All of the above for me.
1. I did great in high school with very little effort. College was a bit harder. I just scraped by. Mostly because I never learned how to study. Certain subjects never seem to click for me. I am currently trying to get through the US History 1 course on Sophia. This would technically be my third try at this specific course. I was in AP classes in high school and could have attempted to take the test for college credit but I didn’t want to. I ended up taking it the next year during my freshman year in college. I got a D. Even with the same dang text book. It was enough to move on, but not transferable now. I understand the general concepts of what I am reading, I just can’t seem to remember dates and names. It drives me nuts. I am just wanting to scrape by with a minimally passing grade on Sophia. That will be enough for me. Yes, I know I may not need it. But I might.
2. Good grief the choices!!!! Especially the free and cheap stuff. Right now I have a year access to Sophia for free. So I guess I better get in as many courses as I can. I might as well go for as many business courses as possible…. Maybe they won’t be useful… but maybe they will. Then there’s Coursera. I jumped on the Coursera Plus for a year when it was $100 off. There’s some computer type stuff that could be for credit and some other stuff that might simply be good to know. I tried the ENEB deal. That one is brutal for me. The Reading is boring. Grammatical errors in the text drive me nuts. It is pretty much 100% self directed. The videos aren’t very useful when a good portion of them are in Spanish. Then there’s the actual college choices. I liked NAU a lot. They have the HR I was looking for. But….. they only transfer in a max of 64 credits. Leaving me with 56 to take. UMPI is appealing. But I don’t know which concentration to pick. And It seems I will need to take about 18 courses no matter how I slice it… or I’d have to take courses on more costly alt site like and I am not sure I want to do that either. TAMUC is extremely appealing because I can very easily get that down to 11 courses if I pass that dang history class.
3. Time! I work full time, I also work Part time at a little side job. I have a teenage son, hubby that works third shift, and a dog.
1. I did great in high school with very little effort. College was a bit harder. I just scraped by. Mostly because I never learned how to study. Certain subjects never seem to click for me. I am currently trying to get through the US History 1 course on Sophia. This would technically be my third try at this specific course. I was in AP classes in high school and could have attempted to take the test for college credit but I didn’t want to. I ended up taking it the next year during my freshman year in college. I got a D. Even with the same dang text book. It was enough to move on, but not transferable now. I understand the general concepts of what I am reading, I just can’t seem to remember dates and names. It drives me nuts. I am just wanting to scrape by with a minimally passing grade on Sophia. That will be enough for me. Yes, I know I may not need it. But I might.
2. Good grief the choices!!!! Especially the free and cheap stuff. Right now I have a year access to Sophia for free. So I guess I better get in as many courses as I can. I might as well go for as many business courses as possible…. Maybe they won’t be useful… but maybe they will. Then there’s Coursera. I jumped on the Coursera Plus for a year when it was $100 off. There’s some computer type stuff that could be for credit and some other stuff that might simply be good to know. I tried the ENEB deal. That one is brutal for me. The Reading is boring. Grammatical errors in the text drive me nuts. It is pretty much 100% self directed. The videos aren’t very useful when a good portion of them are in Spanish. Then there’s the actual college choices. I liked NAU a lot. They have the HR I was looking for. But….. they only transfer in a max of 64 credits. Leaving me with 56 to take. UMPI is appealing. But I don’t know which concentration to pick. And It seems I will need to take about 18 courses no matter how I slice it… or I’d have to take courses on more costly alt site like and I am not sure I want to do that either. TAMUC is extremely appealing because I can very easily get that down to 11 courses if I pass that dang history class.
3. Time! I work full time, I also work Part time at a little side job. I have a teenage son, hubby that works third shift, and a dog.