06-28-2006, 05:06 AM
Hmm...I thought you were required to have ALL of your college-lvl classes on your transcript count towards your GPA (otherwise failed classes wouldn't count at all would they)? Exams aren't required to be on your transcipt though so I wouldn't think those would be a problem...but if it's an actual class, I think you're stuck with it. It just doesn't seem like you could 'just not count' grades received...otherwise, GPA would be awhole lot easier to maintain IMHO.
[COLOR="green"]Social Sciences and History
College Math
English Composition (no essay) [/COLOR]
[COLOR="green"]World Religions
Civil War and Reconstruction
Drug & Alcohol Abuse
Management Information Systems [/COLOR]
[COLOR="Green"]Organizational Behavior
Ethics: Theory and Practice
World Conflicts since 1900
World Population [/COLOR][/SIZE]
All done! 42 credits by exam
[COLOR="green"]Social Sciences and History
College Math
English Composition (no essay) [/COLOR]
[COLOR="green"]World Religions
Civil War and Reconstruction
Drug & Alcohol Abuse
Management Information Systems [/COLOR]
[COLOR="Green"]Organizational Behavior
Ethics: Theory and Practice
World Conflicts since 1900
World Population [/COLOR][/SIZE]
All done! 42 credits by exam