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Plan for Excelsior BS Liberal Arts
Hello! Been lurking on these forums forever, spent the last few weeks devising a plan for Excelsior's BS in Liberal Arts. Any advice would be appreciated!

Your Location: Montana, US
Your Age: 25
What kind of degree do you want?: Any! Goal is law school, so I just need a Bachelor's in anything. Liberal Arts seemed the quickest route, but I'm open to other options!

Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits:

AP English Language and Composition
AP Psychology
AP Statistics
AP US History

AP World History

Sophia Intro to Ethics
Sophia Human Biology

Any certifications or military experience? I am currently in class for my Clinical Medical Assistant Certification. I've read that Excelsior transfers up to 26 credits for it, but I'm not sure if they'd transfer into BSLA.

Current Plan (120)
This plan is for a total of 120 credits. I know I can only transfer in 113 (the Information Literacy, Cornerstone, and Capstone still apply, of course,) but I figured I'd build in an extra class or two in case they don't all transfer.

Lower Level Arts & Sciences (60)
(6) AP English Language and Composition - Written English Requirement
(3) Sophia Into to Ethics - Ethics Requirement/Humanities Distribution
(3) AP Statistics - Mathematics Distribution
(3) AP Psychology - Social Science Distribution
(3) AP US History - History Distribution
(3) AP World History - History Distribution
(3) Sophia Human Biology - Natural Science Distribution
(3) Sophia Environmental Science - Natural Science Distribution
(3) Sophia Intro to Chemistry - Natural Science Distribution
(3) Sophia College Algebra - Mathematics Distribution
(3) Sophia Intro to Sociology - Social Sciences Distribution
(6) Sophia Art History I and II - Humanities Distribution
(3) Sophia Ancient Greek Philosophers
(3) Sophia Approaches to Studying Religion
(3) Sophia Visual Communications
(3) Sophia Public Speaking
(3) Sophia Conflict Resolution
(3) Geology 101: Physical Geology

Lower Level Arts & Sciences and Applied Professional (30)
(3) Sophia Intro to IT
(3) Sophia Intro to Business
(3) Sophia Microeconomics
(3) Sophia Macroeconomics
(3) Education 101: Foundations of Education
(3) Nutrition 101: Science of Nutrition
(3) English 310: Short Stories
(3) Computer Science 105: Intro to Operating Systems
(3) Biology 105: Anatomy and Physiology
(3) Spanish 101: Beginning Spanish

Upper Level (30)
(3) English 305: Advanced Technical Writing - Arts & Sciences Requirement
(3) Psychology 311: Physiological Psychology - Arts & Sciences Requirement
(3) Psychology 315: Psychology of Motivation - Arts & Sciences Requirement
(3) Psychology 316: Advanced Social Psychology - Arts & Sciences Requirement
(3) UExcel Psychology of Adulthood and Aging - Arts & Sciences Requirement
(3) UExcel Research Methods in Psychology - Arts & Sciences Requirement
(3) UExcel World Population - Arts & Sciences Requirement
(3) Hospitality 309: Food & Beverage Service & Operations
(3) Health 301: Ethical and Legal Issues in Healthcare
(3) UExcel Juvenile Delinquency - JD Requirement

I have a background in most of these subjects, and I feel reasonably confident that I can teach myself (or lean on my friends with Masters in Psychology for study help) pretty much this whole plan.

Any advice or thoughts would be amazing!

Thanks for your time Smile

Messages In This Thread
Plan for Excelsior BS Liberal Arts - by JTPhoneHome - 04-05-2022, 08:07 PM

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