(06-04-2024, 08:05 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote: There are so many different options to get to your goal, an easy option is to do the Pierpont BOG AAS with an emphasis of your choice, ladder that up to the BAS (Applied Science) with a minor or two and take 3-4 classes that go towards the MAOL. Another option is the UMPI BABA (Business Admin) PM & IS, this isn't an IS degree even though it's a PM & IS concentration, as I mentioned it's a Business Admin degree.
Another option to look into: WGU works for those who are in a few provinces, I know people who have done their programs in AB, BC, QC and ON. I don't recall anyone outside these provinces yet, you can always apply and see what they say, if you're in an area they allow or not. WGU would be my second choice over TESU unless you're doing a double degree option, TESU BACS/CIS is my recommendation if you are...
I have not heard much about Pierpont. Do they have as liberal of a transfer policy for courses from Sophia, Study, etc? I don't see much about it on their website. Laddering up as described does sound like something I would be very interested in.
I will apply to WG, but the UMPI BABA PM & IS degree is sparking the most interest for me.
Can I ask why you recommend these options over TESU?
Thanks for the information.