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Advice needed for Health Degree
Hi everyone,

I'm 28 years old, working at a large pharmaceutical company in a role that generally requires at least a bachelors degree in any sort of health or science field. I was able to land my position through experience, but would like to finish my bachelors degree to open more doors and complete my professional profile.

I have an associates degree in Science from a community college with the following courses taken:

PSYCH-2280 NET03 Statistics Soc/Beha Sciences
PHYSI-1202 VCM05 General Physics II
PHYSI-1201 VCM08 General Physics I
CHEMI-1551 NET02 Principles of Chemistry I
CHEMI-0485 003 Lab & Computation Chemistry
ANAT-1552 700 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
ANAT-1551 404 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
PSYCH-2237 010 Developmental Psych: Life Span
ANTHR-1000 080 Intro to Anthropology
HISTO-1110 NET10 Western Civilizatin Until 1600
HUMNT-1102 NET05 Intro Humanities: Ideas/Values
PSYCH-2260 NET01 Abnormal Psychology
BIOLO-1110 402 Environmental Biology
CIS-1150 NET02 Intro Computer Info Systems
PHILO-1114 NET05 Business Ethics
HISTO-1140 NET10 U.S. History Since 1865
SOCIO-1100 020 Introduction to Sociology
ACCOU-1150 AFT01 Managerial Accounting
ACCOU-1150 NET02 Managerial Accounting
ENGLI-1102 050 English Composition 2
SPEEC-1100 119 Fundmntls Speech Communication
ECONO-2201 NET17 Macroeconomic & Global Economy
HUMNT-1101 040 Intro Humanities: The Arts
ENGLI-1101 HYB03 English Composition 1
PSYCH-1100 100 General Psychology
ACCOU-1140 200 Financial Accounting
ECONO-2202 134 Microeconomic & Global Economy

Total completed credits: 86

I also went to a public university as a Biology major for a few years and dropped out due to bad grade and bad life circumstances, I've taken these courses with at least a C grade:

-Biology 1 with lab
-Cell biology
-Cell Biology lab
-Ecology and Evolution
-Animal physiology

Total completed credits: 20 minimum, I believe it might be higher

I'm looking to get a health related degree (Health Science, Biology, etc) online with the best tuition and fastest option possible.

Programs I'm considering:

- WGU BS in Health and Human Services, they approved 32 transfer credits, I still need to take 78 credits: Cost 9k total if 2 terms
-SNHU Public Health BS, they approved 70 transfer credits with 50 remaining: Cost 17k total
-UW Flex BS in Health Science, I setup an info session to discuss
-TESU BS in Biology, I think I might need more courses at a community college to qualify?

I really appreciate everyone's help and guidance with this. You guys have created an amazing forum and structure to help other people, I've read through so many posts on here and it's been very helpful
@thethinker58, Welcome to the board, that's a good initial post to get the ball rolling, it does have some of the info on the addendum and template, but the info is not complete, and doesn't provide your budget, commitments, study habits, and so on. There are other options in addition to what you've mentioned, it really depends on how you want to get things done. I suggest appending to the post if you can, or reply to this post with the info on the addendum here: Offer
In Progress: UMPI BAS & MAOL | TESU BA Biology & Computer Science
Graduate Certificate: ASU Global Management & Entrepreneurship

Completed: TESU ASNSM Biology, BSBA (ACBSP Accredited 2017)
Universidad Isabel I: ENEB MBA, Big Data & BI, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
Certs: 6Sigma/Lean/Scrum, ITIL | Cisco/CompTIA/MTA | Coursera/Edx/Udacity

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(02-12-2024, 11:26 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote: @thethinker58, Welcome to the board, that's a good initial post to get the ball rolling, it does have some of the info on the addendum and template, but the info is not complete, and doesn't provide your budget, commitments, study habits, and so on.  There are other options in addition to what you've mentioned, it really depends on how you want to get things done.  I suggest appending to the post if you can, or reply to this post with the info on the addendum here:

Hello! Thank you for you for your response.

