03-07-2022, 05:24 AM
I’m not sure who your advisor is at EC, but mine has been pretty good about finding out what is accepted as what. Depending on the degree, EC varies a bit on what is accepted from Sophia. For instance, ethics at Sophia isn’t accepted to fill ethics for their BSNET. I was told “we use to, but not anymore. Not for that degree.”
Recommendation: do a month of Sophia and go after the 3 in project management, 3 in accounting, 3 in history/social science, and 20 any college study. If you are iffy with accounting or project management, ask your advisor if Sophia is accepted. As far as history/social science, I wouldn’t even bother asking, since that grouping is probably your biggest bang for buck time wise in the Sophia line up in my opinion. Macro, micro, US history 1 and 2. There’s 12 units with no touchstones right there. They are bound to accept at least one and the rest go towards your 20. Philosophers has 1 touchstone but the course is quick. Do that first and get your touchstone in so it’s being graded while you work on the others, and there’s another 3. Foundations of Stats is quick. There’s 2. At that point, assuming they accepted accounting, project management, one of the histories, and the rest as what I’m reading to be 20 units of electives, you should only need 2 more of whatever you want and you’re 29 units closer to finishing. Depending on how motivated you want to get, and how much time you have to dedicate to it, you just knocked out 2.5 semesters in a month. Take the engineering Econ and energy utilization in Spring 2 (starting tomorrow) or summer 1. Get your Sophia classes you did in that month submitted, then wrap back and ask these guys about the upper level stuff with your updated evaluation.
Recommendation: do a month of Sophia and go after the 3 in project management, 3 in accounting, 3 in history/social science, and 20 any college study. If you are iffy with accounting or project management, ask your advisor if Sophia is accepted. As far as history/social science, I wouldn’t even bother asking, since that grouping is probably your biggest bang for buck time wise in the Sophia line up in my opinion. Macro, micro, US history 1 and 2. There’s 12 units with no touchstones right there. They are bound to accept at least one and the rest go towards your 20. Philosophers has 1 touchstone but the course is quick. Do that first and get your touchstone in so it’s being graded while you work on the others, and there’s another 3. Foundations of Stats is quick. There’s 2. At that point, assuming they accepted accounting, project management, one of the histories, and the rest as what I’m reading to be 20 units of electives, you should only need 2 more of whatever you want and you’re 29 units closer to finishing. Depending on how motivated you want to get, and how much time you have to dedicate to it, you just knocked out 2.5 semesters in a month. Take the engineering Econ and energy utilization in Spring 2 (starting tomorrow) or summer 1. Get your Sophia classes you did in that month submitted, then wrap back and ask these guys about the upper level stuff with your updated evaluation.
Old Salt w/ New Papers