I liked the idea of getting a degree but I didn't want to actually do the work to get there. One could argue that some of the alt credits options are less work than say a butt in seat RA course. BUT they still take work and self motivation.
I heard about BA in 4 weeks in 2012, didn't take my first CLEP test until 2015, and didn't graduate with my bachelors until 2020. So it's been a long road. But I did it!!
This is good advice!!!
I heard about BA in 4 weeks in 2012, didn't take my first CLEP test until 2015, and didn't graduate with my bachelors until 2020. So it's been a long road. But I did it!!
(03-04-2022, 09:49 PM)dfrecore Wrote: I have paralysis by analysis - I love to come up with plans, but am not always good at DOING them! Which is why it's nice to create plans for other people. (And why I'm married to my husband who never lets things stand in the way when he wants them, and never spend 5 seconds analyzing or overthinking things). So new things would come up all the time, and my husband would say "do NOT spend time worrying about this, just keep going until you get where you want!" He would not let me get distracted. I continue to tell people this all the time - choose something and then do it. Generally speaking, ALL of the degrees we talk about most on here are fine. Just look at the plans, choose the one that makes sense for you, and then get moving! Do not do nothing because you have too many options. Pick one and go.
This is good advice!!!