(02-16-2023, 07:18 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote:ZKL111 Wrote:I don’t know what you mean with regards to the addendum? I can edit the link I suppose. Thanks.
You should take some time reviewing threads and the WIKI for some info and degree plans, as again, don't rush/take your time. Here's the template/addendum under the Main Category and Degree Planning Advice sub category, many people miss it, I just like pointing to it so we get "the full picture" of what you need help with: New to DegreeForum? How this Area works!
Ah ok I understand what you mean. I thought you were being hostile, it must have come off wrong, my bad. I will edit and update that.
Your Location: California, United States
Your Age: 19
What kind of degree do you want?: Bachelors or Masters of Computer Science
Current Regional Accredited Credits: 15-18
School Name Total Credits: Mix of a few colleges
Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits: 42
Provider Total Credits: Sophia.org/42 Credits
Any certifications or military experience?