(04-29-2024, 02:31 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote: A short recap from your answers: "This is from Michigan Tech University, and they are not willing to accept my BSc transcripts." "They asked me again for an associate's degree transcript. After they finally understood, they said they were unable to accept these LLC and study.com credits." "I am not sure if this university will continue my PhD application."
From the looks of things, they may or may not accept your previous undergraduate credits. It's hard to say, I would have backup options just in case, and you may want to again ask them again, just to make sure they would accept your RA Bachelors as is, indicate to them these are alternative credit transfers from ACE providers and link them to the ACE website.
Thank you for your advice. Yes, I am applying to multiple universities at the same time !
(04-29-2024, 03:23 PM)sanantone Wrote: Explain to them that these are non-collegiate sources of credit and provide the link below so they can become familiar with their own terminology. Michigan Tech accepts non-collegiate sources of credit but only for military training and credit-by-exam. Unless they specifically state that prerequisite courses must be from a regionally accredited college, Excelsior's policy on accepting non-collegiate sources of credit via ACE or NCCRS should have no bearing on their admissions decision. They are not considering your undergraduate credits for transfer to a doctoral program. Either your bachelor's and master's degrees meet their accreditation requirements or they don't.
This is a very good point, and I appreciate your wording. I hope this will work !