(08-28-2024, 11:36 AM)bjcheung77 Wrote: Mostly, that sounds like 'out of stock' or 'out of service'... What's OOS you mentioned? Out of savings? Review TESU WIKI here: https://degreeforum.miraheze.org/wiki/Th...University
I think he means "Out of State".
(08-28-2024, 11:26 AM)Harrynguyen Wrote: If thats the case then how do I take more teceps? What about e-packs? The thing that scares me is the residency fee since I'm OOS.
Well, residency is the one thing that TECEPs won't help you with. If you use TECEPs instead of regular courses, then you won't have 15 resident credits, and you'll have to pay the residency waiver fee. That's what I meant when I said it would cost more.
EPacks are regular courses, and they will count towards residency.
One way to mitigate the risk of not completing a 15cr term successfully is to consider paying for an extension of the capstone course. If after getting halfway through the course, you realize that you are behind and under too much time pressure, you can file for an extension of the capstone, which will give you up to an extra 8 weeks to finish, at the cost of a couple hundred dollars.
Without that pressure, finishing the rest of the course load should not be too difficult.
NanoDegree: Intro to Self-Driving Cars (2019)
Coursera: Stanford Machine Learning (2019)
TESU: BA in Comp Sci (2016)
TECEP:Env Ethics (2015); TESU PLA:Software Eng, Computer Arch, C++, Advanced C++, Data Struct (2015); TESU Courses:Capstone, Database Mngmnt Sys, Op Sys, Artificial Intel, Discrete Math, Intro to Portfolio Dev, Intro PLA (2014-16); DSST:Anthro, Pers Fin, Astronomy (2014); CLEP:Intro to Soc (2014); Saylor.org:Intro to Computers (2014); CC: 69 units (1980-88)
PLA Tips Thread - TESU: What is in a Portfolio?
Coursera: Stanford Machine Learning (2019)
TESU: BA in Comp Sci (2016)
TECEP:Env Ethics (2015); TESU PLA:Software Eng, Computer Arch, C++, Advanced C++, Data Struct (2015); TESU Courses:Capstone, Database Mngmnt Sys, Op Sys, Artificial Intel, Discrete Math, Intro to Portfolio Dev, Intro PLA (2014-16); DSST:Anthro, Pers Fin, Astronomy (2014); CLEP:Intro to Soc (2014); Saylor.org:Intro to Computers (2014); CC: 69 units (1980-88)
PLA Tips Thread - TESU: What is in a Portfolio?