Here's some additional info:

Your Location: Illinois, USA
Your Age: 28
What kind of degree do you want?: Health related degree (Health science, Biology, etc).
Current Regional Accredited Credits: 106 (I've attended a community college for my associates listed above, and a large state school for the 20 or so credits)

Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits:NA

Any certifications or military experience? None

Budget: $10k and under

Preferred method of study: Competency based (due to accelerated completion) or if I can transfer majority of credits and graduate within a term using a traditional school method

Commitments: I work full time, and take care of family (no kids), but have weekends (6-8 hrs per day) and weekdays (1-3 hrs per night) free mostly

Study Habits: I can focus pretty decently on a task, and have good attention to detail. I'm not opposed to proctors, but I've heard some bad reviews of some students with online proctors,

My main goal is to check the box for a health related degree (from a school with good regional accreditation) for my job and future jobs in my line of work (regulatory affairs). 

Thank you again for your guidance.
Does your employer need to see "healthcare" somewhere in the title of your degree or will any degree do?

You're going to have a difficult time maxing out your credit transfer if you go for a "Health and Human Services" degree. Yes, WGU has one. But with the limited credit transfer you run the risk of going over your budget and time if you run into a second term. 
Transfer Pathway Agreement (

Since it sounds like you need a check the box degree (I'm assuming until you state otherwise), an interdisciplinary studies degree from Liberty, TESU, UMPI might fit the bill, and might be more conducive to your time constraints. You could then do a certificate at UMPI in health services at a later date if you absolutely need it for your own learning and satisfaction. Actually, come to think of it, you could probably complete a good chunk of the certificate requirements while you're at UMPI, especially considering the fact that you can transfer in all of your minor required coursework at UMPI if you take the right classes at SDC and you're doing a BLS. Stated simply, if doing a BLS at UMPI, you can transfer in the Management minor, then fill the remaining 30 credits with the certification courses. 
Human Services Certification - YourPace (

WGU has a BS in Healthcare Administration. You'd be able to transfer in more credit this route than with HHS. These are good degrees IMO and in high demand right now. Fantastic if someone wants to work in healthcare but doesn't want to do direct patient care for whatever reason. However, if you already have a job and your job only needs a degree, why not UMPI, TESU or even Liberty???
Transfer Pathway Agreement (
Transfer Pathway Agreement (

Category:TESU - Degree Forum Wiki (
UMPI BLS Management Degree Plan - Degree Forum Wiki (
BS Interdisciplinary Studies (
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Maybe one of the University of Wisconsin Flex degrees could work.  I believe there are a few threads on them, but here is the wiki page I found  -
Amberton - MSHRB

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I recommend attending the school that accepts the most credits and allows you to graduate the fastest and cheapest. A bachelor's degree is a bachelor's degree. Why? Because the Bachelor is the new High School Diploma and unless it is in something that requires a specific major, I would save my energy and finances for a master's degree in a health-related field like nutrition, mental health counseling, physician assistant studies, physical or occupational therapy school, etc. From my experience, Excelsior University or TESU offers a bachelor of science in liberal arts and many have gone on to graduate school with a basic BS from these schools.
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(02-13-2024, 02:01 PM)indigoshuffle Wrote: Does your employer need to see "healthcare" somewhere in the title of your degree or will any degree do?

You're going to have a difficult time maxing out your credit transfer if you go for a "Health and Human Services" degree. Yes, WGU has one. But with the limited credit transfer you run the risk of going over your budget and time if you run into a second term. 
Transfer Pathway Agreement (

Since it sounds like you need a check the box degree (I'm assuming until you state otherwise), an interdisciplinary studies degree from Liberty, TESU, UMPI might fit the bill, and might be more conducive to your time constraints. You could then do a certificate at UMPI in health services at a later date if you absolutely need it for your own learning and satisfaction. Actually, come to think of it, you could probably complete a good chunk of the certificate requirements while you're at UMPI, especially considering the fact that you can transfer in all of your minor required coursework at UMPI if you take the right classes at SDC and you're doing a BLS. Stated simply, if doing a BLS at UMPI, you can transfer in the Management minor, then fill the remaining 30 credits with the certification courses. 
Human Services Certification - YourPace (

WGU has a BS in Healthcare Administration. You'd be able to transfer in more credit this route than with HHS. These are good degrees IMO and in high demand right now. Fantastic if someone wants to work in healthcare but doesn't want to do direct patient care for whatever reason. However, if you already have a job and your job only needs a degree, why not UMPI, TESU or even Liberty???
Transfer Pathway Agreement (
Transfer Pathway Agreement (

Category:TESU - Degree Forum Wiki (
UMPI BLS Management Degree Plan - Degree Forum Wiki (
BS Interdisciplinary Studies (

Thank you for your detailed response! 

