12-15-2024, 08:29 PM
(10-15-2024, 02:14 PM)Hotdogman1 Wrote: Please go back to high school. The first requirement for college is a high school diploma or equivalent.I would say don't worry about high school. You can get into many many universities without that. It's a waste of time IMO and my oldest son (just 18) finished a concurrent degree from the US and we live in Sask. He doesn't have a diploma.
However, if you decide to ignore that advice, an equivalent would be the GED exam. As you are under 18, you will have to sign an Age Waiver. The GED exam costs $320 for most International students. (https://www.ged.com/en/policies/other/#:...%20subject.) If you score high enough, you can also get up to 10 lower-level undergraduate credits (viewable via Credly). “GED College Ready + Credit: Test-takers who score in the GED College Ready + Credit level (175-200) demonstrate some of the skills that are taught in college-level courses and may be eligible for up to 3 credits in Math, 3 credits in Science, 3 credits in Social Studies, and 1 credit in English.” (https://www.ged.com/educators-admins/pro.../adoption/)
You should remain in High school if possible. If you want to get ahead, you can knock out a lot of your college general education requirements by taking CLEP exams. You can even take them for free via voucher after completing courses from Modern States. More information can be found here: https://degreeforum.miraheze.org/wiki/Modern_States. 34 CLEP exams are available. (https://clep.collegeboard.org/clep-benef...iversities.)
There are a lot of other free/cheap resources so if you have any specific interests, I’m sure someone could point you in the right direction.