01-09-2025, 10:42 AM
(01-09-2025, 08:49 AM)FireMedic_Philosopher Wrote: 1) The school promotes an openly evangelical Christian world view. They take the Bible literally and yes, are openly against homosexuality, are very pro-life, prohibit alcohol on school property, prohibit members of the opposite gender inside the dorms, and espouse the other characteristics of evangelical Christianity. Some non-religious folks and many left sided politicians have a problem with this. For this reason many folks shy away from it, as they are convinced a degree from a Christian school will be a red flag if they try to get a job in academia or government. They are afraid of being automatically labeled as homophobic, or pro-life, or otherwise intolerant themselves... YMMV
I am very liberal and not Christian at all yet I have 2 master's degrees from a Christian university. Many colleges have a religious affiliation but that doesn't mean religion is in your face like it is at Liberty. Religion is in every course at Liberty. Religion was not in any of my courses at Amberton. When I attended Charleston Southern University religion was in every class and it had nothing to do with the course. I left after 1 term because I wanted to learn about business not religion.