Ideally having a health related degree like Biology, Nursing, or Health Science is best for my role, but I already have a role so checking a degree box would also make sense. Having something health related would help me when it comes to applying to other companies (less and less as I get more and more experienced)

I will look at both UMPI and TESU for an interdisciplinary degree as well. 

I have an advising appointment with University of Wisconsin Flex tomorrow where I'll try to discuss my goals, and see how many credits they can transfer after a transfer evaluation. If it's still 40+, then maybe UMPI or TESU might be a better option

(02-13-2024, 08:37 PM)Airamb Wrote: I recommend attending the school that accepts the most credits and allows you to graduate the fastest and cheapest. A bachelor's degree is a bachelor's degree. Why? Because the Bachelor is the new High School Diploma and unless it is in something that requires a specific major, I would save my energy and finances for a master's degree in a health-related field like nutrition, mental health counseling, physician assistant studies, physical or occupational therapy school, etc. From my experience, Excelsior University or TESU offers a bachelor of science in liberal arts and many have gone on to graduate school with a basic BS from these schools.

Yes, unfortunately a Bachelors doesn't really signify much nowadays

I've seen it a lot at a higher level as well in my company as well where people have just gone to check a box

I will look at TESU especially if no other school offers more credits

(02-13-2024, 08:37 PM)Airamb Wrote: I recommend attending the school that accepts the most credits and allows you to graduate the fastest and cheapest. A bachelor's degree is a bachelor's degree. Why? Because the Bachelor is the new High School Diploma and unless it is in something that requires a specific major, I would save my energy and finances for a master's degree in a health-related field like nutrition, mental health counseling, physician assistant studies, physical or occupational therapy school, etc. From my experience, Excelsior University or TESU offers a bachelor of science in liberal arts and many have gone on to graduate school with a basic BS from these schools.

"Yes, unfortunately a Bachelors doesn't really signify much nowadays"

Watch out with this line of thinking—I completely understand and partially agree, but it's a bit of a slippery slope. Certain professions, like engineering, bioengineering, cyber-security, nursing, and more, demand a focused and challenging course of study, culminating in a bachelor's degree. A bachelor's degree can still hold significant value. Firstly, it signifies a lot to you right now; secondly it means you've successfully planned, started, and completed something, unlike the high school experience we all have to suffer though, mostly by force.
Consider that a substantial portion of the American workforce holds only a high school diploma, with around 30-35% having attained a bachelor's degree. My suggestion of pursuing an Interdisciplinary Studies degree or BLS isn't just about getting any bachelor's degree—it's about tailoring your education to make yourself stand out in your specific industry.
Imagine two candidates with carpentry experience vying for a management or supervisory role in a large construction firm. One has a BS in Business, while the other with a BLS brings not only experience but also business, carpentry, and construction classes (trade school credits can be transferred in at Liberty as college credits), along with leadership courses. In this scenario, the BLS holder is likely to secure the job, unless, of course, the interview goes south. 
In your case, if you thoughtfully select your Minor(s) and elective courses, you can have a tailor-made degree, that sets you up for a promotion now, and advancement in the future. 
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There are a few options, it really depends on what you have and need to finish the degree, which degree you want and many other variables at play. Excelsior has the BS Health Science, U of Phoenix has the BS Environmental Science, and many more. You may want to go the quick Bachelors route and then get a more specialized Masters afterwards. Pathways to your end goal are plenty, finding the right one that fits your budget, energy, timeframe, and so on is what you want to create a shortlist and then select your final degree choice. Offer
In Progress: UMPI BAS & MAOL | TESU BA Biology & Computer Science
Graduate Certificate: ASU Global Management & Entrepreneurship

Completed: TESU ASNSM Biology, BSBA (ACBSP Accredited 2017)
Universidad Isabel I: ENEB MBA, Big Data & BI, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
Certs: 6Sigma/Lean/Scrum, ITIL | Cisco/CompTIA/MTA | Coursera/Edx/Udacity

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[Image: e7P9EJ4.jpeg]
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TAMUC has a Health Services Administration BAAS that is CBE.

TAMUC BAAS Org Leadership
SJC AAS Automotive Technology
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