Another 1 am night.
My schedule has been:
530am wake up, get ready for work and let my beagle outside.
6am work
11am take lunch
1130am work
230pm walk my beagle
3pm study on UMPI's CBE platform and research topics for the MAOL milestones.
6pm eat dinner at my desk and read transcripts of videos etc
1am finish whatever thing I'm typing or article and save.
130am brush my teeth and go to bed.
Rinse and repeat monday to friday. Now for the weekends, I take a break on Saturday usually. BUt I spend 12 hours on Sunday.
I spent 12 hours day on this class, and I'm still only 60% the way through.
KEep in mind, I was able to do freaken 13 classes, with 9 Upper Levels in 7 weeks! But, this class? It's going to take me over a MONTH to finish. It's more writing and work than ALL of their upper levels COMBINED.
Honestly, I'm breaking down and I don't want to do this anymore. I just sent Jessica an email telling her after this term, I'm done. They did not design this with a working adult in mind. At all. This is designed like a week by week semester course. If I wanted that, I'd have gone to CalState where I get a home state discount.
My schedule has been:
530am wake up, get ready for work and let my beagle outside.
6am work
11am take lunch
1130am work
230pm walk my beagle
3pm study on UMPI's CBE platform and research topics for the MAOL milestones.
6pm eat dinner at my desk and read transcripts of videos etc
1am finish whatever thing I'm typing or article and save.
130am brush my teeth and go to bed.
Rinse and repeat monday to friday. Now for the weekends, I take a break on Saturday usually. BUt I spend 12 hours on Sunday.
I spent 12 hours day on this class, and I'm still only 60% the way through.
KEep in mind, I was able to do freaken 13 classes, with 9 Upper Levels in 7 weeks! But, this class? It's going to take me over a MONTH to finish. It's more writing and work than ALL of their upper levels COMBINED.
Honestly, I'm breaking down and I don't want to do this anymore. I just sent Jessica an email telling her after this term, I'm done. They did not design this with a working adult in mind. At all. This is designed like a week by week semester course. If I wanted that, I'd have gone to CalState where I get a home state discount.