06-29-2021, 07:20 PM
(06-29-2021, 05:55 PM)MNomadic Wrote: Just thought I'd update that the WGUx IT Career Framework "MicroBachelor's" is no longer listed on edX. It only really existed as an expensive($1000+) way to meet entrance requirements for WGU's IT degrees. Since WGU launched their WGU Academy shortly after, which has classes that apply to all of WGU's schools and is much cheaper($150/month) while being ACE credits(SL), the WGUx Micro Bach seemed redundant.
As a side note, the edX MicroBachelor's program has been a failure in my opinion since the majority of classes evaluated at TESU were either evaluated as expensive free electives(like ASU's English composition courses which would be cheaper and more useful to take directly from the ASU EA program) or easy to satisfy by cheaper alternative means(like the TEEX cybersecurity courses). Furthermore, edX didn't deliver on its promise to offer these courses at an average of $166/credit since TESU evaluated many of the courses as being fewer credits than intended(for example the NYUx cybersecurity fundamentals program was designed to be 3 3-credit courses, but TESU only evaluated it as 2 3-credit courses) and the prices weren't adjusted accordingly. The one caveat is that if one were to apply for and be accepted for a 90% scholarship, it's a fantastic value.
Financial assistance is not currently available for Professional Education courses.