Bachelor of Science in PsychoRabbitology degree
Master of Education with a specialty in Rabbit-specific destructive munitions (or eLearning & Technology, I forget which)
Doctor of Philosophy in Wile E. Leadership with an area of specialty in Acme Mind Expansion - 2017 Hopefully