06-25-2006, 10:23 PM
50, I felt like I failed the exam when I left and I got a 70 or a 73 on it. Just keep studying instantcert until you get the basic concepts of ethics and 'who' had 'what' philosophy. The DSST official test-preparation guide is also very good to study. It is $20 or you can get if for free on line. Someone posted the site on IC in the past. Do a search for it. Don't start bawling. It is not that bad. Take more time and study if you think you need to. Set your own pace. You'll get better at this as you go along. You may want to study a bit more on your first few exams.
Douglasville, Georgia
Finished my degree 6-15-06
56 previous college credits (from 1987)
9 Dantes (Statistics, Ethics, World Religions)
9 CLEP (Socialogy, Prin of Management, American Gov.)
67 credits for my A&P license (Airframe and Powerplant)
TESC - BSAST- Aviation Maintenance Technology[/COLOR]
Douglasville, Georgia
Finished my degree 6-15-06
56 previous college credits (from 1987)
9 Dantes (Statistics, Ethics, World Religions)
9 CLEP (Socialogy, Prin of Management, American Gov.)
67 credits for my A&P license (Airframe and Powerplant)
TESC - BSAST- Aviation Maintenance Technology[/COLOR]